My Shoulder Hurts Every Now And Again

Why does your shoulder hurt after a gallbladder surgery?

Not every patient experiences shoulder pain after gallbladder surgery. However, if the gallbladder is removed laparoscopically, “referred” shoulder pain is not unusual. In laparoscopic surgery, a surgeon inflates the abdomen with carbon dioxide gas and then operates through small (approximately 1 cm) incisions, a lighted scope and a camera. When the abdominal cavity is inflated, this can put some stretch on the diaphragm: the dome shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and assists with breathing.The nerve supply to the diaphragm is through the left and right phrenic nerves. The phrenic nerves emerge from the spinal cord at the cervical (neck) levels 3, 4, and 5. The phrenic nerves make the diaphragm move and they also send sensory information from the diaphragm. If an organ that is close to the diaphragm becomes “sick”, it can irritate the diaphragm. The carbon dioxide used in laparoscopy can stretch the diaphragm and create a similar result. Cervical nerve fibers at level 3 and 4 don’t just go to the diaphragm. These nerves also receive sensory signals from the shoulder (through the supraclavicular nerve). This results in “referred pain”. The brain will make you think that one part of the body hurts, when another part of the body, at a distant site from the pain, is the true source of your discomfort.

Why does my shoulder hurt every time i throw something?

You may have damaged the rotor (the cuff or cup, the ball the long bone end sits in and rotates in) it may be chipped, even a small particle broken off. I would suggest you see a doctor. This may be the start of arthritis, from the injury, this is how it starts.
The doctor may want to have MRI's or a CAT's scan, then at most even minor day surgery if that's the most they'd do.
It could be, again, just the injury set in motion the hurting of the arthritis and the cuff needs to be scraped. This is nothing more then cleaning off the calcium from the cuff so it can operate smoothly again. I've had this done.

Shoulder hurts during volleyball! HELP?

Oh no!! It sounds like when you're hitting the ball and serving, you're catching the ball behind your shoulder!!! This is the most common type of shoulder injury in volleyball. You should be hitting the volleyball in front of you. If you're catching it behind your shoulder and swinging through, it'll put more strain on your shoulder.
I would suggest asking your coach to watch you and give you any pointers. And if it gets any worse, go see a doctor!!! Also, ice your shoulder after practice.
Hope this helps and good luck!!

Why do my shoulders hurt while lowering weight when bench pressing?

I KNOW THIS PAIN VERY WELL WHEN I WAS NEW TO GYM AND WAS NOOB TO WORKOUTTHIS IS ALL DUE TO YOUR POOR POSTUREWHEN YOU DO BENCH PRESS WHAT'S YOUR POSITION NO IT'S NOT LOOK HERE IN THIS PHOTOLook at the position of the elbows it's the at the angle of 45° from your chest and shoulders bothAnd the rod must come just below your chest nipples.THIS THE MAIN REASON WHY YOU FEEL PAIN THERE AT YOUR SHOULDER AND YOUR CHEST WILL EVEN NOT GROW ,THE WAY IT SHOUKD GROWREMEMBER THE WEIGHT DOESN'T MATTERS IF YOU HAVE A POOR GRIPLOOK ONE MORE THINGYOUR GRIP-When you Make your wrist like this the pressure comes upon your wrist it stops your chest from growing as almost all the pressure is held on wrist it's not working for chestREMEMBER GOOD POSTURE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HEAVY WEIGHT !!!!

Why does my inflamed shoulder hurt more at night while in bed than during the day?

