My Parents Make Me Feel Horrible Help

I lied to my parents....and i feel horrible! how can I get the to trust me again?

Ok, it all started with a guy...(surprise, surprise) I met him at a party and we started talking. We talked for about a month until i saw him again. He would come into my job to come visit me, and we would hang out during my breaks. One day, we both kinda came up with the idea of me taking a day off so we could hang out. This is where the lie came, i told my parents i was going to work that day, when really, i had taken that day off. Anyways, a week later, i come home from school and my mom just comes out and lets me know how she found about what had happened. From there, i felt horrible. She thought i had done bad things with this guy..(all we really did was watch a movie!). She kept on going on about how i was only 16, and that i shouldn't have run off with a guy like that. Trust me, i know what i did was wrong! i knew it the whole time i was planning that day. im known as the "good girl" in the family...the perfect daughter, student, everything! i felt guilty every time i texted the guy! i didn't tell my mom about him because, 1) im not allowed to date, and 2) he just turned 19. Either way, i got my phone taken away, i was forced to quit my job, no computer unless its for homework, and no hanging out with friends for who knows how long. i know what i did is wrong, there is no excuse for it. i don't want to complain about my punishment because i know i deserve it....but still, laying on my bed all day after school is no fun! i need fresh air! and i need to get their trust back....Help!

btw. i got caught on Friday the ironic is that??

My parents make me feel horrible about 3,000 dollars?

I am 17 year old, and I recently graduated from a dental assisting program which did cost 3,000 dollars. I am very grateful i had the opportunity and my parents paid for it and all, but now that I graduated from the program i realize how hard it is as a 17 yr. old girl going into my senior year of high school to get a job at a dental office. Not only because I'm young but I'm also still in HS and doctors want full time dental assistants that can be there all day. It's obviously going to be hard so i am getting a part time at a clothing store to at least cheer my parents up because they keep nagging all the time about how I wasted all that money. I didn't waste it because I graduated from the program and i can seek a job when I can. I even offered to pay it back but hey say its not about the money which it obviously is. I am just so annoyed every time they nag me about it, it makes me fell like a lazy horrible daughter. It's not like I totally quit at it because I know I will go into that field as soon as I finish my HS studies. How can I stop this? And what do you think about all this

I made my dad cry and I feel horrible?

I m 16 and a junior in high school but I don t have my liscense yet, just my permit. my dad has to drop me off every morning. today, I thought I was going to be late to school so I told my dad to go start the car but he wouldn t, saying it was still early so I started yelling at him as he would protest and I told him that I "didn t want to hear it" I was just basically disrespecting him but it was because I didn t want to be late! he got really mad and throughout the whole car ride, he was yelling at me and threatening to leave California and go back to the Philippines, and that I am the only reason he s still here. he yelled that if I really hate him then I should tell him so he can leave. the whole time, I had a blank face and no reaction. then in first period I could not focus at all and I was literally wiping my tears the whole time. when class was over, I told my friend I wasn t going to second period, then called my dad to apologize and pick me up. he said he will then when I hung up I started crying. my friend took me to the office and when my dad picked me up, we went into his car and he took my hand, telling me he s sorry too and it s because I m his only daughter which is why he cares enough to stay here. he was crying as he was saying this and I never felt more awful in my life because my dad has always been so strong that it s just heartbreaking to see him like this.

I just want to know how to move on from this because seeing my dad cry is all too new for me.

My parents make me feel bad about myself, what should I do?

Hey. Trust me, you don't have to do anything. Just focus on yourself and your life. The most important thing you have to understand is that your parents making you feel bad about yourself has nothing to to do with you. It is who they are as individuals and it's their inability to appreciate you and people in general, maybe. I know it can be the hardest thing to deal with, but i have experienced the same thing and it has only made me a better person. My parents always put me down and have no faith in me. Initially i longed for validation, and took it from almost everyone who would treat me well. This is the most damaging effect of this situation. I overcame this by telling myself that the world does'nt stop at my parents. Learned to love myself. Respect myself.. Forgive myself. And got very close with God. My spiritual growth has been the maximum during this time and it has helped me become a more pisitive person.  So forgive your parents for not seeing the good in you and ignore them when they say hurtful things. Invest in yourself, miss no chance to better  yourself. You can try telling your parents how you feel and see if it works. But if it does'nt, dont give up. Be there for yourself. Trust me you will emerge out of this as an independent person, and emotionally strong too. In the end, we are all alone. It IS about you. Yes, it may seem unfair when you see people being encouraged and supported by their parents, but in the end you will be proud that you were the only one for you through all your Struggles. :)I hope this helped.

I feel terribly bad whenever my parents spend money on me...?

Whenever my parents buy me anything, and I mean anything, I ultimately feel bad. I don't know if this is normal, but my heart just sinks seeing money come out of my parents wallet. I don't know why, even if they're buying me chips or a pen, I still feel bad.

Recently, I sold my old camera on ebay for $50. We went to the post office to ship it and because the camera was a big one, shipping costed $13. I felt so bad I actually started crying privately in my room when we came back.

I don't know how to stop feeling like this. If anyone can help me, please do. Thanks!

