My Lower Stomach Hurts

Why does my lower stomach hurt when I need to poop?

Why does my lower stomach hurt when I need to poop?I agree with the other answers written here but would like to add a few comments.I am assuming you mean your lower abdomen and not your stomach. Your stomach is located above just above your waistline while your lower abdomen is below that.The contents leaving your stomach are a slurry of food and fluid that moves through your intestines, extracting nutrients and liquids for nourishment and hydration of the body.Peristaltic muscular contractions keep the contents moving through your system toward your anus for expulsion.The intestines are very, very long, twisting back and forth through your abdomen. There are numerous sharp turns that your consistently compacted contents must travel.This can be painful when you become constipated as the harder material has a tougher time making these turns. Sometimes the material can't continue on its route.This results in a bowel blockage and is a medical emergency. Rule of thumb for this is decreased or absent bowel sounds, accompanying increasing pain, and an inability to “pass gas.”So if you are relieved of pain with your bowel movements, then I might suggest additional fluids and fiber and regular exercise.Best wishes.

My lower stomach hurts after having sex?

It is possible that the prolonged motion and pressure from the penetration of the penis, has caused some cramping in your lower intestinal tract. All of the vital organs, the digestive system and the reproductive system, are all so close together. It is easy to cause injury or upset one through over stimulus of another. Sometimes rough or vigor us sex can cause alot of pressure on the lower intestines. Some women even complain that they get diarriah or feel constipated for a day or two, accompanied by cramping and stomache aches, It will pass. You may want to use a heating pad(Put a towel bewteen your skin and the heating pad) or take a warm epson salts bath. It may help releave the cramping by relaxing the muscles, theeby releaving the pain.You ay want to talk with your partener, and decide on some gentler techniques that are just as pleasurable, that will cause less discomfort afterwards.

My lower stomach hurts?

You have a stitch


During exercise, our blood moves away from the diaphragm to the limbs.

The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the stomach and abdomen from the heart and lungs.

It's one of the main muscles involved in breathing.

Most scientists believe the pain is caused by a reduction in blood supply to the diaphragm, causing it to cramp.

The stitch is caused by fluids which the body finds hard to digest.

This causes the gut to "tug" on the ligaments connecting it to the diaphragm.


Sharp pain in upper part of abdomen made worse by deep breathing.


No-one knows why, but these two methods are known to work!

Stop running completely and touch your toes.

Pressure on the area will help to relieve the pain. Use your fingers to press firmly on the painful area.

Why does the lower part of my stomach hurt when I drink?

Why then do you persist in drinking alcohol when it hurt you?  And mixing it with narcotics??  Are you on strong narcotics because of the serious pains of a chronic alcoholic pancreatitis?  I'd consider seeing a pain specialist, in my practice often times a (one or two sided) Celiac Plexus Block was very helpful in obviating one's needs for narcotics.Are you addicted to alcohol (and maybe by now narcotics too)? If so please go to a center where they can help you kick the addiction, since most likely you already have damaged either your pancreas resulting in very hard to treat serious continuous pain due to chronic pancreatitis,  see  Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis and management of physical complications, developed an inflammation of the inner linings of your stomach that can cause bleeds see Alcoholic Gastritis. Alcohol - One Of The Main Causes Of Gastritis., alternately, but usually not causing pain on alcohol ingestion, an inflammation of the liver, an alcoholic hepatitis, that can lead to a cirrhosis of the liver, that can lead to liver failure and death, or a primary liver cancer with big problems ahead see Alcoholic Liver Disease

Why does my stomach hurt after push ups?

I know this ‘problem’. It usually happens if you had a pause working out and being active or you are beginner and want to just warm up before enrolling a gym or whatever.The reason is that doing push ups it strikes your whole torso, especially the abdomen. And if you have the strength to do 30, 40 or even more push ups in one set, then this means 2, 3 or more minutes - depending on how you perform, hanging your torso in the air similar to doing the plank exercise.The push ups are a compound movement exercise involving your arms, pecs, legs, abs, shoulders and even back - therefore depending on the variation of the push ups you do, you get to exercise and stress a certain muscle group more than the others. In general, doing push ups mostly affects the pecs, triceps and abdomen.

My vagina and lower stomach hurts after masturbation?

It is very likely that you gor a bit carried away with the dildo but didnt really notice at the time and you have probebly just bruised your cervix...depending on the position you were in could be why your stomach hurts, you have probebly pulled a muscle. It sounds more like pulling a muscle the fact that when you cough and pass gas etc it hurts.
Please dont listen to the people who immediatly say cervical cancer, they obviously have not thought about the question and just jump in and say the first thing that enters there head.
You have also probebly slightly bruised your cervix. I would just relax and perhaps get a heat pack or hot wattle bottle on your stomach to help relax. If the pain doesnt go away within a few days or gets worse I suggest seeing your doctor.

Good luck!

Why is it that when I sit for too long, my stomach hurts really bad, like someone has stabbed me?

When you sit for long periods, the blood flow to lower abdomen and pelvic are are cut off or decreased, resulting in such discomfort as mentioned. To avoid such pain, one should not continue sitting for so long in the same position and try getting up at regular intervals and do some body movements to restore blood flow to all the parts .

Do you think a shooting star tattoo on my lower stomach will hurt?

I have shooting stars, sun, moon on my back shoulder. Getting it on your stomach will hurt a lot less since any tattoo over top a bone is the most painful.
You'll be able to deal with the pain. Won't be all that bad.