My Puppy Sick From Eatting Almonds What Do I Do For Him

What should I do if my dog ate almonds?

Why Almonds Are Bad for DogsWhile many dogs love the taste of almonds, consuming them can cause gastric intestinal distress. If your dog accidentally eats a few, be on the lookout for these symptoms:VomitingDiarrheaGasLoss of appetiteLethargyGeneral discomfortAlmonds, like most nuts, are high in fat and can put your pup at risk of developing pancreatitis. It’s a serious condition that requires the attention of your veterinarian.This snack also poses another dangerous problem: obstruction. Almonds can block your dog’s esophagus, intestines, or windpipe, especially in small breeds. These obstructions can be fatal if not treated, and they occasionally require surgery.Flavored almonds come with unique risks. The spices and flavorings can irritate your dog’s stomach, and the salt in the seasoning can lead to water retention and salt toxicity if consumed in large quantities.In short, almonds are not healthy for dogs. I found many articles in the internet about this and so helpful for what I read. In some other topic I found this website: Likeable Pets this grooms your dogs and are so friendly.

Is it safe for dogs to eat almonds?

As a matter of fact most dogs love the taste of almonds and you “could” give them one or two on occasion. However it’s not a good idea. While almonds aren’t toxic to dogs, they are extremely difficult for them to digest. They can give your pet an upset stomach & cause cramping & intestinal distress.Other nuts such as macadamia nuts are extremely toxic for dogs, so I think it’s best to skip nuts altogether when it comes to your dog so there’s no mistakes or forgetting which ones they can & cant have. And no need to give them anything to cause them anything that may give them stomach pain. Let’s face it.. they’d eat many things that aren’t good for them if we’d allow it, so it’s up to us to be their guide. I give mine baby carrots & peeled apple chunks for a crunchy snack. Healthy & they love them.

What happens if your dog eats a bunch of almonds?

Depending the size, of mentioned dog and the diamonds, your dog could need veterinary attention, or very high owner attention.Small dog-big diamonds need operation to save the dog’s life.Big dog (30 kg+) means a lot of attention, since a dog defecating diamonds needs a lot of attention to regains the mentioned stones.My dog occasionally swallow different small objects like stones, and they goes through her without problem. Diamonds are chemically resistant enough to survive gastric acid and needs a good washing at the other side of the dog.

Can dogs eat almonds? Would the almonds have a toxic effect?

Yes, dogs can eat almonds and they will have no toxic effect. Dogs also tend to love the taste of almonds.Should you allow your dog to eat almonds? - NO!The issue is not that the almond will poison your dog in some way but that almonds [and, in fact, most nuts] are extremely hard to digest. This factor will often cause the dog gastro-intestinal distress.In addition almonds, as are most nuts, are high in fat and can cause diarrhea, vomiting and pancreatitis.My advice is, as a rule of thumb, to not feed any nuts to your dog. They can cause a number of problems from toxicity, to intestinal blockages, gastro-intestinal problems and extreme discomfort.There are plenty of foods available for dogs that are nutritious, attractive to the dog and will contribute to good health. Feeding potentially problem foods is, in my view, not worth the risk and certainly unnecessary.I would also suggest that you are careful about listening and accepting as reality, the many opinions that come from lay-people and have no scientific basis and are often completely the opposite of the actual reality. Many people mean well and have learned what was, at one time or another, common practise or accepted as alright but science doesn’t stand still and we discover new effects about all manner of things, all the time.If you are unsure of any of these things, ideally, consult a veterinarian *and* do some extensive research yourself, in up-to-date sources.

5 month puppy ate chocolate covered almonds?

Yes she will be okay. My dog ate tons of chocolate (unattended) and she was fine. Nuts are not a big problem for dogs either so if you notice any unfamiliar reactions go to your dad immediately. He will determine whats wrong. Other then that, try to watch your dog more carefully, and don't feed her table scraps.

hope I helped,


So mad! My dog ate almonds?

