My Male At Sprayed Help Me

Why do male cats spray after being neutered?

Male cats learn to spray and mark territory at an early age. If your cat began spraying before being neutered, the likelihood of it not spraying is low. If your male cat was neutered early, before he ever started spraying, if he stays indoors only and does not have other cats to compete for his territory, he will likely not start spraying. If he feels he has to mark his territory from other cats if he goes inside and outside where he learns the behavior of spraying to the mark his territory, he may begin spraying. Even some female cats spray. If your cat was an adult at the time he got neutered, or was greater than 5 to 6 months of age there is a high likelihood that he may have already picked up the behavior. Some cats actually spray, some cat simple urinate in appropriately, and other cats will hit the litter box like pros. If you catch your cat urinating where he shouldn't, monitor how he does this: does he back up against the wall dance his feet and spray, does he simply squat and urinate in the wrong spot or does he P small amounts and act as if he is in pain or discomfort? Or urinary tract infection, the territorial dispute, or a display of boundaries are all reasons for a male cat to "spray”. There are products on the market available to help eliminate territorial spraying and marking behaviors. Many of them are the cat appeasing pheromones and some odor neutralizer's to try to erase that odor or mask the smell from a Nother cats urination previously.It is a good idea to consult with your veterinarian about your cat behavior. Your veterinarian may want to test his urine, change diet, and in other therapies. Your veterinarian will have the best answer as to why your cat is doing this behavior. Good luck! Feline urination outside the litter box is never a good thing. It smells atrocious, can ruin your home, and can be a sign of underlying distress or pathology.

Help me! I peppersprayed my penis.?

Hahaha Lol tell your mom or somthing

Take a shower with soap and water weirdo.
lol @ u logging on yahoo answer's for a answer to that.

My dog sprayed me Why?

Most likely it was for the other dogs benefit and not yours. Spraying is a chemical form of communication that says "I was here and this is already mine so back off" Do not beat your dog because you misunderstand what he does. He wasn't trying to make you his *****. He was marking you as something he values. Find a milder, positive way to stop his inappropriate marking.

Why does my male cat spray me?

Depending on how old your cat was when he got neutered he may NEVER stop spraying. Some vets will spay/neuter as early as 8 weeks old, not always a good idea. I think the earliest should be about 4 months. I've had cats spayed and neutered at different ages. My oldest male was done at 6 months, he never sprayed before or after. My oldest female had the chance to have 3 or 4 heat cycles and she started spray while in heat, made a horrible mess. She did continue to spray for a bit after she was done but eventually stopped. After her I've had two more females spayed and one more male neutered, NONE of them ever sprayed before or after being done. How old was your cat when you had him neutered?

It was very nice of you to take in a stray cat. :) I'm pretty sure the spraying has to do with the age he was when neutered, this is not a bad thing. Probably would be a good idea to cat the vet that neutered him and let him know about the spraying and if there is anything he could suggest to help stop it.

Should I get my female cat spayed or my male cat neutered?

You need to get them both fixed. Spaying and neutering will help both of your animals and you. It will make their behavior more manageable. Male cats will spray if left intact, this is very stinky and hard to clean. Female cats will be obnoxious, noisy, and aggressive during heat.Furthermore, a neutered male cat will still try to mate with an unfixed female in heat. Cats having sex is not a quiet activity. It is loud and terrifying. This is due to the male cat’s spiny penis raking the walls of the female’s vagina as he exits. Needless to say, this isn’t a pleasant experience for the female.The tension from these behaviors can also permanently damage the relationships between your cats and other animals. It is not a pleasant experience for any being within earshot. It can mean literally months of stress.If you absolutely have to choose one: fix the female. Male spray is disgusting… but at least it is only temporary. I highly recommend you do both though.

My cat hasn't sprayed yet..?

where did you get your cat from? if you got him from a shelter, then maybe he is already neutered! this happened to my friend. he went to get her (what he thought was a girl) cat fixed, but it turns out it was a boy, and he was already neutered.

if he isn't neutered, then maybe he just isn't ready to spray yet. I doubt the dogs have anything to do with it. just be patient. maybe he has been spraying and you just haven noticed! or maybe he's getting ready to spray, and it just hasn't happened yet.

My female chinchilla keeps spraying urine at us! Help!!?

She's adorable! Females have a reputation for being moody sometimes. They spray to mark territory, to show anger, and when they're threatened. I'm guessing that your approach is threatening her, and she is defending her territory and trying to scare you off. You should stop trying to get her, and try letting her come to you. Talk to her softly all the time, and call her by her name often. You should never grab at or yell at a chinchilla, and as for disciplining her for defending herself, then don't bother. They don't understand punishment like a dog might. Anyone suggesting that you spray her with water or throw things at her is completely irresponsible. That will make the situation worse, and you should never get a chinchilla wet.

Try sitting at the cage with the doors open. If she makes no move to spray or isn't scared, then lay your hands inside and let her come to you and explore you on her own time. Reward good behaviour, like touching you.

Of course, she could also be going through "puberty" depending on her age. They get a little teenager-like at this time. Hard to say with the info given. You can try this forum and ask about the situation The people there are nice and can help you more.

My male cat smells like urine. Is he spraying or is it something more serious?

I have a male cat who is about 8-9 months old. Recently, in the last month, I've noticed my bed sheets smelling like cat urine. It's in the areas he usually sleeps. My cat also smells like urine sometimes. He's not neutered, so my first thought was that he was spraying. But, I have not yet seen him spray. And the strong urine smell is on a flat surface, not a vertical surface.
I took him to get him neutered a couple weeks ago, but the vet couldn't do it because he took my cat's tempurature and he had a fever (103). I also told the vet how my cat sneezes every now and then. (I assumed it was allergies). My cat also eats good, so I didn't know why he would have a fever. Anyway, the vet told me to come back in a couple weeks and they would check him out again.
So, last week I brought my cat in and he still has the fever. The vet told me to wait again on the neutering, and he gave my cat a couple antibiotic shots and allergy shots. He also gave me amoxicillan to give to my cat morning and night for two weeks.
So, I've been doing this for a few days now.
I'm wondering if the urine smell problem is related to his fever. Like I said, I've never actually seen my cat spray, it just smells really strong where he lays (and he himself smells). Is he spraying and I'm just not catching it, or could it be he has a urinary tract infection that's causing the smell (and also the fever)? If so, will the antibiotics clear it up? I noticed the smell again today. I've been giving my cat the antibiotics for about 5 days now.