My Mom Is Really Annoying Me

Why the hell is my mom so annoying?

I know, I know. I'm still a teenager and it's normal to be resentful and annoyed by your parents. But come on-
I mean, I like to keep the melodrama off the friggin' internet, but I'm just plain tired of it.

I'm sixteen, and I now have the ability to (dun dunna DUN!!!) do what I choose because I'm responsible enough to make it to bed at a decent hour and not eat junk nonstop. As well as when I start my homework.

Now, I am indeed a teenager with the attention span of gopher trapped in a jar. I procrastinate with homework, don;t always make it to bed exactly on time, and when the junk food is there it'll down my esophagus before you can pronounce its name.

Mom won't stop nagging about my homework and nagging me to get to bed. Things I already freaking know.

Why does she think I DON'T know this? Why does she think I forget to start my homework? Why does she think that nagging me will get it done faster? I know I have to get to frigging bed, and I'm not going to stay up all frikking night! Why can't she leave me alone?!

Is she obsessive compulsive?!

And while I'm complaining, there's another thing.
When I'm tired, I want to be left alone in the morning. I don't want to be touched, talked to, questioned, looked at, or told jokes.
I want to be freaking left alone.
Why is it that for several years now, me saying, "I'm tired" refers to none of these.
Why can't they leave me alone when I want them to? Why are they always in my way and WHY THE HELL WON'T MY PARENTS SHUT UP?!!

Okay, I know. I'm yelling. I'm nice to my parents and I'm very well behaved. I just want them to leave me alone, quit nagging me, and I just want to do it where I don't have to have a long quote unquote "sit down and talk" with them.
And my parents aren't bad people. They're usually very respectful people and nice people. They're just annoying.

Okay, if you actually read all of that, please help me.

My mom's cough is really annoying me?

calm down nurse for 20 years. you need to just chill out. if i offer her some tea she will be offended. if i say anything she will be offended. if i throw cough drops at her she will be offended. you dont know my mom so just keep the comment to yourself

My dad is REALLY annoying me?

ughh so my dad is really annoying me. he recently got a really high-powered job in a big business, and everyone at work basically spends the day sucking up to him. so when he gets home he expects my mom and i to do the same. he constantly orders me around, like "get me my food. turn on the tv. bring me my shoes." but he doesn't say it like those one of those lazy dads--he works a lot so when he comes home he expects me to be at his beck and call. whenever my family is talking, and i mention something about my day, he goes "um, excuse me, but there are more important things, if you can stop your little story." it was OK when i was 5, but i'm 16!!! and then he proceeds to talk about HIMSELF. mainly about how great he is and how everyone loves him so much. he gets really mad at me if i'm on the computer when he wants to use the computer, because he says whatever he has to do is more important than what i'm doing. i can feel this pressure building in me-i cry almost every day-what do i do?

Why is my mom so annoying?

It's not only my mom, it's my dad too. He's certain of my failure in life, sure that I will suffer and come running back to him says that my boyfriend will leave me for another, if I have children they'll hate me, etc, etc. He looks down on me, never is proud of anything I do, nothing I ever do is good enough.

I feel like I am the only one with parents like mine, they think they are the best parents because they are caring and supportive and have not thrown me out of the house because "everyone" else's parents do that. That is their justification of their action and shielding me from society and keeping me home all day long.

Sure I'd love to run out of my house bags packed and never look back, but I can't. There's a lot keeping me from it.

My mom is being annoying about me doing my chores?! she always nags !! what should i do?

Ok so i ALWAYS help around the house in order to avoid her stupid yelling and annoying-ness. For example i always cook, and help her with cooking, i wash my own dishes and most of the time other dishes that are already there in the sink, and i always clean my own room, and do my own laundry, I also always pick up after my little sisters, and help her with them like babysitting and stuff.

THE POINT IS i feel like i do enough chores and she still ******s about me doing more. For example today she decided to vacuum clean the whole house, and she comes in my room screaming and saying "you need to get up from your bed and clean your room" and i said "ok im going" then 3 minutes later i was still watching tv and she comes in again and says "get up and clean, since, your not even helping me vacuum blahblahblah your almost gonna turn 18 and your so lazy blah blah"

Ugh she sooo annoying i mean i was going to get up and clean my room ! she doesn't have to watch my every step and come behind me and scream everytime she wants me to freaken clean! and i was also really annoyed about her telling me to clean my room today because me and my sister share a room and yesterday at night i had cleaned my half of the room and today she is "sick" because she went to the dentist and got her tooth taken off -.- so i had to clean all her mess and dirty dishes she leaves in the room!

