My Puppy Was Vomiting Help

Help! My puppy is vomiting and crying?

The most common cause of vomiting white foam is some type of stomach upset. It will often occur if your dog drank water too quickly after exercising or ate something that disagreed with him, such as grass or an inedible substance. If the vomiting continues, visit your veterinarian to make sure your dog hasn't swallowed something that he can't digest.

Your dog also may be suffering from bilious vomiting syndrome, which usually occurs soon after your dog wakes up. This is caused by too much acid in the dog's stomach and is more common in dogs with digestive problems.

If it happens regularly, your dog may have an ulcer or inflammatory bowel disease and may need medical treatment. However, it can often be cured with 12 hours of fasting or a couple meals of boiled chicken and rice. Your dog also may need to have a bland bedtime snack that will coat his stomach and reduce acid while sleeping.

Vomiting Puppy?

What exactly did your puppy vomit? Was it food or was it a white or yellow foamy substance?

If, it was a foamy or a or liquid looking substance,and since you said that she isn't acting abnormal and is quite playful, it more than likely means that she is hungry. Puppies and dogs will vomit bile when their tummy is empty.

I've gone thought the same thing with my pup, and the vet told me that dog will vomit yellow bile when they are hungry. Try giving her a treat or some kibble in the morning when she wakes up and maybe another during the day, but don't give too many treats. You don't want her to gain a lot of weight or spoil her appetite for dinner.

If, however, your pup is throwing up food, if you see blood in the vomit, , I would suggest taking her to the vet in the morning. Hopefully, though, she's just hungry and throwing up bile.

I'm adding some links that you may find helpful.

Good luck.

My puppy is vomiting after plane ride?

Vomiting in puppies can just be stressed induced. If it's not coupled with other symptoms, such as diahrhea or abnormal drowsiness, it's usually nothing to be too concerned with. If he continues vomiting for more then three days, then you have reason to be concerned, and should take him to the vet.

Plane rides are long, and puppies tend to vomit if they haven't eaten in a while. However, when they do eat after hunger-induced vomiting has occurred, sometimes it can upset their stomaches even more. Just feed her small amounts of bland food for a bit. Rice and chicken, or normal dog food covered in chicken broth usually helps an upset tummy.

There is a chance the puppy contracted a disease on the airplane. There might have been another sick dog aboard the flight, or the high altitude might have gotten to him. If he's vaccinated, it's not very likely, but it's still a possibility. This is why you need a vet check if vomiting goes on for a few days.

Also, if you just bought him online, there is a chance he was sick before the ride occurred. Contact the breeder and let them know he was puking after the airplane ride, and recheck the contract you made with the breeder to see what it says about sick dogs. You should get a vet check the next morning if this is the case, even if he wasn't puking up, and many breeders require a vetinary exam within 72 hours of arrival anyways.

My maltese puppy is vomiting!?

She may just be off colour from the stress of a new environment and possibly new food, but she is only a baby and the situation is complicated by the fact she is a very small breed to start with. Vomiting dehydrates animals and small and young pups suffer from this more quickly than larger adult dogs. Because of her age and size, I would suggest contacting a vet to be safe.

My 8 week old puppy is suddenly vomiting, please help!?

What exactly is the dog throwing up? Is it food or just yellow or clear mucus? When did the puppy last eat?

Usually, when a dogs throws throws up yellow or clear mucus, it's bile and means that the dog has an has empty tummy and is hungry.

If your dog is otherwise acting normal an playful, I wouldn't worry all that much about it, but if it's an everyday thing that happens, you need to take the puppy to a vet. For now, you need to make sure that you keep her hydrated.

Here are some links that you that you might find helpful if what the dog vomits is clear or yellow. I think that they will ease your mind.

Help, my puppy vomited twice after his nap. What is wrong?

Well, it depends. I think you should give more details. Such as if he could have eaten anything before his nap. Or when where his shots.

Some dogs have a reaction to certain shots, specially their first ones. Then, puppies are really fragile on their stomachs. So for example, if your puppy's body is thin, and his stomach is a bit large in comparation to his body, he may have parasites (it's normal). Also, it could be that he just ate something he shouldn't have.

