My Menstrual Cramps Hurt Really Bad So What Helps With The Cramps

Why do the menstrual cramps hurt so bad?

Each month, the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) builds up in preparation for a possible pregnancy. If the egg is not fertilized by a sperm, the current lining of the uterus is no longer needed. The woman's estrogen and progesterone hormone levels decline and the lining of the uterus becomes swollen and dies. It is then shed and will be replaced by a new lining in the next monthly cycle.

When the old uterine lining begins to break down, molecular compounds called prostaglandins are released. These compounds, specifically prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha), cause the muscles of the uterus to contract. When the uterine muscles contract, they constrict the blood supply (vasoconstriction) to the endometrium. This contraction blocks the delivery of oxygen to the tissue of the endometrium which, in turn, breaks down and dies. After the death of this tissue, the uterine contractions literally squeeze the old endometrial tissue through the cervix and out of the body by way of the vagina.

Menstrual cramps are caused by uterine contractions. The cramping sensation is intensified when clots or pieces of bloody tissue from the lining of the uterus pass through the cervix, especially if a woman's cervical canal is narrow.

The difference between menstrual cramps that are more painful and those that are less painful is apparently related to a woman's prostaglandin levels. Women with menstrual cramps have prostaglandin blood levels that are 5-13 times higher than women who do not experience cramps. Menstrual cramps are very similar to those a pregnant woman experiences when she is given prostaglandin as a medication to induce labor.

Bad menstruation (period) cramps, Help?

Many other answerers have given you good ideas for relief at this point. I can tell you that Mrs Jones (my wife) prefers Advil.

But... is this an every-period thing? Do you always have severe pain and cramping? How old are you, and are you taking birth control pills?

Evaluating you and perhaps putting you on birth control to relieve menstrual distress would seem prudent, almost a no-brainer. You should make an appointment with your family doctor or a gynecologist.

John Jones, M.D.

Period cramps hurt so bad!!!! help?

I used to have periods like that to when i was younger, the only thing that helped was getting on the b/c pill. It will help regulate your cycle and lessen the cramps and flow. I know you say your waiting til marriage and that's great so dont think getting on b/c means you have to have sex or that people will think your having sex. Its a great way to help regulate our periods and lessen all those horrible cramps,prolonged bleeding,and everything else. I would talk to your mom and see if she can take you to a Gynecologist for a pelvic exam,and checkup just to make sure there's not a medical reason your periods are so painful and then the doc will most likely suggest a b/c pill to help make your periods easier on you; If you absolutely dont want to go that route, then over the counter Ibuprofen is the best for PMS cramps. STart taking it 2-3 days before your period comes and then when it hits it wont be so bad. My Gyno told me its perfectly ok to take Advil or Aleve a couple days before you start to help prepare your body for PMS.

How come my menstrual cramps hurt so bad??

i'm 13 and when i having my periods(well who else would?) and the cramps hurt REALLY BAD!!!! i it and i always have to take pills the first two days of my period to stop the pain and while i have to wait for the medicine to settle in, my back begins to ache and my knees start to hurt and everything feels SO uncomfortable!!! i have two other friends and they tell me that when they have their periods, they don't have back aching or knee pains and they don't have to take pills since their cramps don't hurt that much. but i'm wondering . . . . . WHY are my cramps really painful and what's with the back aches and knee pains?? i don't get it!! when my friends are on their periods, they can continue with whatever they're doing, but when i have mine, i have to lie down for almost an hour and it gets SO annoying since i have to deal with it EVERY month!!! my first period came when i was almost 10 years old and it wasn't like that. my cramps weren't that bad and i didn't have any other pains in my back or knees. but i've noticed that ever since i've turned 12, this is how my periods have been so far.

REALLY bad period cramps but my period hasn't come yet??? Help please it hurts sooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!?

So right now it's 4 in the morning and I was woken up by really bad cramps for about 30 minutes straight and I haven't had my period yet... It's 2 weeks late. I'm 15 and have had my period for a year since last January and it is irregular by a few days (usually late) every month. I've missed 3 months in row last year , March, April, and May and even had 2 periods in a month like last September I think?

This sounds weird but I always look forward to my period just so I can get it over with. I'm a ballet dancer 6 days a week and I'm very skinny so I'm assuming that's why my periods are irregular. I'm pretty sure I barely have the percentage of body fat need for a period (14%?).

Usually when my period is coming near I eat some almonds, go to ballet class, take a bath, rub my stomach, and pray to God for my period. I know it sounds weird but for 4 months straight my period came a day or two after doing all that. But not this month...

It's weird cause the cramps toned done a lot right now...

Please help? What should I do? I haven't ever had period cramps and I would rather die right now!!! Don't tell me take birth control pills unless I want breast cancer. it's in the family and my mom doesn't EVER want me to take them. And I'm a virgin so there is no way I'm pregnant if you say that. But I'm open to take any medicine if it works.

Please and thank you for your help!!!!!!!!!

Ps: my period has been teasing me for a few days now I get little cramps but it never comes.

Is there any way to ease really bad period cramps? Why are they so painful?

You don’t need any pain killers now anymore, Livia is a Perfect drug free solution for this types of period pain. Using two electrodes that transmit electric pulses to your lower abdominal area, Livia blocks the cramps. It’s simple, and has no side effects. Livia’s pulses address the pain immediately. Using technology based on gate control theory, Livia transmits a very specific pulse that keeps the nerves “busy”. Busy nerves means that the nerve gate is closed, pain signals can’t pass through and are not felt. There is no waiting and no adjustments are needed. 9 out of 10 women suffer from menstrual pains. 2 out of 10 consider them unbearable. At least half had tried a variety of solutions. Livia is relevant for women of all ages that suffer from menstrual pains. It doesn’t restrict your movement at any way, it’s designed to be clipped on and forgotten about.