My Roommate Smoked A Lot Of Weed This Weekend And He Is Still Sleeping For A Couple Days

Should I Tell My RA About My Roommate Smoking Weed?

Almost every day my roommate goes out and smokes pot. She later comes in (usually after I have gone to sleep) wreaking of smoke. It has gotten to the point where the smell wakes me up and gives me a massive headache. I ve tried to just "suck it up" but the smell is seriously interfering with my sleep. I don t want to be a tattle tale but my lack of sleep is threatening my academics.

Why did my roommate pass out after smoking weed?

So my roommate just got Mexican food and decided to smoke pot before, but he said he wanted to take advil first for the pain in his mouth (his wisdom tooth is coming in). He took advil, smoked weed, drank a lot of Arizona iced tea and ate a lot of mexican food. He went to the bathroom and I heard a big thumping sound; he fainted and fell to the floor. He had about a bowl of weed from his pipe. Why did he faint?
And before you lecture on the effects of weed: it is legal here.

My college roommate smokes pot. What do I do?

I've recently learned about a month ago that my roommate smokes pot and lately he's been excessively smoking it in my room. The smell in here is absolutely terrible. I've asked him to not smoke it in the room many times but he does it anyway. I'm so angry at this because I pay $10,000+ to live in a room and I shouldn't have to deal with this. Me and my girlfriend can't hang out in here anymore because she hates the smell and because of it I end up sleeping in her room. I want to tell the RA but

My roommate in my dorm is smoking weed what should I do?

If you're comfortable with potentially getting him in trouble, then talk to the RA in private and tell them the situation. If they seem unwilling to do anything about it, talk to the Resident Coordinator or whoever's in charge of the dorms. Simply explain that you don't want to be near the junk and you want a different room. You have every right to do this; it's your life and your education, and the dude doesn't have the right to do illegal drugs in your shared room.

Roommate smokes weed in campus apartments?

If these are off campus apartments, the school won't be able to do much about this. If these are school apartments or dorms, contact the security for the building or campus or the floor RA. If your building has rules about this, then contact the building manager.

If you don't want to confront the roommate, ask for a reassignment to another room or wait the year out and find an new apartment or roommate for next semester.

I don't feel right 5 days after smoking weed.?

I smoked weed on Monday night. The first time in 2 years. (I'm 25) I got way too high and had a horrible panic attack, it was awful. At least I know not to ever smoke that sh*t again. However, this whole week I have been extremely tired and have horrible anxiety. I keep thinking I have cancer or some horrible disease. Just terrible anxiety really. At work I have been acting really goofy and can't concentrate. It's mostly the anxiety and worrying that is bothering me the most next to the extreme exhaustion.

Why is this happening to me? Have you ever exprerienced this?
When will I feel normal again? : (

My roommate is a sleepy, smelly stoner?

I could really just use some advice right now. I'm a freshman in college and I have an issue with my roommate. There are three things I cant stand.

1. He smokes weed. Now honestly I don't care if he gets high, but he also smokes in our dorm room. His clothes smell like smoke and they stink up the room. He comes back from the woods at 12 because he was smoking. He also advertises his drug habit. He has weed shotglasses, clothes, lighters, and our whiteboard is always covered with some stoner message about blunts. He has weed and bongs and a vaporizer in our room and I don't want to get in trouble for it.

2. He smells. The room smells. The room smells like his microwave meals mixed with his weed smoke and his *** gas. Its not my fault I know, because my room has always smelled fine.

3. He sleeps all the time. I wake up before him and his obnoxious alarm goes off. He shuts it off and goes back to bed. I wake him up for class and when I come back I find him sleeping. If I want to hang in my room and listen to music, chances are he's sleeping. I hate having to tiptoe around him all the time. He literally sleeps ALL DAY. And then, he stays up until 4 and keeps me up too. I used to go to bed at 12 at the latest, and now my sleep schedule is messed up.

I could use some advice on how to deal with these issues, because I'm a nice guy and I dont want to call him out on all this. Its kind of his identity. I could move to a single, but they're $800 more for the year. Any comments are welcome. Thanks in advance!


My Roommate is growing weed.?

Well I live in a four bedroom apartment with my brother and a friend that I have known since grade school. We all go to a university and my brother and I are science majors while my friend is a business major.
Anyways my friend is addicted to pot. I know they say that is impossible but he is and when he doesn't smoke he gets all shaky and paranoid, and he refers to it as his medicine. Anyways I knew that he was a smoker when I moved in but told him that as long as he kept it to his room it was ok, but the problem is he doesn't. I can constantly smell it, there are always people over toking up with him, he leaves joints on the tables, he gets the munchies and raids the fridge at least once a week and He smokes on average eight times a day and that is when I am home. But the thing that is really stressing me is that he has started to grow his own weed....he showed it to me the other day its a small plant but still....what should I do.

How do you smoke weed at home without your parents knowing?

I have successfully smoked weed in my room with no repercussions for some time now.Although my parents know and generally don't have a problem with me smoking weed (better than being an alcoholic or prescription drug abuser, right?) They do not like me smoking in my room for the reason of lingering smell and the fact that it is (stupidly imo) illegal.So, if I do feel like having a smoke I'll usually adhere to a few “rules” to make sure that I don't get caught green handed.Only smoke after they have gone to bed (or during a free house)Make sure you go toilet and stock up with snacks and water/drinks before you smoke so that you have no need to leave your room whilst still 'airing' out the roomPut a towel, old jeans or tracksuits along the bottom of your room door and also cover the keyhole (if you have one) with a jacket or something.Make sure to have your windows (or balcony door) wide open during your smokeLeave the windows/balcony door open for as long as possible after you smoke (30/45 minutes at the very least) (I have a designated smoking blanket for those cold nights)It may sound obvious but don't go and make a lot of noise and start screaming out laughing or coughing your lungs out so loud that your whole street hears it. (I'll usually watch something or play some games with headphones on)And don't over do it! I mean I love me a smoke but a second joint or bowl or whatever in your evening session alone is usually just overdoing it and means you have to worry about the smell a lot more.If you stick to those rules you should never really have an issue.For me this has worked very well but you must realise that I have a relatively small room with a large balcony door which allows for a lot of air circulation and parents who aren't expressly trying to catch me out (after all, they do know that I'm somewhat a connoisseur).Also, I smoke joints so if you're ripping a bong or vaporising, chances are that the smell will be less of an issue for you than myself meaning you don't have to have your windows open for as long a time.Ultimately I would recommend that you cut down on smoking in your room and save that money for a trip to Amsterdam or a legal state in the U.S. where you will notice an incredible leap in quality and a experience a much more relaxed smoking environment.Hopefully that helps!

What's it like to smoke weed everyday?

Amazing actually, its easy to deal with office shit and other less important things.You can escape mentally whenever you want.Your body is relaxed, its like a rising curve of only good things happening to you both physically and mentally.You may feel creative at times.It bring up hidden things in you. ( fears and powers)you meet an amazing version of you.You may experience you have got some extra abilities in you.It like each body organ is functioning super fast.But this is initial.Soon you are addicted.may be you have became an escapist, which isn’t healthy for people around are so lost in you own world that people started missing sober times most important aspects seems meaningless.You may feel left out, disable when you are not on weed.It may leave you with may experience anxiety .It may weaken you emotionally and mentally. ( there is always a possibility)You wont be able to enjoy and connect with normal people anymore.your oral health will soon deprive.Soon you may be less satisfied with your lifeIts like a curve which is initially a rise in good experience and then its a down curve.But despite of all this, its an amazing experience, its like an unique journey in your head every time you are on it.