My Life Feels Meaningless. Someone Help

My life feels so meaningless?

I believe, not only yours, everybody's life is meaningless... but that doesn't mean we keep getting depressed and stop living it. If you are bored, get yourself a hobby... there must be something that interests you... writing, reading, blogging, painting, photography, you name it. If you were bullied when you were young, get over it.... Take it as an experience and nothing more... Don't let it linger with your all your life... That will only make you feel miserable.... Realise what you went through and say to yourself you won't let it happen again... If you can't trust people, don't trust them... Most people are backstabbers, cunning, jealous and greedy.... Make a small circle of friends... that's more than enough for you.

My life feels meaningless?

you need to find inner happiness. as a person battling with manic depression and paranoia one thing ive learned is that you wont find love or anything close to it without loving yourself first. just love yourself, get into a church, a social group that focuses around whatever religion you are. if you dont want to do that then i dunno what to tell you.

My life feels meaningless..?

Move on Life is bullshit

Why do i feel like my life is meaningless?

I've been having that feeling for a few months too. I suggest you try to get out more- hang out at the mall with some friends, make some new friends, watch you favorite show. Just think about things you like in this world and things you like about yourself- that's what my friend made me do. Talk things out, it doesn't have to be to a real person- it can be a teddy bear or a lamp or something! I came soooo close to killing myself with a belt, and my friend stopped me and has had me doing all these weird things since. here, try this:
Make a list of things you like about yourself and look at it everyday.
Watch your favorite movie or tv show when you start to feel a bit down.
Find something to obsess over (I found a guy from my fav tv show to obsess over, and he's keeping me alive~)
Get something that will keep you going- say you want to continue to the next level of a video game, buy the up-coming volume of a book, see the season premiere of a show you like, etc.
Watch a movie or show or something joyful and happy- I recommend "New Girl" on the Fox channel at nine on tuesdays. It's hilarious.
Do something totally foolishly stupid that you would never do in public.
Etc. Etc.
Just try to keep your self up and happy- try yoga or listening to zen music. That helps calm my anxiety thoughts and so and such.
Please at least try some of these things!

My life feels stuck and meaningless?

Life is tough, take it like a big girl :-)

Change your approach towards life.
A meaningful life does not mean having a boyfriend or a job at all times.
You are still a student. The reason you are studying is to qualify for a job in later years. So don't worry, a nice job awaits you somewhere in the future.
As for the boyfriend part, do not follow the system of society blindly. who wrote those rules anyway? What i mean to say is; do not be enslaved to the system of this world, do your own thing, that is where true happiness lies.
Learn to appreciate the smaller things in life like the time spent with your family and friends, playing with your pet if u have one, listen to some good music, show kindness to a stranger, do something nice for unfortunate kids at the youth centre... y'know what im saying?
Sweetie, life is much more than what it seems. Open your eyes and you will realize.

Also, learn to respect yourself more. Don't go sleeping around with guys. you are precious and worth much more than you think.

have a good day.

hope this helps.

Why do i feel my life's so meaningless, so empty?

Hey there, i think its absolutly normal for one to feel this way, at some point, in the journey of life, but trust me, it won't last forever. I think you need to sit out and discover what you want to do in life. As cheesy at it may sound, i think you actually need to get to know yourself.. Find out what you like/dislike.. And if you don't like your job, i really really would advice you to quit, however i also understand the situation you're in. Sometimes, we don't have a choice, we HAVE to work weather we like it or not cause we HAVE to live.. Thats life :)
On the other hand, i think you need to make the best of what you have and live with it. Get an aim, it may be different for different people. I am a very lazy person, i never had an aim or anything to look forward to, but after a while of being depressed, i somehow found something to do. Even if its for a short period of time or a long period of time, get an aim..and work hard towards it. My aim was to loose the extra weight i had put on by a week. Having an aim will motivate you to work for something, and when you actually achieve what your targetting, you'll feel good. Find out what you like. Do things that you like. If you don't like socializing, then don't socialize. Get a mate whom your comfortable with. Read books etc.. Do what you like and live life to the fullest with whatever you have :) Everything happens for a reason. So relax and take care!

Life feels empty and meaningless. What do you recommend?

Change your life completely! Really try to change it make different decisions and do things you've never done but that you would always like to do, don't be nervous make an impact!!! :)
If not then suicide is the not next option (No kidding) i'm just kidding... i don't want to be responsible for that recommendation o_o'' But change Your LiFE and make it worth something to you because you have accomplished so much and people deserves to be happy even though it's hard on all of us.

Life feels meaningless to me and I don’t have motivation to do practically anything, my life is a total disaster as a teen girl and I can’t help but envy others, is it possible to change?

I am not a doctor, but if there is on thing I wish I would have looked at differently in my life, it would be how I compared myself to others. Even if you are close to a person, you are only seeing a part of them. Noone has had the same life as you, and haven't had the same life as anyone else. There are always things about people you may want to emulate, but there are also always things that you would not. Remember, you have to look at the weeds along with the grass on the other side. If you still like what you see, do what it takes to get there. Honestly, it's better to make your own grass green, because you have already survived your weeds.Find what you like. Even if you are terrible at it, do it. Don't listen to anyone who tells you, you sucks at it. If you don't like after a while, do something else. Stress comes from inactivity. If you try something, even if you and aren't very good at it, your mind will focus on tangible things.I hope this helps you.