Why does my inflamed shoulder hurt more at night while in bed than during the day?Two major reasons: You are lying on your shoulders to some extent. Even if you are on your back or stomach exclusively, pressure to either the back or front of the joint is going to occur, as it is especially when you are lying on your side with your full weight on the shoulder and hips. Use pillows to help cushion the weight distribution. Put them on either side of your body so that when you roll in your sleep some of the weight will be modified. Find the most comfy position you can in order to fall asleep initially. Or you can try sleeping in a recliner, also with the help of pillows, which seems to help sometimes.And the reason you notice it more at night is due to less distraction. During the day, you are involved in interesting activities that take your mind off pain to some extent, but during the night, you will focus on any and all discomforts.Distraction can be a powerful tool when it comes to main management. It may seem silly, but twitch your feet to the beat of the alarm clock, whoosh of fan blades, or rhythmic snoring of your spouse or dog (how do you think I get to sleep at night, lol). Of course, this would drive some people crazy but to me it’s like an auditory counting of sheep. Or you can listen to a favorite sound or relaxing music, again, focusing on the rhythm.You can try visualization, by imagining something you love and getting lost in the daydream until it becomes a night dream.Or you can try focusing on your breathing by taking deep breaths to provide your body with more oxygen. Part of your circadian rhythm includes breathing more slowly in the evening, when your body is relaxed. This causes higher carbon dioxide levels in your bloodstream, which in turn dilates blood vessels and may make you feel more sensitive. Breathing deeply is a great way to quiet your mind and is also a distraction from pain that may be keeping you awake.And lastly, a water proof ice pack can help by numbing the area to some extent until you fall asleep. Once you ARE asleep you will move around and dislodge it, so it needs to be water proof. Just a few ideas. Good luck.Reference:Why Is My Pain Worse at Night? | Pain Resource

Why does my shoulder hurt when i breath?

That ball of pressure you feel is caused by tight muscles in your back and your neck. Tight muscles in your back end up being pinched when your ribs expand to get a breath in to cause that pain. When you have pinched muscles in the upper back the pains often follow the nerves around the body to manifest themselves as rib, chest or heart pains. To get rid of this problem you have to free up the muscles in your back and here's how to do that:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
Your neck is mostly muscle so having them tight would be the source of any neck pains. To get rid of the pain you have to free up those muscles and here's how to do that:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about two minutes, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds. For both- for best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Why does my shoulder hurt so bad when i serve (volleyball)?

You should really see your doctor so that you can get a referal to physical therapy. Some doctors will do a referal over the phone (save the copay).

It sounds like you have impengent in the shoulder because of damage to the rotator cuff (that is a very broad diagnosis btw).

Try this website to identify your injury:

Then google "exercises for _______" whatever injury comes up.

Shoulder shrugs are a good exercise, but there are a lot more.
Make sure your are doing range of motion stretches too.

Don't do an exercise if it hurts. Try limiting the range of motion for that exercise or reducing the weight.

Impingement is the pinching of rotator cuff tendons (or bursa) and is not good to ignore. The more you pinch it, the more swollen it becomes.

I have had partial rotator cuff tear in my dominant arm. It sucks. But do your PT, build up strength and you will see remarkable progress. If you stop the PT, you will likely also see remarkable reversal of progress.

Some extra anatomy of the injury:
Basically, when you rotate your shoulder it is not staying in its usual position. It is traveling in some direction and pinching tendons. If you can strengthen the correct muscle groups they will help pull the shoulder back into the right spot.

Pain in right shoulder after gallbladder removal?

I had my gallbladder removed 8 days ago. I had extreme pain and gas that also traveled to my right shoulder. a few days ago the gas subsided, as did the shoulder pain. But for I seem to have some gas again, and once again I have pain in my right shoulder that hardly ever goes away. no medication stops the pain, no massage stops the pain. sometimes when the gas in my stomach is relieved the pain in my shoulder is too. What should I do? My doctor said I may have an ulcer or a retained stone but I think if I had those things the pain wouldnt go away at all.

I slipped in the shower and my shoulder hurts really bad when I lift or move it. Is it broken?

I fell by running in the shower, I have a big shower and I ran and slipped and fell on my left hip, and left shoulder. I also fell on my right hand and if hurts as I text. Is if broken or fractured? My shoulder hurts when I pick up a glass cup and drink,text,lift or move it . I keep on moving it on purpose in a motion and the pain goes away but am I making it worse by doing so and if I rub on it will it make it worse? What should I do for now until I see a doctor?