My Parents Are Driving Me Crazy Help Me Make A Plan To Get Out Of Here

Help? My stepmom is driving me crazy she thinks I am mad her but I am not mad her?

I am 17 years old Last Friday My Dad and brother went on a trip for the weekend. So all weekend it has been just me and my Stepmom anyway Friday my stepmom wouldn't let me go with my boyfriend because refused to come inside to meet her. He just kept blowing the horn. Which annoyed me just as much as it annoyed her. My Stepmom went outside and told him leave. He started yelling and cussing at her. After he left he called me and told me to sneak out and meet him up the road. But I broke up with for being disrespectful to my stepmom. Because of my past actions my stepmom doesn't trust me that much she is watching me like hawk.she didn't believe that I blocked him and deleted his number so I gave her my phone so could see for herself. I also blocked and deleted him on Facebook. She was so worried about sneaking to meet him. She slept in my room Friday and Saturday night. I am trying heard to earn my parents trust back. She thought I was mad at her but I was mad at my ex boyfriend for disrespecting my stepmom.It was like was waiting for me to blame her. She kept explaining to why she wouldn't let me go with him. Friday night she thought I was sleep while she talking to my dad. She said was surprised her that I didn't give her a hard time the situation.

My future mother-in-law driving me CRAZY!!!!!! Please help??

first of all congrats! she is probably very excited about this and she will calm down soon i am sure.

in the meantime in answer to your question:
you don't. your man does. with you at his side. you both need to sit down with her, [andher hubby], tell her while you appreciate her excitement and happiness over your wedding, you want to do the planning. explain to her that you will need her help on various issues once you have yourself organized but she needs to give you the time to sort through ideas for yourselves.

explain to her you have not yet decided on the size of your wedding party so you can't give her numbers for the rehearsal dinner and that when you can you will let her know.

personally i'm with you, these save the date cards are just another gimmick the wedding industry has dreamt up in order to take even more of your dollars and they are unnecessary.

for me the bigger question here is: why the folks at the reception hall allowed anyone to dictate any changes in a legal contract between yourself and them. she shouldn't have phoned them but by gosh they sure had no right to make any change to something you signed.

good luck with it all! remember to take care of yourself, don't go nuts on the little things and keep in mind that all that matters is at the end of the day you will be Mr.&Mrs.
happy wedding sweetie.

My sister is driving me crazy with her wedding plans.?

I don't expect her to plan her wedding around me. What I do expect is that she is more considerate to me by not telling me different plans all the time. When my husband and I were first engaged, we told everyone that we would be married "sometime in the next two years." Then we picked an ideal date, and told everyone that was what we were "trying to get, but nothing booked yet." We did look at some popular vendors and consider other dates (but we didn't tell anyone), and we did finally find vendors that worked for us and were actually available on our desired date. That being said, my sister has looked at no vendors. These dates are just coming out of "what they think they might like" and she is asking for help finding vendors (I got married a year ago).

I'm about ready to tell her she needs to be more sure of herself before asking for help! But I think that might sound a bit harsh, especially to a new bride-to-be, it is a sensitive time.

I'm 20 years old and my parents won't let me do anything-I plan to move out secretly...?

My parents have a strict rule of "NO DATING" and when i was 17 years old they found out that I was dating someone. They moved me from the city to the suburbs, took my phone, restricted me from going back to college; all in one life was in constant watch ever since.I failed 4 classes when my parents moved me.My dad constatly remind me how i failed my life and how i would fail my life if I don't have him as my mentore.Im already 20 years old and my parents still have the same rules; this time even worst. I can't hang out with friends, i can't go out at night, and they won't let me get a dorm ( everyday i drive an hour just to get to school). I can't talk to them; i know they will never change their mind. Everyday, im being mentally tortured. A small mistake of talking back and fighting for my right and my dad will loss his temper and will have no doubt put a hand on me. I want to secretly move-out. In my version, "running away." Tell me, should i come to this decision?

Why does my family rely on me so much? It's driving me crazy!?

My mother and father babysit thier grandchildren and are always calling me to come over after work to give them a break. Both my brothers, who are married, are always calling me to babysit their kids so they can go out. My parents are alway relying on me to watch their house when they go on vacation or help out with projects at their house.

I work full time, and I'm single so they feel that since I'm not "with anyone" or have any children of my own, I am their "go to girl" in a pinch. I am single--and I never have any time to go out and meet people. Hell, I haven't had a date in 7 years!! If I say no to them, I get the guilt trip and the cold shoulder until I relent.

I want a life of my own, too. I moved to the next town to get away from the constant plees for help before the grandchildren showed up. Now that they are here, I want to see them, but there are conditons attached. How do I get my family to realize I'm a person with needs as well? I don't know what to do.

I think i have tonsil stones, its driving me crazy...?

I have bad breath my husband says, i am planning to go to doctor next week as i've seen some little white/cream stones come out by my mouth :( i cannot see any crypts or white stones in my tonsils but they are very sensitive, as soon as i start to check i start vomiting. what kind of doctor should i make an appointment with?general? dentist? should i ask for x ray? i don't want to get my tonsils taken out :(

How do I drive my dad's girlfriend crazy?

Maybe your parents where not ment to be but if you say she was the reason for their seperation then here's what you do,
1-when she cooks put chili or hot peper anything bad in her food with out her knowing make sure its done when she finishes it so she doesnt taste the food and discover its bad
2- break your stuff and throw them around in your bedroom, when her kids are around, them scream and make sure your dads see's whats broken. do it a couple of times then do it to his stuff then he would automatically think its her kids!
3- always be sweet to her and kids infront of your dad so when she complains about you he'd think she's lieing.
4- put some of your dads private stuff in her handbag, then bumb her bag, let it fall and when the stuff falls out (make sure your dad see's it but not when she's there) he'll run to pick it up and then he'll wonder why his things are in her bag.
5- ripp your moms pictures then ask your dad why is she so mean althought you try very hard for his sake to make things work.
Good luck
PS for the handbag trick, put a "thank you for last night card" sign it by a Micheal with XXX and get the bag to drop infront of your dad. But you have to make sure he does not know you did this on purpose.