My Parents Hate Me What Should I Do

Do my parents hate me?

It's possible, but unlikely.Ironically, parents who dislike their children can seem "cool" and "easy." They don't much care what you do as long as you're not immediately causing them trouble.Parents, especially more traditional and strict parents, sometimes seem to hate their kids. Sometimes, when we;re trying to make our children "good," we alienate them by going overboard: yelling, criticizing, acting dismissive. This parental behavior can develop into a rut. We may not even notice our irrational behavior.If you are experiencing this sort of problem, try this. During a quiet moment remind them of their better nature. Make them laugh and smile with you. Then explain how you feel.

Why do my parents hate me?

My first guess is that they don’t but I don’t know your situation and why you think they do. I know many children feel that their parents hate them. Some times that might be true. Most of the time it is more that the children feel that they are hated because they don’t like how their parents treat them but the parents are doing what they believe is best for their children. This often might not be the case but far more often than not there isn’t hatred there.My advise is to use some help lines for youths that are available to you. Talk to some councelors that can walk through the issues you are having and provide some specific advice and probably some other resources you can utilize to deal with and resolve your situation.

How do I know if my parents hate me? Well, they act like they hate me.

Many teenagers have this illusion with them in influence of that they feel that my parents hate me. There are certain reasons of having this breach between you and your parents:YOUR DEVELOPMNT CHILD TO TEENAGERMany people talk about children perspective when they are forbidden to do something by their parents. Single no for many things leads teens to think , oh my parents are not allowing me to do what I like , may be they hate me.”In this impression of mind you need to introspect for your own asking and demands.GENERATION GAPEvery spin of time change brings new thinking and ways of approaching to things that always occurs in form of old versus new age and perspectives.This mismatched weavelenght of thoughts put two opposite directions.If you says yes probably your parents say no.You will have to bring equillibrium of perspectives. So that things could become less difficult to you.ACTING HATE TO IMPROVE YOUMany times children are very pampered and protected however when they step into teenage parents want to make them independent and strong, so they put some challenges in their way. May be they use harsh language to hit or shake you from inside that could break your intense love towards them and make you focus for new friends and world ahead.BITTERNESS IS SWEETDont rely always which is apparent as they are your parents no one can know you better than you. If they speak bitter word doesn't mean they don't love you or hate you. No parents give birth to hate their child instead they want you to craft as strong human which could be indifferent to cruel and wicked people in world, who are you going to have in your life path.Once you digest this apparent bitterness of your parents you will learn big lesson, how to deal with negative and bitter. Everything is not positive and everyone wont love you. Learn initial lesson of this from parents.WAY OF LOVING TO YOU HAS BEEN ALTEREDWhen you were a kid your parents used to cuddle you, kiss you, take you in lap though once you start growing this physical touch might be vanished that may be germinate this poisonous seed of misconception that your parents hates you.Ways of love only has changed not your parents.So before clinging to any form of thought think well.

My parents hate me what should I do?

Look , I was in pretty much the same situation as you and firstly - you have to realise its a form of bullying and YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT , I know how it feels if , you do something that isn't brilliant and they go on for you and don't let you off for weeks on end - now , there is one simple resolution to it - as I found - firstly , don't let them get you down , whatever you do - otherwise that leads to depression , then try and do everything as well as you can to the best of your abilities - and give them very little to moan about , I did this , and although it didn't sort the problems out per se , it gave them less to give me grief about.

The other option is of course to confront them - YES you have balls if you do , but who knows you could get somewhere with it ; if you were to approach them and ask "do you dislike me?" , it may get you a productive answer - or at least make them realise that they are not treating you well. Eventually , I moved out and went to live with my girlfriend who I have been in a relationship with for 7 years. I don't speak to them anymore , but I can tell you , my whole sense of self esteem , my perception of myself has completely changed and I am generally a happier person - anyway, the choice is up to you and best of luck with it


(p.s. - if you do want any help or advice or even just to chat about it , I know what it feels like email me :D , on

What should you do when your parents hate you?

RE: "What do you do if your parents hate you?"Leave them behind and move on with your life as best you can.Try not to be overcome by anger and bitterness because that's about as useful as being angry at a storm for destroying your property. Nature is what it is and sometimes, it can be rather ugly. Human nature is no different in many respects because people choose who they become, and who or what they hate.If you have given them reason to hate you, then it is incumbent upon you to make some form of reparation; particularly if you care about the toxic nature of hatred and wish to reverse the harm done to your parents which led to their hatred of you.If you've done nothing to inspire that hatred, then you must accept it as a natural consequence of their own being and their own choices.Before you make any decision however, it is incumbent upon you to objectively assess both conditions to arrive at the most accurately objective conclusion possible, even if it means deep soul-searching and an acceptance of something which may be ugly within yourself.Perhaps you need to change to accommodate their perspectives in order to repair the damage you did or you need to learn to allow them the opportunity to reflect upon the damage they have done to you and hope they reach a conclusion which allows an opportunity for the restoration of a healthy familial relationship.In either case, good luck to you because you will carry your burden for life.

What should I do if my friend’s parents hate me?

Whatever reason why your friend's parents hate you, first of all, apologize to them especially if you have done something wrong to your friend or to his/her family.If you think you haven't done anything wrong, ask them why they hate you. Maybe you didn't know that you offended your friend or the family. Still say sorry.Show them that you are sorry by correcting your mistakes. Actions speak louder than words as they say.If they still can't or don't forgive you, it's out of your hands. You have done your part to apologize. If things don't workout, let go and move on.

My crush's parents hate me.?

I doubt that what they "said" is an accurate reflection of their true feelings about you. They came up with something to say, an excuse, but the reality is that they just don't like the fact that their daughter is reaching/has reached the age where guys are "after" her. Don't even concern yourself with them. I don't mean to be rude to them, just be yourself, it's all you can do, and any attempt to fake something else will be a disaster.

Why do my parents hate me so much??!!?

You have it really rough. If I met your padre I would probably punch him. I'm so sorry for you. I believe you will lose weight, especially just exercise (if you are a little over weight) because it helps to know for yourself that you're not obese or fat. Personally I say you should call social services and grass your dad up, I know you want to be strong but you have to live too. I actually answered someones question yesterday saying they were going to kill themself. I just pray you don't do anything like this. If I could, I really would help you. Buena suerte xxx

My Wife and my Parents HATE each other. What should I do?

You can't, sadly. Just keep them as far apart as possible. Let your parents know that their animosity toward your wife will keep them from spending time with you, since the two of you are a family now, and you won't see them without her.

That should make them tolerate her, at least. And ask her to respect them because they are your parents, and at least be civil.

The time this will get complicated is when and if you have kids. Just hang in there. My husband and my parents do not get along so well, but I have made it clear that they will at least TRY for my sake, and for the sake of our daughter.

OR, my parents just won't see their grandchild, which is unacceptable to them, so everyone does their best to get along. I really wish you luck. I have been married for 10 years. It does get easier over time.