My Parents Keep Fighting Help

My parents keep fighting?

I know it is hard to hear your parents yelling at each other, I get it. When my parents argue my sisters and I go and find something to do. We would sometimes go for a walk or a bike ride. Maybe play a board game, listen to music watch a movie. We would find something to distract us from what was really going on because sometimes you can't really stop it. Just remember it isn't your fault. Even if they can't divorce maybe suggest counseling and if you can't do that because they will get pissed at your suggestion (my parents refused counseling until a couple months ago) then maybe you should talk to someone who can really help you out especially if your dad gets violent during arguments. I hope that helped (: good luck.

Help!!! my parents are fighting!!! what should i do?

Aw. Try listening to some music or go for a walk until it blows over. Just know that it isn't your fault, and your parents are probably just very stressed and need to vent to one another. I'm sorry you have to go through that ... it's not pleasant and it's probably a little scary. Things will get better, hang in there :)

My friend's parents are fighting at home!?

I had the same problem with one of my friends , her parents were always fighting so she used to call me to talk about it. I told her maybe should take some time off of home. So I told her she should come to my house whenever she needed to ( I made sure to get permission first ) , and don't let her get too depressed because it can lead to more problems for her. Anyways , try to help her remember that this is just a bump in the road and if her parents do get a divorce , well some things just happen for the better.

My parents are fighting and being violent help me please?

I dont have an anwser but i know exactly what your going through . My parents do the same thing and YES its mostly my dad because he doesnt know how to control his temper .. I mean the fights are horrible in this house and if me and my brother arent there to stop it , I know something bad will happen . They dont fight all the time but they do fight at least once out every 3 or 2 months .
And the last fight they had was last night and I was so scared , so I called my grandad to pick me up , but it didnt solve anything , I cried the whole night so I didnt get any sleep . I mean we have happy times but it doesnt last long .I feel like im becomeing more and more anti-social by the day . I keep my click short on who I talk to ! And right now its 3 in the morning and I found your question because im so depressed and was googling stuff on how to become happy with argueing parents ! I mean I just feel so hurt and heart broken .. I think theyre evan thinking about getting a divorce , I just pray they dont .

Im 14 and my brothee is 16
P.s , I hope everything works out great with your family , you just have to have hope. And talk to them about how you feel


Help! My parents always fight!!!!?

My parents always yell ans scream,fight and threaten each other! My dad always accuses my mom for taking my dads stuff and moving it and there always fighting about money problems! My dad threatens to leave the house because he's getting tired of my mom spending all this kinds of money when she's not! They have been together for almost 18 years!! I hope he doesnt leave us because we dont have a lot of money to support our selfs alone!! I;m getting really scared and I just don't feel the point on living anymore. I just want to run away and NEVER come back!!! My dad has a short temper and always takes it out on me a lot for there problems! I'm getting really scared and I don't know what to do! Any advice? I'm 13 years old.

My parents keep involving me in their fights?

Ok here's the situation. My mum and dads relationship has been on the rocks for ages, and about a year ago my dad moved out and now sleeps in his van. My mum wants a divorce and dad doesn't care either way so you'd think they'd get a divorce right? Wrong. It's just a never-ending cycle of mum badmouthing dad in front of me and my brother, and asking our opinion then arguing with us if we don't take her side. I've tried being nice and telling her we don't want to hear it and it's between the two of them, but she just turns on me and starts bitching about me and insulting me, saying things like: 'well if you love him so much go and live with him' and 'you don't know anything about him he doesn't really care about you' or 'you think you're so big and grown up don't you? Well you can just bugger off I don't want you here nobody likes you'. I never show her that I'm affected and would never show any weakness as she just uses it as ammo to fire at me. Sorry for giving you my life story but I really need someone to talk to :)