My Mom Is Drunk She Is Breaking The Plates In The Kitchen And I

Is it okay/common if your boyfriend/husband throws or breaks things in anger in front of you with no intentions of physically hurting you?

As many have said, I also agree that that is a BIG no.I feel like much of this has already been well established, but hear me out —A person who throws or breaks things purposefully in front of you, particularly the latter, is threatening you. It’s not an uncommon threat display for YOUNG males to do when they feel like they aren’t having their way or when their sense of control/dominance is compromised. This is something teenagers and children do, just so we are clear. It is NOT something an adult should be doing. For an adult (over 20–25) to do these immature displays of strength and superiority (which is what it comes down to, anthropologically; he’s showing off how big and strong he is, showing you what could happen to you) demonstrates a compromised ego (as in the psyche) and failure to come to grips with his own emotions. Likely, he never learned how to properly deal with his feelings, be them of anger or otherwise.You can not change that.So many in this situation believe that if they continue on and set a “better example” of the way they want to be treated, that their partner will “learn” how to behave better.It doesn’t work.You can’t help the way he was raised or the reasons for his issues. But you also can not help him change.The only thing you can do in this situation is to get out of it. Leave him. Ignore his angry outbursts and whatever threat he might throw at you, and WALK AWAY. It might hurt, but the pain in your emotional heart will hurt a lot less than the pain of bruises and broken bones later on.

What do you think of my horror story rate 1 to 10 its not finished?

I like it, you're a good writer, keep up the good work.
and it's always a good idea to keep reading over your work and edit, repeat about 10 times as you continue to write. I give you a 7 or 8 [:

mind helping me with my question?;_ylt=AkQTIHyN_d9mS72JZAOmo.zty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121012174159AAlJmnr

Alcoholic Parent PLEASE HELP IM DESPERATE. Where s the alcohol?

They will put it anywhere and everywhere they think nobody will find it. I had to experience a similar situation last year and she hid stuff everywhere she could. One place you might not think of is under the mattress. I'm amazed what my sister fit under there. So that's the first place I would look. She even had stuff in the bathroom at times. So check in there too. She may have a bunch of those tiny sized bottles instead of giant bottles since the tiny ones are easy to hide. Basically you would have to tear apart her room (well not literally) to check everywhere, drawers closet, empty boxes, empty purses she doesnt use, under all the furniture.

Sorry you have to deal with this for so long, I had to for just a year or a bit more and I can't imagine any longer. You need to talk to your dad again about this. Why is he scared to say too much to her? Did you tell him about how she even drove drunk with you? I cant believe he won't really threaten her because she is putting not only herself but you and your brother at risk (and others on the road which could land her in jail). At this point you may have to threaten HIM just to get him to do something. What I mean is tell him that you can take it anymore and that you might have to tell a school counselor or something because it's driving you crazy and the risks she's putting herself and you and your brother at is too much now and you just don't know what to do. He probably wont want you telling a counselor at your school so maybe that will get him to do something and try to get her to go into a rehab place. You could also say you're going to call one of those mental health organizations in your are to ask what you can do. If that doesn't work you could threaten to call the cops if you see her going to drive drunk again. Just threaten for now, but don't be shocked that people really do that, call cops at some point on their alcoholic family member because they can't stand them doing f'ed up things like driving drunk and they just won't stop. I'm just saying say that though so your dad will step up and take care of it.

What does it feel like to break a bone?

It hurts and causes and unmistakable sound.I was in my early twenties when I was hanging out with my sister and her boyfriend at my parents. We were playing Nintendo, having a few beers and low key partying when I thought it would be a good idea to have some rough and tumble play with my sisters boyfriend (a 6ft4 and 190 lbs giant of a man), we both intended the fight as simply drunken fun but he lost control of himself, picked me up and threw me to the ground… CRACK!! CRACK!!..As I was thrown down my foot landed awkwardly and got twisted violently upon impacting the ground. I knew not only from the unmistakable sound but also from the constant, unrelenting, sharp and dull throbbing that I had probably broken my ankle. I had never broken a bone before and although I was sure it was likely broken I didn’t want to believe it and tried to convince myself it wasnt.My sister and her boyfriend, both freaking out, tried to convince me it was only a sprain insisted that because I could move my ankle and even put full body weight on it there was no way it was fractured. I continued hanging out but I was unable to get myself back into the partying spirit knowing something just wasn’t right. A look at my ankle again a few hours later revealed a badly swollen ankle still in 7/10 pain.The next day I went and got an xray and was told I had a spiral fracture of the right fubula but that it was stable. I did not require surgery and was put in an air cast, told not to put weight on it. Pain was terrible for the first 2–3 days but after two weeks the pain was only present when bumping or putting weight on my foot. After 4 week I was much better and xray showed I was almost fully healed.Don’t break a bone if you can help it, it sucks. Also no wrestling with people past the age of 18, especially when alcohol is involved lmao.

Share your terrible roommate stories!!!!?

I live with a girl who gets wasted EVERY night, is only pleasent when she's drunk, considers doing dishes once a month "cleaning the house," and sits on her butt watching TV all day. She had the electric in her name and let the bill run up to 650 dollars (a miracle they didn't turn us off) even though we were paying her every month for it. She eats my food, uses my toiletries, etc, even when I've time and time again said to STOP IT.

She's like a friggen leech who has no life and lives out of everyone elses pockets. It's terrible.

Now I'd like to hear yours!