My Rat Is Biting Me For No Reason Help I Don

Why is my rat biting me all of a sudden?

You haven't had her for long, so she may still be afraid in some way. She wouldn't bit for no reason, so try to be very cautious around her and not to scare or intimidate her. I have only ever had 1 rat that was a biter, and she had been a lab rat before.

The first thing you should do is get your rat another female friend. Rats need to be kept with other rats, if they aren't they can become depressed and lonely and generally unhappy. If the rat isn't with a friend, she could be more scared and be more likely to bite.

Another thing to consider is was she housed with males when you got her. If she was, she could be pregnant, and some rats will get aggressive during pregnancy. A rats gestation period is about 23 days, but it can be hard to tell until the last couple days. If she was only with females, obviously this is not the problem, though.

Just try to take it slow with her and don't scare her. Also, encourage good behavior, if she doesn't bite, give her a treat. If you work with her and get her a friend she shouldn't bite anymore. Make sure though that nothing is wrong with her too. Rats will sometimes bite when they are in pain, so if she could be sick or hurt somehow, this could make her bite. Keep an eye on her just in case.

My rat keeps biting me and I don't know why?

Because it’s a rat!Personally, I’d recommend getting rid of it…it’s a rat!But, if you just gotta have a rodent; Are you washing you hands before handling it? It may think that your fingers are food. Or, take it back and get a different one. That one may just be mean.I’m of course assuming for the moment that you got it at a pet store and didn’t just find a disease-ridden varmint somewhere.As you may be able to detect, I’m not fond of rats as pets.

My rat keeps biting me for no reason?

Just a mean rat. Coming from a pet store it was probably never socialized right like how it should be. In my experience, rats like that can eventually be worked with some to get a bit better - but even after months they never become "perfect" and always retain some of their nippiness. I can never work with a rat like that anymore. If I was in your shoes, then I'd prekill it. (You don't feed live prey to your snakes do you? Bad for everyone involved, including the snake.) and freeze it first to get rid of any possible pet store germs/parasites. I don't know about rats, but I've gotten infected mice from Petco before.

Honestly if you want friendly pet rats then pet stores are not the way to go. You should buy from a breeder that plays with the pups early on. More than half the rodents I buy from pet stores are nippy and like I said have been known to be sick. (and overpriced)

Believe it or not, I'm actually more pleased with the feeders coming from a herp store. I've seen some that don't take good care of their rats admittedly, but the one I go to keep the tubs very clean and they're used to people working with them so they're very docile. I've never had a problem with biting from the feeders I get there and since they're for consumption he takes extra care to keep his stock clean and parasite-free. I can't say the same of Pet City, Petsmart, and Petco.

EDIT: Just saying since you spend $7 - $10 each on them - A feeder rat from a reptile specialty store will only be $1 - $2.50 and you can often get discounts if you buy in bulk. I've been to four reptile specialty stores in my area and those prices seem the same about. One has jumbo rats at $3 though.
I know places like Petco wants $10 for them which is just another reason not to buy from them if you can help it....

Also if you want to /really/ buy in bulk and don't mind frozen then you can order online the bad thing is you have to buy enough to offset the (pricy) cost of shipping.

Good luck~

I'm scared of my rats...Help?

I had a black bear hamster for over two years, and she died about a week ago. My parents had told me about a year ago that, when my hamster died, I could get rats.
So, a couple days after my hamster died, we went to Petsmart, and I couldn't resist. I got two female dumbo rats.
I sort of forgot that I'm afraid of rodents. Like, I think they're adorable, and if I know that they're friendly, I'll play with them, but I'm terrified of being bitten. I can't even remember how badly it hurts when a rodent bites you.
When I got my rats, I was all excited, and they were sweet to the lady at Petsmart. When I brought them home, I really wanted to play with them, but I figured that they would be scared, because they were in a totally new environment. After a couple days, they relaxed, but now I'm afraid that they've gone too long without handling, and they'll bite me.

My two rats are named Gloria and Josephine. Gloria is a very curious rat, and very friendly. I have no real reason to be afraid of her biting me. Josephine, on the other hand, is very, very shy. For a full week, whenever I came in the room, she'd run and hide. I'm sure that she'll bite me, simply because she's so scared of everything.

I'm sorry this is so long, I didn't mean for it to be. But how can I play with my rats without being bitten? Or how can I get over my fear of being bitten?

What does it mean when my rat tries nibbling or biting me?

I really hope your rats are a bit older than 2-3 weeks, because pups that young should still be with mama rat.

If your rat is gently nibbling you for several seconds or more, the little guy is grooming you, just like rats groom each other. This is a high complement & I love it when 1 of our rats does this to me.

If the bite is more of a quick, gentle nip, your rat is playing with you. You may have noticed that they sometimes playfully wrestle with each other & now you're being invited to join in the game.

It's very easy to train a rat to stop play-biting. As soon as you get bit, say "No!" in a firm but kind of high voice (you want to sound like an annoyed rat, strange as this may seem). Then, *immediately* stop interacting with your rat for awhile. You want the little guy to associate biting with stopping the play session. Of course, don't yell, tap the rat's nose or anything like that though.

