My Mom Will Be Taking Away My Phone When School Starts. How Do I Prevent Her From Taking It Away

My mom is taking my phone away forever?

Hi I'm 14 and a girl. So here's the deal. When I get home from school I'm alone until 6. Of course, being a teenage girl I use this time to check up on social media and talk to my friends. Now note that this is the first year (school year) I've had friends that don't call me **** like "lesbian", "fag", "worthless", etc. My mom seems to have the idea that I'm on my phone all day at school and all day at home. When in reality, if my teachers even see my phone I will get in a butt load of trouble. So the other day my mom came home early and I was in my room in Skype with a friend and my mom flipped out. She started screaming at me for talking to someone when she isn't there and how I'm always on my phone. I'm only on my phone for the 3 hours after school then I put it away. And note Skupe is on my computer. So after hours of her cursing at me she said and I quote "What the hell is wrong with you? This is why you have no friends. It's because you are ALWAYS on that ******* phone. Tomorrow I'm calling people to put in a landline and I will take your phone, computer, camera, and whatever the hell you like. I ******* hate how much you are on your phone. What the hell is wrong with you." And she Just got off the phone with some phone company. Please help I'm going to be the only 7th grader without a phone. And I have the WORST anxiety so I'm freaking out. Please help soon!!!

My mother keeps taking my phone every night...?

my mom did this to me as well! every single night she would take my cell phone and she would even take the house phones into her room, when i havent done enything wrong. i did however talk to him somtimes till 6 in the morning on weekends:) and everyday after school till ten.. maybe you are doing somthing like this to make your mother think that she has a good reason in not trusting you to not be on the phone. i know if i had the choice i would most definitly talk to him late on a weekday lol.. tell your mom what does she even care IF you ARE talking on the phone late?.. its not like your out doing drugs and getting pregnant... at least your safe in your BED and the consicuences of that is that you will be TIRED the next day, and maybe learn from that. but thats not big deal! tomorrow... DO NOT WAKEUP, be late for school.. keep doing this until your mom realizes its actually an issue with you waking up! she might just buy you an alarm clock.. but if you wanted your phone at night.. im not sure about that one

My parents always take away my cell phone!?

Well I decided to just ignore this question, but seeing the answers here is just sad.
If your parents are being reasonable, they may obviously have a reason for taking your phone away. It could be because you did something wrong, just that you didn't know (think back), so they took your phone away.
If not, it could be because their worried that you will use your phone too much, and neglect your studies etc. I suggest you have a talk with them, to clear up any misunderstandings. See what goes on from there.

I got my phone taken away and I can't talk to my boyfriend??Help!!?

use a different phone. call him on the house phone, it doesnt have to be over text, or use a bro's, sister's, or a friend with unlimited, just look around.
Also, email him or talk to him over i.m., or u could stay after school with him and tell your mom your getting extra help or something, hang around the school grounds,or walk somewhere, as long as u can get a ride home, your all set