My Mom Has A Lump On Her Foot Help

I live with my disabled mom and we need help!?

The discharge planner (social worker) at the rehab facility where she is can help you line everything up, including getting you caregiver benefits paid to you by your county.
Your mom should be doing far more for herself than she is, including fixing meals, driving herself to and from work (there are adaptive devices available that would allow her to drive), laundry, other housework, being independent in toileting, dressing, bathing, and even taking care of her dogs. The occupational therapist where she is should be providing help that teaches her how to be independent even in a wheelchair. It is not impossible for her to be able to do everything independently, particularly at her age. Hell, I've seen people who are bilateral above-the-knee amputees (from diabetes, no less) at least 10 years older than your mom live completely independently.
Once your mom is discharged home, an occupational therapist can provide home-health services and teach your mom how to manage working around her own house and doing all the tasks needed in order to live independently..Adaptive equipment, such as grab bars, reachers, and bed rails can be provided, and your mom can learn to use them. If she had had a reacher, she most likely would have never fallen from her chair and injured herself.
Sometimes patients and their caregivers need to be realistic. It sounds to me that neither your mom, nor you, is being the slightest bit realistic. Doctors are not social workers, and it isn't in their scope of practice to set up services like what you and your mom need.
She would not qualify for disability; she's working full-time and has demonstrated that whatever physical problems she has don't prevent her from doing so.
Your life has been put on hold, which is highly unfair to you, and your mom has been using you for a slave when she could very well do everything for herself.
If your mom grouses about being pushed to take care of herself, encourage her to get some psychotherapy to figure out why she's become so dependent on you that it is retarding your development academically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Your mom is playing the martyr, and it's certainly no help to you.

My dog has a lump in the roof of his mouth?

It's as long as his teeth but skinny sorta and doesn't cause him pain it's the same color as the rest of his mouth it's right behind hIs front teeth what could it be? I'm not an adult and my mom says it's nothing probably just him having a wierd mouth but I had a cat die cuz if a tumor so I worry

My dog has a lump by his rib cage?

I think you should go to your vet because my dog had a similar bump by her rib cage and in the beginning it wasn't painful for her at all. When i took her to the vet, they drained it and tested the fluid for cancer because when they saw it, that could've been a possibility. Luckily it turned out to not be cancer however the bump keeps returning and now its starting to bother her so they will be doing more testing. My advice is to take her to the vet and let them test the fluid just to be safe and it doesn't turn out to be something painful. Good luck. I love dogs!

Please help. My sister hit her head, what should i do?

My 6 year old daughter just fell off some bleachers at my son's baseball game last night and landed on her head on cement! Luckily there was a nurse there and they had her ice her head.

*Ask her questions like, "What is your name?", "Where are you?", "Who am I?".

*Check to see if her pupils are dialated.

*Do NOT let her fall asleep before you take her to the doctor.

*If she's vomiting, IMMEDIATELY take her to the E.R.

*I would also recommend taking her to the doctor because you can never be too sure. They will check her over and give you more signs of a concussion to watch out for. We took our daughter just to be sure!!!

*Ice her head and give her some tylenol or motrin for pain.

Good Luck!! Poor girl!

Why did Mom's leg leak water after being scratched?

Hello, my mother us 65, and in the past few years, her feet and ankles have swollen up so much as to look deformed. The large lumps on her ankles make it very hard for her to wear shoes. Her legs under the knee are very tight and bloated.
The other day her kitten scratched her leg. She thought she was bleeding but wasn't. Then she realized there was a steady dripping of clear liquid coming from her shin area...enough to soak a napkin.
She has seen her general family doctor. She has a bit of high blood pressure, and after testing, her heart seems to be OK, if not just a tad large, but the doctor said it is not anything to be alarmed about.
Is there anyone that can shed light on this? I am worried about her, and the fact that water, not blood was dripping for minutes. She can't afford to go to another doctor.

Is there anything I can do for my mother's leg pain?

You need to get a proper diagnosis for a proper treatment. Pain in leg is a little vague term. Where is the pain exactly , does it increase while walking, from where it starts , is it continuous or intermittent , does it subsides after rest or not , is there any history of fracture ???A general pain can be due to general weakness of body or calcium deficiency which in very common in old age. First thing is go and get the calcium level checked . If she had a history of any fall then get a radiograph . Get a radiograph of her spine as sometimes the spaces in vertebrae may also lead to pain in leg. Meet a good orthopaedician and a good physiotherapist.At home you can start giving her calcium tabs, nerve tonics, improve her diet. Add more protein (is she don't have any uric acid problem) and calcium to get diet.Take care of her and get a proper disgnosis. Good luck.

My female rabbit's lump on her nipples or belly became bigger! Please help me.?

At first there were a few lumps like about 5, and now some of them combined together and it's huge! My mom doesn't want me to bring my rabbit to a vet or doctor. Then what should I do?

My 30 year old daughter asked me and her mom if she could move back in with us because life wasn't treating her right. What can I do to help her get back up?

I'm in the same boat. Just turned 31 a few weeks ago and have 2 babies. Their father and I separated a month after the younger was born while she was in nicu. My parents were there taking care of the older one during the day so i could be with my newborn. My ex was home working so he could make rent payments but was using the money for other stuff instead. He was very insecure and accusing me of cheating on him and being disrespectful because i wouldn't talk with him while I was taking care of our son and getting him to bed. He decided too threaten me with not paying the rent if i continued disrespecting him. I became tired of this and had been putting up with this type of behavior for years so i said ok. After my daughter was released the children and I moved back home too my parents house. They help me take care of the babies during the day and at night when needed. I lost everything to my ex, money, pictures, furniture, car and all my mementos. They are paying for everything right now. I have WIC to help with the babies. Can't work because of my daughter's health but should be able to soon. When that happens they will have me save my money to get a car and then get a place of our own. My son will qualify for free daycare and they will keep my daughter. They are supporting mine emotionally and financially right now.