Almonds are one of the best things you can give your dog!!!! Mine eat almonds every day. They are full of vitamin E. Macadamia nuts are the only nuts toxic to dogs. Garlic is also very good for your dog. They do not pose the same danger that onions do, even though they are in the same family. My dogs have eaten garlic every meal for over four years. Garlic is good for the digestion, for fleas and for worms.

My dog ate two almonds and now has diarrhea. how long will it last and what should i do.?

Maribeth is correct. Rice will stabilize the dog. However, too much will constipate the dog.
Let him in the yard. Let him eat grass. Hopefully, grass that was not treated with pesticide or turf builder. This is a dog's natural reaction to stomach problems. Give him enough water also.
It will "pass" in 24-48 hours. Do NOT give the dog any human medicine. Were they chocolate covered almonds?
Please be aware that chocolate can kill a dog. Good luck.

My dog got in to chocolate covered almonds and is vomiting right now.what should i do?

Chocolate/Poisom Control:

The National Animal Poison Control Center:
If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, gather the following information and then call the NAPCC: give your name, address, and telephone number; the species, breed, age, sex, and weight of each animal affected; the substance the animal ingested if known; the time that has elapsed since ingestion; and the symptoms the animal is showing.

NAPCC has three telephone numbers for easy access:

(900) 680-0000 costs $20 for the first five minutes and $2..95 for each additional minute billed to your telephone.
(800) 548-2423 and
(888) 426-4435 are credit- card-only numbers for $30 per case.
Only Master Card, Visa, American Express, and Discover cards are accepted.

Theobromine is the chemical in chocolate that is toxic to dogs. Concentration of theobromine varies with the formulation of the chocolate.

Milk chocolate has 44mg/oz (154mg/100gm)
Semisweet chocolate has 150 mg/oz (528mg/100gm)
Baking chocolate 390mg/oz (1365 mg/100gm)
Cookies, candies with chocolate coating and ice cream contain small amounts of chocolate and usually isn’t harmful to dogs. Solid milk chocolate and bittersweet chocolate bars can be toxic, especially to smaller dogs. It is important for children to know that they should not share their chocolate candy with their dog.

Lethal Dose of Chocolate by Dog's Weight
Dog's Weight /Lethal Dose of Theobromide/Milk Chocolate/ Unsweetened Chocolate
5 lbs /200 mg /4 oz /0.5 oz
10 lbs/ 400 mg /8 oz /1 oz
20 lbs /900 mg /1 lb /2.5 oz
30 lbs /1300 mg/ 2 lbs/ 3.25 oz
40 lbs /1800 mg /2.5 lbs/ 4.5 oz
50 lbs/ 2250 mg/ 3 lbs /5.5 oz
60 lbs/ 2700 mg /4 lbs/ 7 oz
70 lbs /3400 mg /5 lbs /8.5 oz


My dog ate some chocolate almonds??

If the dog is acting normal you are ok. I would just watch him for a while and if he is a smalled dog he might get the runs. Milk chocolate isn't as toxic to them as a higher content chocolate like dark or bakers.
I had a 80lb dog that ate a whole pound of chocolate chips and all he had was the runs. I am usually only worried if they eat large amounts or they are smaller.
I would watch him, be prepared for diarrhea, but other than that should be fine.

What is the best remedy for a dog who ate almonds?

Per ASPCA"In general, nuts are safe for dogs. They are high in fat, so in some dogs they can cause an inflammation of the pancreas, which can be serious. They are also high in calories, and can contribute to obesity. In general, avoid feeding a large amount of nuts. One type of nut to watch out for is the macadamia nut. For reasons we don't understand, dogs who eat these become weak, unsteady on their feet and may develop tremors. In addition, they may vomit. Usually, they recover on their own, but severe cases may need to go to the veterinarian. As few as four or five macadamia nuts can cause problems in a 10-pound dog. A lot of people ask about almonds because some sources say they contain cyanide. Bitter almonds contain cyanide but these are not sold for food in this country. Sweet almonds, the kind we do eat, do not contain cyanide.