My Mom Is Obsessed With Being Healthy

Why is my mother obsessed with health?

Women, especially mothers, want to live long healthy lives to be able to take care of the ones that they love. To live out a long healthy life should be anyone’s goal, which would be free of any chronic illness when they reach their golden years. Can living a healthy life prevent all of them? It is thought to be the case that preventive care is the key to it but its about eating healthy, exercising and making regular doctor visits. This is healthy living. I took my obsession one step farther and am getting a degree in healthcare management. It’s become my passion. Having healthy obsessions is good for anyone but they should not force their believes on anyone else because they can back fire to where the other person will rebel against them. I can only preach what I learn, but its up to them to believe it as well. Do I force my beliefs on anyone else? No, but I will give out advice when its asked. Do I think I won’t get any chronic illness. I still know there is a possibility that I will.

Why is my mom so obsessed with healthy food, I've eaten at McDonald's twice in my life?

She's obsessed. Spends like 3 hours a day cooking.
She's embarrassed for her kids to be seen near a fast food place. She takes it as insult to her being a mother. Like someone's gonna see her and say she can't cook, she sends her kids to McDonald's!!!!!!!
Here is an example of her food tyranny - she yelled at my dad for taking us to Hooters. I said its OK mom the servers wear clothes. She's like wtf are you talking about? What did you eat?!?!?!
The only time I eat food that she didn't make is when my dad sneaks us to burger king

My mom is obsessed with being healthy!?

My mom used to be fat when she was 11, but lost weight when she grew up. She had me when she was 20, and had my sister 3 years later. When I turned 11, she wouldn't let me eat any junk food. So when I turned 13, I used to go out with my friends and eat junk food without my mom knowing. She never found out. But lately, she's been more obsessed. She keeps making me eat vegetables and fruits ALL day. If I'm hungry, I need to get some fruits. At lunch, broccoli. What bothers me most is that I'm skinnier than most of the girls in my school. She keeps telling me I'm gonna get fat if I don't keep doing what she says. That really offended my friend because she isn't.... Well.... She's not that thin. She says if I want popcorn at the movies, I cannot eat lunch and have to wait for dinner. How do I make her stop! It's really annoying!

My mother is obsessed with health. What can I do?

The ketogenic diet was developed to treat childhood epilepsy, not for cancer prevention/treatment. Although there is some anecdotal evidence that it can help with the treatment of cancer, there have been no studies that I’m aware of. Even if there had been, that doesn't mean that it’s a diet anyone who isn’t under the care of a nutritionist should be on.Long term, it can cause poor brain function and stunted growth in people your age.You need to try to convince your mother that she needs to talk to a nutritionist, instead of following some diet she found on the internet - for her sake and the sake of her family.I’ll admit, as a diabetic, it’s a lot easier to just make everyone’s meals using the same dietary plan, and it’s one thing if it’s a diabetic/hypoglycemic diet… but ketogenic? Low/no Carb? Gluten Free? No. Those aren't for everyone, were never intended to be for everyone, and are actively bad for the health of some people.If you can’t convince mom that what she’s doing is potentially harmful, then I’m afraid you’re going to have to seek out the help of friends, teachers, and other family members. You need healthy carbohydrates like good pasta and whole grains. This diet is severely lacking in nutrients that people your age desperately need; a multivitimin won’t cut it (or even help).As for tap water, I don’t know where you are, so I can’t offer an option on that. I will say that most bottled water in the U.S. is just filtered tap water, however. Still, that isn’t a big deal, and neither is the shampoo or toothpaste… the diet, however, is potentially very harmful. If you can get her to see reason on that, maybe you can get her to go along with the other things, but the diet is the scary part.Moms usually love their children and do everything they can for them, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be wrong. Good luck.

My mom is obsessed with the dog?

Hi. My mom is obsessed with our dog, his name is Charlie and he's a westie. My mom spoils him, let's him bark, tries to take him into restaurants, stores and super markets. She is ALWAYS talking about him. She let's him do whatever, he destroys a whole bunch of stuff and my mom doesn't even care. I had a guest over recently and he destroyed one of their bags, I told her about it and she said it was my fault because "he's just a baby" and "doesn't know any better". She feeds him human foods all the time and he refuses to eat his dog food most of the time so my mom mixes it with chicken and wet food. She talks to him more than she talks to me, I need her to understand that's it's a dog. She treats it like it's her child sometimes, she yells at me all the time and is overly attached to the dog. I know this may seem like it's not bad at all, but it really is, it's annoying, frustrating and to be totally honest it makes me feel like she's replacing the dog with me. Even my friends have pointed out that she is obsessed.

