My Physics Teacher Has Asked Us To Write An Article About Enery It Can Be Anything Realeted To

What classes are easier; Physics or Chemistry?

The proper pedagogy today stresses...

Physics is the basis of EVERY other "lab" science. Take it first.

Chemistry is second. It is built on physics and is needed to understand the Calvin and Krebs's cycles and other bio-chem items in Biology.

Bio third (needs elements from chem and physics).

This is why many students think that Bio and Chem need a bunch of memory power...not true. You can understand chem and bio once you know and own the physics.

This is what most every university (and good HS's are doing). Do a search on this in the Chronicle of Higher Education to see many articles on the subject.

Good luck.


My Physics Professor asked me to write an essay proving that gravity isn’t real, what are some of the best evidence or theories I can use to support my arguments?

Your objectives are kind of ambiguous here, but I’ll answer the question in general terms. Your best bet for at least showing that something is horribly wrong with our concept of gravity at the moment is perhaps to point at unresolved problems in gravity theory and then sort of wave your arms menacingly. These may include:The cosmological constant being ~120 orders of magnitude larger than calculations (based on gravity) say it should be: Cosmological constant problem - WikipediaThe fact that gravitational mass and acceleration mass are the same even though there’s no good reason they should be: Mass - WikipediaThe fact that our theories of gravity cannot be reconciled with our theories of quantum mechanics:List of unsolved problems in physics - WikipediaThe fact that our theories of gravity fail so badly at explaining the shapes of galaxies (if you plug in the numbers it suggests that all galaxies should have fallen apart by now) that physicists have to say “Uhhhh there’s more matter there but just nobody can see it, it’s invisible!!1!” in a manner that would make even the most shameless Medieval theologian blush: Dark matter - WikipediaAnd if that doesn’t work, you could always attack the problem from the other side and say that nothing is real, the universe as a whole is just an illusion of qualia.EDIT: Actually, I’ve found something even better since:Entropic gravity - WikipediaLiterally “Gravity isn’t real”. Or at least “Gravity isn’t actually a fundamental force”.

I'm confused on this physics problem?

A physics teacher owns a family of squirrels. The squirrels have been trained to do push-ups in repetitive fashion. Being connected to an electrical generator, their ongoing exercise is used to help power the home. There are 23 squirrels in the family and their average mass is 1.1 kg. They do work on the "up" part of the push-up, raising their body an average distance of 5.0 centimeters. If the squirrels averages 71 push-ups per minute, then determine the total amount of work done in one minute and the power generated by their activity.

Is there anything that isn't related to science?

A belief in the existence or non-existence of a supernatural being beyond the bounds of scientific enquiry. The frequency and nature of belief among groups of people could perhaps be studied by use of scientific methods, and conceivably some effects of that belief might be measurable in some way, but the belief itself is a matter of faith. Evidence is irrelevant.

How can I relate antimatter to chemistry?

how about these topics

(1).. what is it..
you could write a paragraph about the usual subatomic particles, their mass, size and charges. Then a second paragraph comparing and contrasting antimatter... (hint.. think protons, neutrons, electrons, and charges). here's another hint..

(2).. how it reacts.
you've been studying ordinary matter chemical reactions right? how do you suppose anti matter reacts with other antimatter? how about antimatter with matter?

(3).. where it's found..
we all know where ordinary matter is found and have this perception of how much matter (excluding dark matter) is out there... what about antimatter? where is it? how much is there?

(4).. How about the history of antimatter.. who found it and how? who's currently looking for it. hint

(5).. it's potential uses.. remember the old star trek movies? matter + antimatter = annihilation + energy.

That get you started?

Who has a physics degree and what did you do with it?

Degree? BS in physics, MS in quantum mechanics, PHD in nuclear engineering.

Enjoy the courses? Oh yea, they are a definite mind bender.

Job offers? Plenty.

My job? Calculate the likelihood of a nuclear chain reaction to spontaneously start with fissionable materials of a given mass of a given geometry with several variable moderators. This is done to ensure that no one dies while manufacturing nuclear fuel rods for commercial power plants.

Do I enjoy doing my job? Yes, I get great satisfaction knowing that my job keeps people from getting killed.

Pay well? Are you kidding?