My Parents Will Not Let Me Move Out I Am 18

18 and parents won't let me move out.?

Legally, you CAN move out at 18.

I think you'd be making a huge mistake if you do though. Stay with your parents and stay in college. Your mom only wants the best for you. She's worried you're going to get pregnant by this guy and ruin your life.
Trust me. I've seen it happen a hundred times.
Go to your mom when she's in a better mood and say "You know what mom? You're right. I might have been rushing my relationship with ______."
Those words alone will put her in a better, more approachable frame of mind.
Then tell her that since you have already taken your relationship to the next level - and although you've only done it once or twice! - you think you should probably get on some birth control because you don't want to wind up pregnant and ruin everything you've been working so hard for.

I think she'll come around. It's hard to believe it, but she's just trying to protect you. Sometimes mom's emotions can get in the way and come out angry, when we're only trying to help.

My parents won’t let me move out. I’m 18. What should I do?

Pack. And think while you’re filling those boxes. Where are you going? Who are you going to live with? How are you going to support yourself? What’s the big hurry? Why?Frankly, I’m shocked they want you to stay home. Most teenagers are wired to make parents wish their kid was moving out. It’s part of the “natural separation cycle” as I refer to it. My eldest and I weren’t seeing eye-to-eye on responsibility and academics his senior year. I was so ready for him to see how hard life can really be when don’t you have mom taking care of your needs. Three years down the road and he’s asking for a vacuum and new sheets for Christmas. He’s grown up some. Now my second son has me looking forward to July when he’s 18 and thinks he can move out and support himself now that he’s graduated and doesn’t have to answer to anyone. It’s gonna be a shocker for that one. He has no idea how good he has it and the only way he will learn is the hard way.I know I was the same way. Best thing I did was move away for college. Just don’t expect to have the same lifestyle or for your parents to pick up the tab. If they’re paying for school you do have an obligation to them. I was happy to provide my own way for the freedom it gave me.

My parents won't let me move out?

I'm 18, and my parents will NOT let me move out. I already have a place to stay and a good paying job, but they STILL won't let me move out. I want to move out of the house because my parents have strict rules. I'm not allowed to watch rated R movies, use the internet past 7, not allowed to have social media, OR EVEN A CELL PHONE FOR THAT MATTER! I feel like I have no life because of them. They are WAY too strict and overprotective. Even when I told my parents that I am a legal adult and I can do whatever I want, they just said they don't care, since I live under their roof, and that motivated me to move out. So earlier today, I started packing my things into MY car, which I pay for, and once I was done, I told my parents I was moving out, and said my goodbyes, and I started walking out to my car. But then my dad had my older sister park her car behind mine so I couldn't get out, and they will NOT move the car. Please help! How do I get out of here!!!?

I'm 18 and my parents won't let me move out or do anything?

You're 18? Legally, you're an adult. Your parents can't keep this much control over you. Try to talk it out first, calmly and rationally explain your feelings about the situation. CALMLY AND RATIONALLY. That is the key.

If that doesn't work... So your dad says he'll burn down the house you're in if you leave? Go where he won't find you. If you think he can find your friends' houses, shows places where you can crash for a night, so that way he won't be able to find you at a friend's house. These will be people you have no prior connection to, so he won't have a clue, but you'll have to trust that the people won't be psychos or something. I've never run into any, but you never know. You can switch around for as many days as you need. Once you're out of his reach, call the cops. He's threatening you and if he really has abused you, you can and should get a restraining order.

Sounds a bit extreme, but threatening to burn someone's house down? That's messed up. You're an adult and you have the right to pursue a life of your own, away from your parents.

My parents wont let me move out!...?

ok... i will be 21 in november... and my parents WILL NOT let me move out!... i have a place to stay already, rent-free might i add!... and i jus payed off my car 2 days ago, i am getting my own car insurance, i work a great job bringing me in at a lil over $1000.00 every 2 wks., with benifits (insurance and all), so i wouldnt have to pay for much of anything, jus car insurance and a cell phone (required for my job), but i packed up ALL of my things into MY car yesterday, and i said i was leaving... i told my mom goodbye, then i go out to my car and my parents had my older brother (23) park his car behind me, so i couldnt get out, and they WILL NOT move the car... i hate it here, all my mom does is yell at me ALL the time!... help!!!! what can i do to get out of this he**hole?!

I'm 18 and my parents won't let me leave?

I got into an argument with my father and decide to leave the house before things got out of hand. He won't let me. To the extent of physically restraining me from leaving the house and threatening to call the cops on me. I think to myself, why would he call the cops on ME? HE is the one holding me against my will. So I turn the tables (metaphorically) and call the cops on him. Now, I know this sounds almost unreal but this is where the story gets really interesting. When the cop shows up, my father claims that I'm suicidal and that he feared for my own life and safety if I left the house. I am not suicidal. My father made this up to gain control over me and he is still running with it to this day. I'm 18 and have graduated high school. What are my legal rights and how can I leave my parents house without fear of my father having me put into an institution (yes, he has threatened to pursue that course)? Do I just leave and let him try to have me arrested? If he does try to have me committed can I fight it in court? I mean seriously this is bull****.

I am 18 And I want to move out but my parents won't let me!?

Ok so I have a job and I pay for my own phone, car and buy my own clothes. I live with my parents. I have been in a distance relationship for 3 years now. my boyfriend really supports me and helps me on everything. My parents are not okay with me having a boyfriend. They have made it clear that they want me to have a boyfriend when I finish college. I do not know what is wrong with me having a boyfriend at this age since I am very responsible. I do not go out or party all night like my other friends, I do not smoke or drink. I just want to move out. I am very stressed out because they will not let me go to whatever college I want. Everytime we talk about college they say they want me to be close to them and I am not allowed to go out of state. I really dream about going to NYU whereas my boyfriend lives there too. It is not even possible for us to talk about me moving out because they start yelling, and screaming like crazy. Last time I told my dad I wanted to leave he slapped me and told me that no one leaves without his permission. I really love my parents but I want to be on my own now and live my own life. I have money and everything I just don't want to lose them. PLEASE HELP ME! Give me some adviceeee I am really depressed.

My parents are way too controlling and won't let me move out. i need some advice?

Think of it this way. What will you regret more? living on your own and/or with your fiancee or stay home and live with them. Do what is in your heart. Do what you know is right. Do it soon or you'll never leave and be too scared to so ever again. Don't be afraid of moving out just be careful of how you live your life. if you move out think of a game plan. like say when tier at work move some of your stuff out at a time and eventually move out. your fiance may say to get along with them but sometimes some people are beyond helping and must be cut off from your life or just have less of them in it. In the end it is all about happiness. Be happy and do what you want to do. if you have more questions or want to talk about moving out or how your parents are overreacting you can PM me.