My Sister Threatened To Jump Out Of The Window

I genuinely feel like jumping out of my window right now I can't do this anymore?

I can't do this anymore! I've suffered severe bullying, moved schools and then got bullied at my new school. I have no friends, I never go outside, all my dreams I've failed at, I lived a fake life online to escape from my nightmare reality, then finally gave up but then my brother found out today and was like 'I know you were living a fake life. That's so pathetic' it hurt so much even my family thinks I'm messed up. I've tried and tried I'm 15 now but I have been crying every single night of my life for 4 years and I've had suicidal thoughts everyday for years I eventually got a school counsellor in my last school and then I left I was alone. I tell my mom everything but somet things she can never understand. I've been saying to myself 'life will get better' for years it HASN'T AND IT NEVER WILL. I GIVE UP. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I HAVE TRIED SO HARD TO BE STRONG BUT I ******* CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE I GENUINELY CAN'T. For some reason my heart is telling me to make Y!A my last chance and I don't even know why I'm asking this since I don't think anyone can change my mind but this is the only place I can vent please I'm losing hope and faith, year after year day after day is hell. Nothing ever goes well for me I live 24/7 heartbreak. The only way I can escape is by killing myself and I feel no one would miss me no one loves me I have no ******* strength in me anymore!

What is the scariest thing your mother has ever threatened she would do to you?

I was a child with a lot of mental disorders. My parents didn’t seem to understand that I couldn’t control everything I did, so they got fed up with me “acting up” a lot. They threatened me several times from when I was 13 all the way to this day.First, around when I was 13 to when I was 15, they threatened to put me into a mental home. They even spent a whole week visiting them to see which one would be “best” for me.Then, around the middle of 15 years old to the beginning of 17 years old, they started threatening that I would have to buy my own food and my own clothes. I was still too young to have a job in my area, so there was literally no possible way for me to make money.From 17 to this very day, I get threatened that I’m going to get kicked out of the house. They constantly tell me that they don’t care what happens or where I go, but they just want me out. I’m 18, I still can’t get a job because I still don’t have a phone to make calls, I am still trying to finish my senior year of high school, I am still having issues getting financial aid for college, and I’m still struggling to learn about living as a whole. I don’t know how to survive on my own and it’s pretty sad that that’s the case. Not to mention how emotional I always am. My parents never tried to see how I saw things, they never tried to understand my many mental disorders, and now that I think about it, I’ve never gotten one apology in my entire life from my parents for anything that was actually their fault.People seem to think that I’m “ungrateful,” but they obviously never saw how my parents were/are with me at home. All I can say is that it’s worse than people would typically think — a lot worse.ANYWAY, I got off topic, but that’s it. Ignorant parents with closed minds and selfish personalities who have threatened to:put me in a mental homegive me over-the-top adult responsibilitieskick me out of the house with nothingand as a bonus, they’ve already deluded others into believing that I’m the biggest problem.

My sister is blackmailing/threatening me! I don't know what to do!?

My sister is 18 and I am 19.
Tonight I don't want her to borrow my charger for the phone because Im using it and she just keeps pushing it! then she threatens me that she will send a naked picture of me to my ex-crush. (which we still have issue with each other). I don't want her to involve him because the person is in peace.
I also don't remember that she took a naked picture of mine.
I told her to piss off! and she said "If I walk out of this room I will send the pic to him" then she told me a lot of hurtful things like I was never a sister to her (I was like what the HELL?! I was a sister to you but I am tired, I need to think about myself because I always go hey did you eat? hey where are you and all! if I didn't care I wouldn't buy her some foods she want!)
and I gave her a silent me.
So now the prob is...
1. how can I stop her for being like this?
2. does she really have a pic of me?
3. will she really send the pic?
4. should I warn the person she involved and say sorry in advance?

My parents are useless whenever they scold her she just doesn't listen and my mom loves her than me and she is already manipulating our dad.

5.What should I do with her?

P.S. I want to move out of this house.

My mom threatened to kill me... can I call 911?

Well......... pretty much long story short. I asked my mom if I could go to online school. Before asking her i tried to tell her, I'm not trying to make you mad I just want to ask you [even though she told me no before ]... and then she makes a really big deal out of it and then somehow we end up in my room. We then get to the point where we are both on different sides of the bed .. she is threatening to kill me and stuff and saying how stressed she isand she jumps on the other side of the bed and attacks me... mainly she was just pushing me and stuff i dont remember being hit and then my brother came in the room and stopped it.. i feel like i would have been killed if he wasnt there... and then we had to go somewhere with each other in the car about 5 minutes about 2 minutes into the drive she starts screaming how shes stressed out cant take this w.e and starts throwing stuff in the car [it was something liquid i just forgot what it was ] and then it got spilled over the cars and the windows and she was swerving the car and everything and i was really scared for my life.... but anyways she threatened to kill me when we were across from each other before she attacked me and its not the first time shes said it.. about and i feel like its sort of my fault but still at the same time i just cant deal with this anymore.... am i allowed to call 911? if i do what will they do??
btw im 14.... thanks

How to kill my sister's new pet?

My sister recently got a new cat. I hate that damn thing. All she does it pet it and feed it, and it doesn't even love her. It's just a moocher. I actually want to spend time with my sister and she has been basically ignoring me ever since. I feel like I don't even exist. So I want to get rid of her cat Apples without her knowing it was me. Should I sneak it into the car without my mom noticing and leave it at Walmart? We live in a 6 story apartment and we're on floor 4 so I was thinking about throwing it out the window in the middle of the night. Which method would you use if you were me? No hate comments either I just want my sister back and THE CAT WILL GO.

To whom this applies, when was a time when someone threatened your life? How did you react?

I was in my 20’s in NYC, I lived in a walk-up on 79th St. and lived with my sister in a studio. She was dating a young brown belt guy who also owned a comedy club and therefore was friendly with many police officers in his precinct. He gave us, for protection, a can of Police Mace, a police billy club, a taser and a switch blade he’d found somewhere. I was quite grateful. The one night I was alone in our apt. I was dreaming that a man’s arm was coming in thru my window on the fire escape. I woke up scared to death and jumped out of my skin as it was not a man’s arm, it was a man’s head on his way into my studio/bedroom! About 5 ft from my pillow! I looked at my 4 weapons, chose the billy club for expedience and started slamming his head while cursing like a sailor “Come in and die Muther f…er!! Come in and F’n DIE!!!” Pow, pow pow again and again on his head. He fell back. I lived on the 4th floor. I know he went over the fire escape and I’m pretty sure he fell down 4 flights. He had 2–3 friends with him because when I shut my window (with no lock on it) I heard them screaming. THEM screaming - imagine? What was their plan for me? It was 4am. I couldn’t call the police because I just played at a nightclub (I was a saxophone player) and my little studio smelled of weed really bad. I was afraid of the police coming, seeing I had their weapons, smelling the weed all over, and then asking if I knew anything about a body flying 4 flights over the fire escape. No one ever came. No police came around asking questions either. Is it possible to have your head smashed several times and fly down 4 flights and live? Only God knows. Believe it or not I went right back to sleep. I figured coming into my apt. looked and sounded painful, it was unbelievable what came out of my mouth before he “fell” back!Bottom line: I don’t know if I killed him BUT he had 2 friends with him as he was coming in my apt. to probably kill me when they were done with me.

Got beat up by girlfriends brother?

you did the right thing. You were in a lose lose situation. The bruises will heal.

My 6 year old is threatening suicide please help!?

My younger brother used to do this when he was four or five. It was just attention seeking behaviour, and I guess my parents rewarded him with the attention he wanted, but he used to dangle himself out of windows also, even over something as small as not getting his way, leading my parents to eventually nail the windows in our bedroom shut. You should talk to your child about why this is not a sensible or clever way of dealing with a problem. Remember that she does not hate her life. She's six years old. Every minor grievance will seem like the end of the world to her, and she probably does not realise fully yet the finality and devastation of death, she just knows such behaviour will get a serious reaction out of you. It's actually probably quite normal in young children.

But, you really should nip this behaviour in the bud, even if you have to take her to see a child psychologist - though I'm sure this is unnecessary. I only say this because, fifteen years down the line I'm being treated for anxiety at 22 with regards to a deep phobia of my nineteen year old brother, who is perfectly capable of taking care of himself, disappearing or killing himself. I understand totally why you're scared.