Ugh theyre both annoying me right now. but mostly my mom because she's always freaken cleaning and everytime she cleans its like the whole house gets in a bad mood because she screams and screams for everyone to clean on her own time! and everyone to do it her own way!!

any input ?
can your relate ?


Help My Mom is annoying me with her singing!?

She thinks she's got a great voice. The only thing "great" about it, is that it's REALLY loud, this is terribly bad for me. She'll walk around the house and sing for a long time and I can't even concentrate on what I do. She is very serious when she sings and believes she has a great voice (but I think not) and we are "blessed" to have someone sing to me and my siblings. When I have the music up, she tells me it's too loud and turns it down. Wtf?

Sometimes she even claps her hands to the songs and I am so embarrassed, especially when she sings at the same loud volume while my friends are in the car!! I feel she's not respecting people's "hearing" space?! Does anything see how that would drive you nuts? I don't know how to tell her to stop and that I hate it!

Why are mothers-in-law so annoying?

I am sharing my experience here.I always observe my mother in law's and my mother's behaviour.I think a lot about it because I am really confused why they behave like this.I do believe “ that everything happens for a reason” and I find out the reason. Hurry… hurryy……Women in general are frustrated.They pass all the sufferings to you and they find happiness in seeing you (daughter-in-law) suffer.Actually its not their fault.They have no guts to show their pain to their loved ones(child and husband) and these loved ones are least bothered about how “SHE” feels.The statement is controversial but it's truth “ Men are silent killers”.And we women are “barking dogs who seldom bite”.Think when women marry,what she gains and what she has to give.You can count it.Iam sure gains are less compared to lose.Men in other hand gain a lot.Women's responsibility after marriage1.Cook food for husband and family2.Respect and obey his family3.Sacrifice her ambition(because of workload, less time compared to men)4. Look after her baby(less time less progress on her career)5. Critizing Mother in law ( which is impossible for a man)Note the point - mothers (both your and his)criticize or compare you more than him.Why???If they say something to him he can atleast reply.What about us women???Sacrifice,Sacrifice,Sacrifice .That's the condition of the female.Women have been conditioned to sacrifice for centuries.A famous quote.So after all the sacrifices they had done to their son and family.When they see you happy without any pressure(or responsibility)as they used to do at your age.They find themselves as fools and try to annoy you because they are frustrated.But they are less harmful compared to father in law's.Men know how to manipulate women.Men give key and women play.Iam sure you too are going to be a annoying mother in law to your future daughter in law.Not only you me too.This mother in law ,daughter-in-law problem is continuing for centuries.

My mom annoys me so much!?

I really really dont like my mom. First of all, she's a huge slob! She does nothing all day! Like no joke.. nothing. My dad is a mechanic and owns his own repair business, and my mom used to be a secretary there.. but now she just doesn't work. She sits at home all day and plays farmville! She doesn't clean the house, or cook dinner, or do the laundry. Its embarassing because she never even gets dressed! She wears her pjammas all day. Not only that but when she does get dressed she wears old gross clothes that don't fit her properly. She claims she's 'sick' but shes perfectly fine...she even went to the doctor and they said nothing was wrong. She never wants to go anywhere. Or do anything. She cares about her cat more than her family. Shes gained a lot of weight too. I hate her so much! Why cant she just be normal! I would rather have no mom than her as my mom. Another thing that bothers me is she chews with her mouth open!! Thats my biggest pet peeve! Ive told her i hate it when she does that and she said she cant chew with her mouth closed.. Which is total bull ****. She doesnt take care of anything either! For example she got a new laptop and she cant use the scrolly thingy it came with so she uses a mouse. But she doesnt use a mouse pad so all of the color on the keyboard is chipped away and it looks crappy and she says its not her fault! Idk everything she does pisses me off and its not just me that feels this way.. Its my whole family! I dont know if i can wait til im 18! What should i do?!?