My Mother Talks About Me When Im Upstairs.

What should I do, my daughter upstairs is moaning with her boyfriend?

I had the exact same experience with this except for it was my brother and his girlfriend.Every other day when our parents were gone, she would come over and I would hear moaning in my brother’s room. What I did was when she started moaning, I played loud porn on my phone.Then I slid the phone under the door and said, “You should take lessons from HER!”I heard an awkward silence in the room and then a, “I gotta go. We can pick this up at my house later.”Then she left.Forever!Although my brother started spending more time at his girlfriends house, I was able to enjoy a moan-free house.“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Making people smile one answer at a time!

Why does my mother always think I have an attitude?

As being a former child/teenage girl with an unknown attitude I totally understand what your thinking. Often times parents get overwhelmed and don't know how to respond and just a hint of often times unintentional attitude from there child sets them off.

My advice for you would be to just always try to make it a point to be extremely soft spoken and always sound like your understanding (even if you might not be). Sometimes when people already feel angry or frustrated they blow up any little thing they can, that includes parents. Remember, your parents have lives outside of being your parent just like you have a life outside of being there child.

Just always remember your mom gave birth to you. Which is a pretty big deal and she wont be there forever. Also, from experience, in your adult life (I'm 22) you will regret any arguments or yelling matches you have had with your mom in the past.

Good luck! :)

I overheard my parents talking about me, what do I do?

Okay so last night I was in my basement, grabbing something. I walked up the stairs and was about to open the door when I heard my parents say my name. Of course, I eavesdropped on them. It wasn't on purpose at first, but I heard them say that I was insane, a liar, and a brat. I'm a teenager, but I'm not old enough to get a job yet, and they make me feel guilty about every penny they spend on me. I heard them say I ruin everything. They talked about some messed up ****. It's my birthday soon, and they said I can't have friends over for my birthday, which they promised I could have. Earlier I called my dad and he imitated my voice and said how ungrateful I was. I was so sad and hurt, but I didn't open the door. I was just going to wait for them to stop talking about me and then I would go upstairs to cry in peace. Then, my mom opened the basement door, and all I could say was "You guys are the worst," before Iran upstairs. As I ran upstairs, my parents began to scream things like "No! YOU'RE the worst!" And "You little SNEAK!" I know it was wrong for me to eavesdrop, but what they said hurt me so much. I need to talk to them about what they said. I've tried but they told me I should be the one begging for forgiveness like wtf. How do I talk to them about this! Help please!

Mom talking to me about periods in front of my dad help?

Yeah, I know how that is. When I just started getting my period, I kept the pads in our upstairs bathroom. Well, my dad was taking me someplace and I needed to, ah, use the upstairs bathroom. Except my brother was in it at the time...

So my dad was like, "We need to go!" and I kept saying that I needed to use the upstairs bathroom... "Why don't you just use the downstairs bathroom?" Um...

Luckily, my brother finally came out of the bathroom and I bolted upstairs. I hope my dad was none the wiser...

Your story seems a bit more embarrassing, though!

My mom just told me she doesn't love me...?

That is some serious trouble. The good thing is you are well aware of what is going on in this situation, and I think it is amazing that you are smart enough to love yourself for who you are, even if your mom does not, or is really bad at showing it. Sounds like you have a lot of self respect!

You mention you both want each other to be something you are not, and even though you cannot change her expectations of you, you can do something about what you expect of her. Parents come in many forms, and sadly enough, some are good, some are bad. Also keep in mind that not all adults will act like adults. Your mom seems to be a nice example of this. Does that mean you should not love her like you do? I don't know. It's kind of admirable how you care about her, but right now, it sounds like a good time to let go of the mom you want her to be, and take care of yourself first

Since you still live at home, it is going to be really hard to have no relationship at all with your mom, but it might be wise to take some distance from her, because continuous stressful arguments won't make anything better, and really wear you down. Do it in a positive way though! Instead of running away from her, you could do something that helps you gain more independence, so you feel better and stronger, and become more free in deciding when and how much contact you have with her. (This could be anything, like learning how to drive so you can go to the library on your own, getting a job, working hard at school, depending on how old you are, and what plans you have for your future.) It helps to put your energy into things that will help you, instead of being sad or angry.

In the meantime, keep your distance, STAY CALM, and polite. Distant-polite. Because you are better than her and her petty arguments. And stay close to people that do show you love, like friends or other family members. You sound like you are strong and wise enough to grow into a way better and kinder person than your mom, and I wish you all the best.