However, since it looked like milk, it could be something natural. Dogs eat things to make themselves throw up. Things they would it would be grass, or anything green to purge themselves.

My advice to you would be to have him under observation to see if he throw's up again in a different way. If he doesn't, he probably purged himself, and it will happen sometimes (not often).

However, if he does throw up again, I would recommend you to take him to the vet just to make sure.

Why is my puppy not eating and vomiting?

I’m no vet, but I’ve owned a lot of puppies, so I can say I know fairly enough about them.Maybe your pup has an intestinal obstruction (or a similar gastrointestinal condition), which may even require surgery. Try visiting a vet.You are feeding yor pup too much, or the food is not for puppies (the puppies’ dog food is small, so they can chew and digest it correctly.) Try buying dog food for puppies.You hold your pupy facing up (see the picure below.) I have no studies to support my idea that holding a puppy like this will cause any harm, however, from experience, I can tell it’s not a good idea to do this if the pup is too young (below 3 months). I think that holding them like babies could cause a gastric torsion, and I also believe this is what caused the death of 3 of my pups (of around one month). Those 3 pups were my favorite, each from a different litter, and I spoiled and nurtured them just like human babies. A few days after the first baby-play with each pup, they didnt want to eat, vomited the little they ate, had a bad looking diarrhea, and their belly swelled (when I touched it, it felt like it was full of air). Again, a few days after showing these symptomps, these 3 pups passed away. So, try not holding them like this:This photo was retrieved from the internet, it is not mine.

Why is my puppy vomiting everyday for a week now?

You need to get into a vet with your puppy. This is very serious. Your dog can become quickly dehydrated from vomiting. If you can get it to drink some vanilla pediasure with fiber this will give the dog some protein with vitamins and keep it from being dehydrated. You could also try giving it some plain white rice with a little ground beef in it. Don't give it very much, just a little bit of meat for flavor, mostly rice to fill it up and calm the stomach.

Is your puppy vomiting in the morning first thing when it's stomach is empty, or after it eats? Is your puppy a yorkie or maltese or chihuahua or havanese? Your dog could have a liver disease which causes the liver not to be able to detoxify the protein from the meat in the food. If your dog has this, the vet would have to do a bile acid test which is a blood test. If the dog has a liver shunt or liver disease (MVD), then you need to either have surgery or manage your dogs health with a different diet and medicines. Vomiting is a symptom of hepatic encephalopathy, where the toxins effect the brain and all systems of the puppy. You need to have the dog looked at by a vet.

You can contact the Yahoo group I am a moderator on if you find out it is liver disease and we can help you get your puppy healthy while you decide what to do. The group is and we have lots of members who found out their dog was sick because it started vomiting after eating.

My puppy is not eating, hes vomiting, and sleeps all the time. what do i do?

I'm pretty sure he has parvo. He probably picked it up at the pound and it didn't show up in the tests at the vet, yet. The same thing happened to us when we got our puppy. She was fine the day we got her and her shots, and was sick 4 days later. It is extrememly contagious, do not let him near other dogs or where other dogs will be.

Parvo devastates the intestines, making it impossible for proper digestion or absorbtion of vitamins. It's good that he's still drinking water, b/c normally, it's the dehydration that kills them. Make sure to keep giving him water. Also, plain rice and boiled chicken (cut into small bits) are also good to try and give him.

I'm surprised the vet hasn't told you what it is. If it is parvo, the bad news is that only about 50% of dogs make it, and that's with treatment. The good news is that he's still alive and drinking water. If he kicks it, he'll be immune. Recovery takes a little while. The treatment by a vet is usually very expensive and involves 24 hour IVs and usually only works if caught early. At this stage, I'd say it's all up to your puppy and his will to live. However, I'd call the vet and ask him if it is parvo and what treatments are available. They should have an emergency line. If not, find a new vet.

I'm really sorry you are going through this, and I hope your puppy makes it. But you need to be prepared.