My Manager Treats Me Unfairly

My Manager Treats Me Unfairly..?

I am 16 working fast food and this being my first job, I am new to everything but I have had this job for about 2 months now and have everything down pretty well. There is just this one manager there that thinks if I don't do something his way, it's wrong. This guy went to management classes in college and rubs all the experience in my face every chance he gets. Every time we are working together I am always being complained to, over things I literally cannot help. For example, I was using a knife to cut a box and he came up behind me and told me about how he's already told me not to do that and to instead, rip the boxes - or else I will cut myself. The first thing he said he was gonna then is that once I am gushing out blood is to write me up. Okay.. Well after that he said "Come over here & put these paper towels in the machine, and look, there are DIRECTIONS - WITH PICTURES, okay buddy??" I did it wrong a couple seconds after and was then threatened, yet again, to be written up for not doing anything properly. All the coworkers laughed at me after he kept making comments bout it, just rubbing it in. It's weird. I walk in the restaurant in the best mood ever but leave feeling terrible because of all the criticism I go through over there. He just bullies me every chance he gets. Like he still puts in an effort to be real nice to me one day, convincing me how we are friends behind all of it, but then the next day he'll make fun of the stuff I do, yell at me, and threatens me with my job. There are other things too... While doing dishes, he came up next to me and I made the same joke that he's been saying to me for the past month.. He got a dish I was washing, got all in my face, and said "Ya know what? Ya see this food ya left here? I could make you redo ALL of these dishes if I wanted to so c'mon, ya wanna play that game. Just keep on" and then walked away.... It's hard to concentrate with the anxiety from being pushed around and laughed at so I cannot focus on orders and everything - which just leads to another speech about how I don't do my job properly. I don't know what to do anymore and I am thinking about quitting. I hate this guy so much and it's becoming too stressful. Advice? Thanks..

My manager treats me unfairly? What to do?

She is so nice to the other employees, even the other new ones (I'm new too). She "encourages" us to ask questions...but whenever I ask her a question (sometimes over the mic), she either ignores me, answers me in an aggravated tone, or scream at me - humiliating me in front of both the customers AND my co-workers.

When the other new workers need help, she would be like "I'll be right there, Hun." Or "don't freak out, just do blah blah blah." She would reply calmly, in a normal tone.

Is this considered unfair treatment? It pisses me off so much and I want to go off at her so bad, but I'm afraid it will look bad on my part if I get fired. I won't be able to use them as a reference, and I NEED a good reference. I'm going to interview for a new job soon, and if I quit this job or get laid off/fired, I can just explain to them that I was being treated unfairly right?

Manager treating me unfairly?

I've been working at a retail store for about 5-6 months now. I'm always there early, I work very hard, and I think I'm a good employee. Today I was greeting the customers the same way I've been doing for months and have had no problems. However out of the blue the assistant manager started to critize my greet. She came up and told me she was going to be watching me and that we would role play my greet. While she watched, I greeted a customer and after she came up and asked me a ton of questions like "Did you find out what they're shopping for?" and "Did you tell them about discounts?" I told her yes and then the only other criticism she could come up with was that I didn't tell them my name, which no one has ever said I had to do before. After that I added my name to my greet with the next customer and then she told me I was saying "um" too much. After that she finally stopped critiquing me but I could tell she was looking for things to nit-pick. I think I was unfairly singled out and bullied by her. Was this acceptable assistant manager behavior? Or is she wrong to do that?

Who do i contact if the apartment manager is treating me unfairly?

Ignore and try to avoid this guy. It sounds like he's trying to create problems or something . Contact the owner of the entire property and report this if you can. If there isn't anyone in charge of the property besides the manager, then get the police involved and explain what's happening. File a noise complaint, it's considered a disturbance if he's making loud noise that late at night.

Do my friends treat me unfairly?

This past summer my two best friends turned their backs on me, they told me if i was with my boyfriend they didnt want to be friends with me (they think im not happy with him, and am a different person). we stopped talking for a few months, became friends again though it definently is not the same. they became super clicky, if i tell one of them something they go and tell the other.

recently one of them stated that their boyfriend may be switching to working days, which means he no longer would be our sober cab. i casually brought this up to my other friend and she turned around and said that i complained how we would have no ride. now whenever i go out with them my friend with the boyfriend makes me drive seperate, unless i have a different ride other than her boyfriend. making me either, find a ride by myself while they both get picked up, being stuck there, being sober while they drink (EVERY SINGLE TIME), or i end up driving home under the influence (which i know i shouldnt do, and no iam not completely intoxicated).

do i deserve this? do you think they are being really selfish and ignorant, because thats how i feel.... what do i do about this?

Why does my boss treat me unfairly?

You’ve got a difficult boss. She’s unfair. Guess what. It’s not going to be the last time.That’s life. Why is she unfair to you over others? Who knows? Sometimes a boss will be the harshest with the person she thinks has the most potential in a perhaps misguided attempt to groom them for moving up the ladder.The fact that she will praise you when she’s pleased with your work is a huge bonus. Not a lot of bosses do that, whether they yell at you other times or not. From what you say, she seems to like you, even if she has a very strange way of showing it.If you try to find a reason for her harassment, you’ll drive yourself crazy. This is the situation. Either deal with it or leave. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but this is reality. Like I said, this won’t be the last time something like this happens. Learn to deal with it.Have you asked co-workers what they think? Are you the new kid? They may have all been through it, too.Maybe if you accept my assessment that she really likes you, it will be easier to deal with it. If not that, find some other way to deal with it. She’s not endangering you or doing anything unsafe or illegal. Deal with it. Either that or get another job. But like I said, it’ll happen again.

I [27F] feel my new boss [20s M] treats me very unfairly, just got my yearly review, what can I do?

Write a list of achievements and department goals and how you contributed to it. Quantify your hours of contributions as well as any concrete evidence of results. Some managers just look at the impression rather than fact since they can be oblivious to what you are doing on a day to day basis to achieve his goals. Supporting evidence is key.Next, don’t look at this as unfair (that is more of an emotional response). Look at this as an opportunity for growth. Ask for areas of improvement and how can you quantify, set goals and expectations.This will help you grow better as an employee as you learn about what you need to improve on. Then hit those goals and come next evaluation you have a leg to stand on in case he throws another bad review. This becomes an HR matter at that point.Best of luck!