Have fun with your 4 sweeties.

My dumbo rat keeps biting me and other people?

If she's biting hard, your rat is probably nervous & afraid. While lots of rats don't bite, it's not too rare for a rat in a new environment to bite out of fear. She's only been with you 1 day & many people believe it's best to let new animals alone for the 1st couple of days. We usually begin socializing our rodents the day we adopt them, unless 1 is particularly timid.

Occasionally a rat will bite anyone who puts a hand inside the cage, but is otherwise friendly. This is "cage aggression" but it's *probably* too early for your rat to have developed this (unless she was living in the same cage when you adopted her). If she does have cage aggression, you simply need to wait til she decides to come out of the cage before you interact with her.

If she's giving you relatively painless nips, she's most likely playing. You can train her out of this easily by saying "No" in a firm, high voice, them immediately stop interacting with her for a while (even 5 or 10 minutes). You actually want to sound like an annoyed rat. I learned this trick from other rat lovers & it's worked within a week for every rat we've used it on.

Another reason your rat may bite is that your hand smells like food. Simply wash your hands (don't use fruit-scented soap) before interacting with your little guy.

What does it mean when my rat bites it's tail?

Many expert rat keepers have come to believe that this is a maternal behavior. For whatever reason hormones have triggered the behavior, the pink tail moving away from her, triggers an instinct to pick it up and carry it back to the nest as if it were a pinky. Problem is, it keeps moving away from her and she ends up chasing her tail to catch up with it. It's a rare behavior among rats, male or female, but I know of one male rat that has done this.

Another reason for tail chasing is pain. Just like every other joint in the body the vertebra in the tail are also prone to arthritis, or injury. Biting her tail could be the only way she knows of to relieve this pain. To determine this, gently press either side of the tail with thumb and forefinger from the base of the tail all the way to the tip. She may react if you hit a sore spot. This would be the same sore spot that she is trying to chase down to relief.

Or, heaven forbid, your rat has turned into a tail-cleaner :)
Cleaning their tail during grooming is rare among rats. It's the last appendage they would ever think of touching. If you have a tail-cleaner, Kewl!

The last reason why rats chase their tail is boredom, stress, or amusement. A bored, or stressed rat is more likely to over-groom itself (self-barbering). Amusement is suddenly finding a moving object to chase, just as a cat would chase a piece of string.

As cute as this behavior is, it can turn into a compulsive neurotic disorder. If there is no medical reason for it, if the tail-chasing is getting too serious, you might want to nip it in the bud by using distraction and reward methods.

"my life has gone to the Rats"

Why do rats bite everything?

Rats are part of the rodent family and rodents need to continually chew in order to keep there teeth worn down because they grow so fast. All rodents do this but if you supply wood blocks you get at a pet store or if you give them pesticide free apple tree branches they are more likely to eat those then there other stuff.​Sometimes your pet rats will get mad on you if you keep waking them up late nights or tease them. They will show their anger by biting things. So better don't tease rats particularly the white ones...:P​

Do snakes bite humans without any reason?

Well if they have bitted without any reason, I would have died twice. I have myself went through very close encounters with Cobra, which is a venomous snake twice.Once I was sitting outside the house, playing Mobile game. 'Game over' and I selected 'New Game' and realigned myself in the chair for more comfort. But then I noticed some suspicious object extreme left behind me, all of a sudden I jumped off from the chair. And looked back, it was a very lengthy Cobra, triggered by my jumping, it expanded it's hood and made that 'whoo' sound, and went away.It was night, and I was talking via Mobile phone and noticed some very young Cobra, with not more than a 2 feet in length, went just by my foot.In all the above experiences of mine, I learned something that is , we kill them whenever we see them, due to a possible threat of someone ever getting bitten , they tries to kill only when it feels as if we are threatening it's life .Snakes are very morale in these things, much more than Humans.But of course snakes can be stupid at times, misunderstanding our activities as a threat. If educated humans can kill people with gun in the name of 'Gods', how can you teach a snake what is a threat or what is not ?. Below are some circumstances where snake is very aggressive :Never foot over a snake. It will attack you.Like all moms, it's very protective towards it's offsprings or eggs, it's highly aggressive towards someone even walking by the eggs or offsprings.Never try handling snakes. Even professionals gets bite, below video depicts tragic story of few Indian boys handling snakes and getting bitten.Play VideoDo consider following below precautions, so to avoid snake encounters.Wear chappals or flip-flops, whenever you go outside into bushes or garden etc. Sound of flip-flops, is detected by snake as vibrations and it leaves to distant areas to avoid a threat. (Snakes fear us , it ain't there watching us closely to attack us)Wear protective gears for foots and hands when engaged in agricultural plots.Always have a torch to light , whenever walking via fields or road at night.

Does a rat bite need a rabies vaccine?

Yes, but it depends on the category or class like the dogs. I explan my view; if you have a pet (Dog) and you regulerly care about it and any time accesidendly it bite you then you don’t need to take the rabies vaccine.But the safer side i recommend to take the vaccine don’t loss any chance.