My Sister Came Out Coloured Read

My sister read my diary!?

i'm 12 and in my diary i wrote a lot of personal stuff like who i liked. i also wrote that i got my period. she always does this. now she knows what i just said and also that i want my breasts to grow. i'm gonna tell you a little about my sis:
She is 4 and her name is katie. she is very smart wich is why she is kindergarden even though in fall of 1]st grade we be 5. she is tiny (3'1) and she is a very sweet little kid. we are very close because my mom is overwhelmed right now do to financial stuff, sickness, and other stuff so i am taking care of her for 6 months. my mom told her to obey me because i'm in charge of her. i get her on and off the bus, set up playdate, and take her places on my bike. (I attached an extra seat) She does not seem to understand i'm in charge of her. she reads my diary and teases me about it. she also pulls off my shirt to embarrass me although she only does it in front of my friends. she walked in on me in the shower and when i yelled at he she said...

During Separation Wife Dyed her hair same color as My Sisters?

Ok So my wife of 7 years and I took a Break at the start of the year.. During the Break, we talked for about 3 months thru email and on the phone before actually getting back together in PERSON.. When we finally got back together her hair was Noraml " Blonde" same color it was when we spit.. The funny thing is though, and I dunno if this is weird or whatever.. But I recently went on her cousins facebook page, and saw where my wife had went to a Family event this summer, during May, then another in June... At both events, my wife's hair was Fire Red.. Same color as my Sister.. my wife never told me she dyed her hair that color.. The weird part about this is, my wife has always been really sort of ... Envious of my sister.. She's always talking about how Good she looks, How cool her style and clothes are... I just found this kinda spooky. And the reason why is because my wife never told me about her Red hair phase, I dunno, Since I've known her for 10 years, her hair has always been her natural color.. Why would she DYE It my sisters color, like exactly like her's, then never tell me about it?

I found porn on my sister's ipod, what should I do?

My sister is in 7th grade and a few years younger than me. I accidentally went to her internet today and found 3 porn sites (including lesbian porn). My parents are really strict (they got pissed when I read the first few pages of 50 shades of gray before i knew it was porn). Should I tell my parents or talk to my sister? If my parents found out and then found out that I knew, would they be mad at me? PLEASE HELP!

I have a 6 year old baby sister. I barely spend time with her. What are some cool activities that you might suggest we do together on a weekend?

This question makes me smile! You have a warm heart to care about her like this.You don’t say what your age or gender is, but I my six-year old liked to play pretend, dress-up, act out her books like Matilda or Anne of Green Gables (yes, quire a nerdy little thing she was), bake cookies and eat them, make science experiments in the kitchen, get chased around in the yard, scream at the top of her lungs laughing, go to the park and play on the swings, make up stories, ride bikes.If you can take her somewhere, go to the local pizza parlor ( a real one, not Domino’s), somewhere that maybe she can watch the pizza being made and talk about that. Or go to a bookstore and let her wander around, maybe buy her something small, encourage her reading and imagination. Take her roller skating or ice skating or to a museum where she can examine art and build her imagination and opinions about what she liked.Take her out for ice cream after dinner. Just a little amount of time will mean the world to her, trust me.Mostly, listen to her. Talk to her. Listen to her ideas, dreams, fears, everything. She will open like the tenderest flower imaginable to know that you are interested in her.

My sister has a dark ring around her neck, why?

Hi dear...that answer could be she has PCOS, or insulin resistance (they go hand-in-hand). It is a hormonal condition that can be treated by an endocrinologist or her family doctor. Even if her blood work comes back normal, she should still see an "endo" doctor. I have a similar issue, and it is part of this condition. Sometimes women's cycles are a little irregular, they have ovarian cysts, or other more specific hormonal issues that can't be discovered through a plain old blood test. Encourage your mom/dad to take your sister to see one ASAP, just in case there is an underlying cause (and my guess is that it is hormonal).

Good luck, and congrats for being such a caring sister.

My sister is showing severe signs of depression and loneliness, what are some good books I can buy her for her birthday?

Sorry to hear about your sister who may be showing signs of severe depression. Self help or even some of the more energizing classics may be of little help when one is severely depressed.Depression, allowed to go untreated,usually gets worse, unless it is caused by seasonal change or results from having to move or lose a best friend who is taking a job in another city.Severe depression causes the sufferer to lose interest in activities that formerly consumed a portion oftheir leisure time. Simple things likebasic hygiene or getting out of bed are seen as insurmountable obstaclesthat may subsume all other necessaryand leisure activities.Ordinarily I would recommend a book as a good gift but there are many herealready recommended  to please the palate of the most avid of readers, when she is ready.She may benefit from an evaluation from a professional who may help her choose alternate treatments if it is determined their are no physical causes for her mood. A good start is is an appointment with the family physician, if she can see a clear way to make the first step.