My Mom Is Obsessed With my Weight?

In 5th grade, I started to ask myself for the first time "am I fat"? So I asked my mom and she said "No, of course not"

I would usually graze a lot during the day, eating about 2000cal but I didn't excersise so I gained weight. I was in the upper-normal range of a healthy weight. Not overweight, but I could lose 5 pounds. I was like 5,4 and 136lbs. Then one day my mom said "You're kinda fat" and I felt so bad and I told my aunt and my aunt yelled at my mom and told her I had a perfect weight but my mom complained about the carbs that I ate. Similar experiences happened.

So I stopped eating, I would eat like 300cal a day. I got down to 125lbs, which is 5lbs below my ideal weight. Still in healthy weight but no longer in the upper-lower range. One day I went to the movies with her and I had a box of candy and I said "Okay, I'll eat this nothing else the whole day (the box was maybe 300cal, fat free though), just maybe some tea" And I started eating it and she was like "Sooooo...your diet starts...tomorrow?" And I felt bad again and ate even less...

So now I'm 118lbs and she still bothers me, I'm partially anorexic, what do I do?

My mom is obsessed with food. She is either cooking or eating 24/7. Due to this, I am a little overweight.?

I am 15 and weight 200 pounds. When I told her I wanted to go on a diet she got offended. When I told her I did not want to eat her fattening cheeseburgers but eat a yogurt and a banana instead, she told me I had an eating disorder. When I don't eat large portions, she tells me I am fasting. I am grounded for arguing with her about this. What can I do?

My mom was obsessed with how much I weighed growing up, she made me feel as if I was overweight (150) and she was heavy (350). Is this abuse?

No, it’s just a worried mom who doesn’t want her child to be in her helpless situation. When a person gets obese, it’s overwhelming to lose the weight, which leads to sadness and more eating, pain in the joints from carrying so much weight, feeling shitty about oneself. It’s just all-around unhealthy physically and mentally to be obese. Just know she cares about you and wants the best for you.Fat cells get memory if they are stretched for too long, (like many years). Then, even though the weight is lost, the fat cells can return to their fat state again easily. You didn’t stretch your fat cells to 350, so you will be able to keep the weight off easier than she would. She has actually helped your situation.And for losing weight, she should switch to drinking lots of water (no sugary drinks or juices due to excess calories), eat minimal carbs (breads, pasta), eat protein to stay full (meats) and exercise (although exercising at 350 isn’t fun or easy). Carbs are the enemy these days because they turn into sugar, thus, calories, and hunger (faster than protein, which keeps a person full longer). Most snacks are carbs: pretzels, chips, crackers, etc. Nuts keep the stomach full for longer (but no more than a handful because they are high in fat). Avocados, cheese, Greek yogurt, and hard-boiled eggs are healthy snacks.

How to stop being obsessed with calories?

Last year I started Calorie counting to lose weight. It was great, I lost weight and felt great. I got obsessive with it though, I didn't eat my moms meals, I ate alone. I didn't eat out and I'd never eat out with freinds. I still am like this, because food isn't food to me now, it's just a number. Due to being restrictive, I'm now 96-97lbs (it flunctuates) and 5'5. At an age of 15, I don't know if this is underweight but i'm not happy at this weight. I'm cold and I can see my bones all the time. I eat about 1600 calories per day, but I'm hungry all the time even if I've eaten all of this. I want to eat normally and not focus so obsessivly on calories, I know it's a good idea to have a idea of what/how much you're eating, but I'm not just aware, I'm OBSESSED and its ruining my life. I want to eat my moms signature Lasagne without guessing the calories, I want to eat out with my freinds every now and then, I want to be a normal 15 year old. So for those who don't count calories, can you assure me that I want balloon up in weight once I'm fairly mindful of what I'm eating? and how do you keep an eye on your weight without counting calories? Also, do you treat yourself every now and then.

Sorry for going on, I just want my life back!