My Parents Ruined My Life

My Parents Ruined my Life. What Should I Do?

You absolutely need to leave. Get a full-time job, even if it needs to be at the grocery store, and use that money to split an apartment with someone. has lots of ads for roommates. Instead of reacting to your mother and stressing about her complaints, realize that everything is in her head and it doesn't affect what you will do with your life. Focus more on being an adult. Think about the future instead of what is happening right now. With a job, you have security to do whatever you like with your life. You could even get an associate's degree at night or take online courses. Whatever you do to be more self sustaining will be great. You may want to apologize to your mom and dad for not trying more in school, but you need to make it clear to them--in a responsible, adult conversation--that you are moving on in your life and probably won't see them again until you have gotten your own life straightened out while you live on your own.

My parents circumcised me and have ruined my life?

You have every right to be angry about what was done to you; you're not alone---there are hundreds of thousands or more of males who hate and resent the violation of their bodies and their rights.
It should be illegal to force genital mutilation, called circumcision, on male minors.

But, don't let anger and depression control you; take control of your body. Google "non-surgical foreskin restoration." More than 250,000 guys are restoring their foreskins to regain some of the sensitivity/function destroyed by the mutilation of circumcision.

And your parents are not entirely to blame; they were misled about the non-existent "benefits" of circumcision by propaganda, by outright lies, and by old wive's tales.

The medical profession bears the most responsibility for promoting male genital mutilation. Doctors make money from mutilating male babies, and are frequently members of the religions that try to impose circumcision on all males.

I've felt the same as you do. I've had similar problems in achieving orgasm in normal sex for years, until I found out about foreskin restoration.

What's done is done. Don't let it ruin your life--- use what's happened to you in a constructive manner, help to educate more people about the damage and mutilation that circumcision really is.
Help to prevent this from happening to others; as I do.

Circumcision is a fraud and a hoax.

A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.


edit: In addition, some of the other answers prove that the ignorance about circumcision continues.
Some idiots think that it's okay for everyone to be circumcised just because they are, and they ignore the fact that there are no standards to circumcision; the damage varies wildly, as clearly evidenced by the scarring from the wounds to the penis.

The damage to sexual feeling/function also varies tremendously with the specific damage. The amount of tissue hacked off of the penis is at the whim of the mutilator, together with the location/depth of the wounds, and the extent of the neural and vascular damage.

My parents ruined my educational life.?

I'm not the type to blame my parents for how my current life turned out. But in this case, I can't help to think they are responsible. If I was completely to blame, I'd admit it.

My parents never stressed education or college growing up. When I was 18 living at home, it was always "get a job," not "go to college." So I spent my late teens and early twenties working at Wal-mart, Kohls, and places like that. I could have been going to college at this time.

So then at 26, I started to think my life was catching up to me, so I started going to college. I also worked, so it was hard doing them both. I seen my cousins getting a Bachelor's at 22. Here I am, at 28, and just finished an Associate's. I have 2-3 years left to get a B.A.

I want to be a lawyer, but everyone tells me it's too late in my life. So I'm really pissed that my parent's poor decisions and lack of teaching has to effect the career I will have the rest of my life. I lived at home until I was 26, so all of that wasted time could have been used to get some serious credits out of the way. Instead I wasted those years with useless jobs which didn't do me any good anyway because I have no money saved.

If any one of my cousins were raised by my parents, I'm convinced that they'd be in the same position I am.

People say you shouldn't blame your parents for anything, but hey, what's true is true, I could easily be a lawyer right now, or at least finishing up law school, had I been raised with properly educated parents. My parents low social class and poor choices has detrimental effects on MY life.

Did I ruin my parents' lives?

So I am a sixteen year old guy and the oldest of three children. I have a fifteen year old sister and a thirteen year old brother. Recently, I've been feeling like my parents have been taking out all their stresses on me. They are always yelling at me and no matter what I do I can never seem to make them happy. When I do the littlest thing to mess up thef scream and yell at me and I take it and I go to my room and cry in the dark because if they see me or hear me cry they still get mad: saying that I need to quit acting like a 12 year old. But on the other hand, my sister is a spoiled brat and talks back to my parents and she smokes and she just gets a talking to. My brother is addicted to pornography and he NEVER listens to my parents. My sister can get anything she wants from my dad and my brother is my moms "miracle baby". I try so hard to make my parents happy. I don't drink I don't do drugs. I don't even get to go on dates with my girlfriend. I only have one friend and I refuse to hang out with him because he does drugs. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 18 and she didn't abort me bc she was poor. I think I ruined my parents lives and they are just taking it out on me. Why do they hate me so much? Is it because they got pregnant with me? Or because I don't believe in their same religion? Or both? Please help..I'm on the verge of just giving up.. (please don't make this a religious debate)

My strict parents are ruining my life?

Oh my, I am deeply sorry Ken! It sounds like you're basically living the Mormon life.
Listen, I know you want a little freedom, and parents who don't let their kids have freedom are going to pay the consequence. Their kid will rebel and most likely go a little too crazy.
So this is what you must do, be honest and gain their trust.
Tell them you believe they're being just a little /too/ protective, and that it isn't healthy. Because once you turn 18 you're going to go crazy, and live it up dangerously. That's their fault. They haven't let you experience things for yourself. Take it small steps at a time. Like ask if your friend can come over and ask them "Could you please not ask them any personal questions? I have lost friends because they felt uncomfortable coming here"
Also, you could tell them straight up "I believe you are too strict" but avoid saying "you" say "I" if you tell them how you feel, they don't have anything to object to. Those are your feelings. Don't blame them.
Example, instead of saying "you are so smothering, I can't have a normal life"
Say "I believe that I am old enough and mature enough for you to trust me and not always suspect that I am doing bad things"

No parent should act like this. And if you want to take it differently, live by my motto: "it's easier to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission"