My Stomach Always Hurts And I Am Getting Weird Sleep Patterns Help

Stomach hurts every night when I try to sleep?

Are you sure you aren't just dehydrated buddy?? Expecting your digestive system to digest food and transport essential vitamins and nutrients with no water in your system is an extremely huge ask ............ Water is imperative to life. Without water your body will have a terrible time breathing, digesting food, transporting nutrients, lubricating your joint sockets etc.etc.etc.etc......... nothing substitutes for water. your body needs at least 2 - 3 litres of water daily to function efficiently.

Try drinking water or other fluids 20 minutes before or 20 minutes after meals rather than with them........ so as to enhance the digestive process rather than hinder it. By drinking fluids with your meals you will only be diluting the digestive juices.

also, try to cut back on drinks such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas and soft drinks (if you drink any of them) which will all do great job of dehydrating you. ie: just 1 can of soda or soft drink will make your body peesh out up to 12 cups of water !!! 1 cup of coffee will make your body peesh out about 2 cups of water ........... read the book by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.... "Your body's many cries for water"...... an astounding and scary and very true read.

Other symptoms of dehydration are cramping, bloating, headaches and migraines, inability to think clearly, puffy bags under your eyes, dark circles under your eyes and irritability and moodiness ................ please drink more fresh filtered water if you aren't doing so already ♥

One other possibility of course is that you are lactose intolerant and that would produce symptoms of gassiness, belching, bloating, cramping, constipation ~ producing small hard pellets, or ribbony shaped movements and acid reflux...... is it possible that you are intolerant to milk and dairy products??

take care of you ♥


Why does my stomach hurt when I don't get enough sleep? How to stop the pain if sleeping more isn't an option?

This happens to me too. It always has. When I was a child, we used to have to get up really early in order to get on a bus to go on vacation to Atlantic City.I don’t know why sleeping more isn’t an option. You could see a doctor to get some sleeping pills, and discuss this problem with the doctor.In the meantime, does coffee work for you? For some people coffee wakes them up. For me, it just makes me jittery. Peppermint or ginger will help with the stomach pain.

Can i sleep on my stomach during pregnancy?

now you can,but few months you cant. try your left side- with a bodypillow inbetween your legs and hug it. it will be most comfortable

Why does my stomach hurt and I haven't eaten anything today?

There can be many causes for stomach pain. One that is common, but people ignore: Drinking hot beverages. When a beverage is too hot, it can injure the esophagus/stomach. This can take some time to heal. Acidic, sweet, or spicy things can keep the irritation going. I had this for several months, and it was difficult to get it healed. Swallowing medication was especially hard. The ache was often so bad, I could not swallow water. The tannins in coffee and tea, and the sugar and acid in juice, were impossible. Taking Omeprazole (Prilosec) for several weeks, sleeping on my left side, eating small breakfast and lunch only, not eating ANYTHING after 3pm, allowed the healing. I found some relief by drinking lukewarm tea made of tumeric and cinnamon.It's important to remember that you injured yourself once; it can happen again. Change your habits toward prevention. Once you have healed, fresh ginger tea can help keep your stomach healthy.

Who else here has weird sleep habits?

I have never slept more than 6 hours a night since I can remember, up until last month or so.

I used to stay up until 2, 3, or 4 a.m. writing and/or reading, and listening intently to every word said on the radio. I walk around and move things pointlessly from one place to another in my room, and make multiple trips downstairs for water. I would sit cross legged in my bed, with the covers pulled back, and stare at my clock until the last two digits were a multiple of ten, and finally go to sleep. I must have my fleece blanket with me in order to sleep.

I can't sleep on my left side due to prominent scoliosis and a rotated right shoulder, nor can I sleep on my back... my spine compresses (two hemivertebrae) and it is quite painful.

When I sleep on my stomach, and fold my arms up tight underneath me, resulting in super sore elbows in the morning.

Shutting up now.

Always wake up on my back. Is this weird?

I normally go to sleep on my side or stomach, but I always wake up laying on my back. Its really weird cause it happens every night. Except when I sleep with someone. When I sleep with my girl we cuddle and I wake up how I went to sleep. But alone I always wake up on my back no matter what position I fell asleep in. Do I have a problem or just plain weird or what?

My bladder hurts in the morning. Is this normal?

That's a good question. Thnking from my own person experience and hospital-- It might be a bladder spasm. Does it feel like a cramping sensation and kind of throbbing?

Is there any burning/tingling when peeing-- i'm not sure if that isn't considered hurting. Does your urine have any odours that aren't normal? Is it clear or cloudy at all, any debris in the toilet?

Did you pee a lot when this happened? or is it a normal amount for the morning? If its a lot, then your bladder may be stretched a little more than comfort. You stay asleep because motion causes more stimulus to the area, vs. when you are lying down still which causes the discomfort. Just bending can push it further making it more tender. Man, I gotta pee now!! LOL

Try to maybe not drink as much within 3 hrs of bed and especially not anything with caffeine. Are you on any medications at all?
Try not to push hard and fast when you go, relax first and let it come naturally.

I would speak to your doctor about it if its not a lot of urine coming out though and its affecting how you live. Do a pee test and see if there is anything growing in there. I guess it depends on how much it bothers you, what could be done. That's for a doctor to figure out.