P.S When I mean I feel bad seeing money come out of their pocket for everything, I mean it. When I first got my laptop, it costed $600 and I didn't touch it for a week because I felt that it had wasted so much of their money. This is why I never ask for anything, not even clothes. I want to stop feeling like this. I mean, my parents are not in a good financial state, but they make enough to support my family. I am 14 and a boy making straight A's.

Why do I feel bad about lying to my parents?

You are a 29 year old female and hence you must know what is good and what is bad for you.  You can surely handle yourself with or without the support of your parents.However, if you feel bad about lying to your parents, it means that you somehow feel that what you are doing is wrong. You have presumed that your parents wouldn’t allow without actually asking for them. It is quite possible that they allow you after ensuring your safety.When you will grow to become parent yourself, you will realize that parents always want the best of their children. They want their children to be safe more than anything else. They may fear for your safety when you want to go alone. Their view is not wrong as we know it may be quite unsafe trekking alone for a female of your age. I suggest that you take them into confidence next time, you wish to travel. You explain them the precautions you are taking to be safe and also heed to their advice if they suggest you something more for your own safety and security. Trust is extremely fragile like glass. It can’t be repaired once it is broken.  Remember the words of Stephen Covey:-“Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”

Why do my parents always make me feel bad?

Your parents are creating an environment that is disempowering. This can only happen when you believe what they say. It is time for you to decide for yourself how you want to feel and create your own mood. Don’t rely on any others to feel good or their approval to make you feel good.It seems difficult because you think your parents should have your best interests at heart but this isn’t necessarily so. However, your parents are actually doing you a favor because their behavior is causing you to understand what you don’t want. In that understanding is clarity of what you do want. Do you want to feel worthless or do you want to feel good about yourself.When you decide you want to feel good about yourself you’ll no longer take any notice of what others say about you, whether its your parents or anybody else. Nobody knows you except you. This way you will flourish and your life will unfold beautifully. If you decide you want to believe your parents or others and feel worthless you will get stuck and life will be difficult.Choose wisely as you create your own reality, not your parents.#loa #6dhealing #chooseyourrealityHome - 6 Dimensions of Healing

My brothers always put me down and make me feel horrible and my parents don't even care. Should I do anything?

Yes; First of all, have a serious chat with your brother. How old is he? How old are you? Tell him about what upsets you and be serious the entire time; In return, ask him if you have ever done something that upsets him — This way, you can both talk your thoughts out, let go of any grudges, and form a stronger bond.Now let’s say that your chat with him does not work… time to talk to the parents. Let them know what bothered you, how you handled the situstion, and how your brother responded — This will also show your parents that you are mature, responsible, and handling this in a serious way. Be polite when talking to everyone so don’t say things like, “He’s so annoying, ugh! He did this and this.” Instead say something like, “A few days ago, he said/did… and it actually hurt me. I pondered upon this and found that it was re occuring behavior; I had a conversation with him and we both agreed to not step out of the boundaries. However, he …. again so, I decided that I should have a serious discussion with the family.” This will help them to take proper actions.If it still doesn’t work, talk to your friends and discuss what things are like at home. Try to stay away from home as much as possible if no one tries to help you. Instead, take up activities or join clubs. Remember, eventually it will all pass and you can move on to a better life. Try to make yourself immune to negative comments, and I am well aware of that fact that it will be extremely difficult. But if you learn to become immune to the negativity around you or turn it into something that motivates you to do better, it will make you smile more often. The best revenge is a dish served cold and that is your happiness. :)Become successful.

Why do my parents make me feel bad for not opening up to them but then mock me when I tell them my feelings? Then they make me feel like I'm doing something wrong for being depressed and relatively emotionless around them.

Have you tried pointing out, in a calm and logical manner, your observations and asking them if they can resolve the contradictions in their behavior? They are likely unaware of their mixed messages to you. If you guys don’t have that kind of close relationship, you can try a few “I messages” in the moment, the next time these things occur. An “I message” takes the blame out of the conversation and communicates your needs to the other person who may simply not be aware of them. Parents can forget you are your own person with your own unique personality sometimes.Some sample “I statements”:“Mom, I hear you say you want me to open up to you, but when you tell me my feelings are wrong, it makes me feel like not telling you anything. I’d love it if you would just listen to me and give me advice or tell me about a time when you had the same experience instead of [laughing at me, mocking me, whatever the parent literally said or did].”“Dad, I feel very depressed, not just a little temporarily bummed. Can you help me find a counselor to talk to, to make sure I get back on an even keel?”“Hey, Mom, Dad, I want to talk to you about my feelings, but I need to ask that you not make fun of me. This is very serious to me. Okay?”Only you can know if your parents are likely to respond well to this or if they are genuinely incapable of adult behavior with you. If they can’t respond with kindness or without their “scripts,” then find a trusted adult who you can talk to. We can’t change our parents, but we can give them the chance to understand before giving up (unless they are actually abusive, of course).If you are truly depressed, you may need to speak with a mental health professional (I know, my dad didn’t believe in them and I had to wait until I left home to seek help—I’ve had a few bouts of serious depression and they are hard to manage alone. But the good news is, you may have plenty of options other than medication or such…I’ve never medicated, and have recovered from depression. Your mileage may vary.).Good luck!