My Toe Was Injured And The Nail Is Loose

My Toenail got separated from the nail bed because of an injury. Will it fall?

3 weeks ago ,I stubbed my toe hard on a door.My big toenail on the right foot got separated from the nail bed almost completely (till cuticle).The sides of my nail had fully popped out from under the skin.
there was gap between my nail and nail bed till the cuticle level and it was bleeding.I went to the emergency care.The doctor cleaned the wound and tucked in the sides of my nail which had popped out and pushed the nail back to its original position.She placed a gauze on my nail and taped it. She said my nail would eventually fall off as the new nail starts growing and will be replaced by the new nail. She said it could take 6 months - 1yr for the new nail to grow.Till then the old nail will protect my nail bed from infections.She told me to clean it daily with soap and water and tape it.The 1st week, some liquid was oozing out from my nail. Now after 3 weeks the nail looks normal.The oozing has stopped and there's no pain(Pain lasted only first 2-3 days).There's no gap and my nail's not loose or anything.It almost looks like how it used to look before injury except for some marks in the skin around my nail.Does this mean my nail has stuck back to the nail bed?Or will it fall later?If it will fall, will the whole nail fall at once? Or will it gradually be pushed up as the new nail grows out?In other words,will I ever have to be with a bare nail bed without the nail(after my current nail falls and before the new nail completely takes its place) ?Please advise .

Will I lose my toe nail If I stubbed it and It turned black?

yes, you'll likely lose the nail. after all this time, if it's still black, you should get it checked. if it's still bleeding, then the injury isn't healing like it should & still has a broken vessel. if going to doc isn't an option, then it's time to stabilize that toe. might try "buddy-taping" it to the next toe to limit movement for a week or so. the limited movement will help it not keep re-opening a broken vessel. if there is swelling, might try ice & see if that helps. do not take aspirin, as it will just keep bleeding going. as for the nail, it will take quite awhile for it to come off & longer still to grow back. i lost a fingernail after finger got caught in a snapped awning. it took something like 6 months to lose the nail & grow back another one. the new one grew in kinda weird, but by the time it was at the end of fingertip, it looked better than my other nails. be careful with the toe. check it often to make sure it's not really still bleeding anything fresh. if it starts losing "brown" blood or any other color but red, then it's just pushing out old blood & is no longer leaking. as long as anything red comes out, it's still fresh & needs to be stopped. you can't just bleed like that for days & not heal. taping it to next toe should help or stabilize it with a popsicle stick type splint.

My toe was injured and the nail is loose!?

Yesterday I hit my toe while getting out of the car. My nail was lifted I think and got loose. It's not too loose, but I don't think it's completely attached. It was bleeding when I hit it, but today it is not. It is only oozy. This morning I bandaged it up with neosporin to prevent infection and I wore open toe shoes. My question is should I leave the nail and let it get loose and fall off? If so how long will it take to come off? Should I soak my foot? I'm in sports right now so I don't want to be out for a long time, I need to compete! It's pretty painful right now as well. Any advice is taken! Thank you.

Toe nail came loose! Help me please!!!

my toe nail hit against the side of a table and is now starting to lift up a little... it hurts like crazy... it does bleed when the toe nail hits something harder than a hard tap. my question really is should I try to keep bandaging it taught to my toe (it is mostly attached) and hoping for the best or should I bite a bullet and pull it off... any doctors please voice your opinion.

What if my pinky toenail got ripped off?

Assuming you kept it clean and dry to prevent infection and covered with a clean (preferably sterile) dressing to prevent rub damage or foreign matter from irritation it, it will grow back at the normal growth rate of your toenails.I’ve lost fingernails a few times in my life (mostly from crush injury) and they always grow back fine. What makes it more difficult with toenails is shoes, and exposure to dirt. Avoiding closed in shoes if they are rubbing, and avoiding dirt getting into the wound will prevent reinjury and potential irritation and infection. Keeping it clean and dry will also prevent infection.If the toe becomes increasingly swollen, red (spreading redness), stinky, worsening pain, pus coming from the area, or you develop a fever you should see your doctor. A small amount of redness, heat, and swelling as well as mild initial pain are normal. See a doctor if you are worried.

Will the bruise or blood under my toenail go away over time?

The dark spot is blood which leaked under the nail when a blood vessel was broken by the impact of the radiator. I have had a similar spot when I jammed my big toe while climbing down a mountain a few years ago. Likewise, I jammed my big toe once on a long run, causing a blood blister below the nail.The pain will go away as the blood dries and shrinks; it is the pressure on the nerves in the toe which is causing the pain. Sometimes, people get a doctor to make a small hole in the toe nail to drain the blood if the pressure is too great, but this isn’t usually necessary. However it will take quite a while for the blood itself to go away. Sometimes the toe nail itself will come off as a new nail grows in underneath it.Back with the running jam, I learned an interesting definition with that incident. I asked a friend of mine how long the new nail would take to grow back in and the blood spot to disappear.“Forever,” was the response.In my case, forever was about ten months.

Toenails: After complete loss of a toe nail, how can I prevent it growing back ingrown?

Depends.if you whacked it, it might grow back thicker because you damaged the nail matrix from where the nail grew frommight not do anything and just grow out normally with no thickness, which tales about 12-18 months to do soif your nail was prone to being ingrown initially then it might have cured the issue, but then it could come back and become ingrown againwhen the nail grows it has to grow up touching your skin all the time until it passes your nail bed and it is free, this is the time where it could ingrow as it scratches your skin growing outdont touch it, lift it, put things down there, raise it up and fiddle with it, it is trying to grow like it did when you were tiny. Just let it do its thing and wait.dont separately soak it in salt water, unless it is infected (then see a Dr anyway). Have a normal bath and shower. Over soaking will cause the nail to be more flexible and the skin to be soft = more prone to ingrown nails.

Injured toenail. Remove, protect or let fall off by itself?

My son injured his big toe at camp two weeks ago and his nail has detached from the nail bed. It's still attached at the back and along the sides (I think). We've been covering it with a guaze bandage and it hasn't fallen off yet. Should we continue to protect it or let it come off. I heard if you take it off too soon you can cause the cuticle to close and a new nail will not form. He plays ice hockey and wants to play a pick up game tonight. I'm afraid it will cause the nail to come off completely.

My toenail hurts also some clear fluid?

Hi Crystal! So I just had to answer this question too because it has happened to me! Kelly above is totally right on. You should soak in epsom salt. I wore tennis shoes that were a bit tight and my toe nails were a bit long during a kick ball game and from all the running and stopping and kicking I guess I had bruised my big toe nails on both feet! The next few days after that my toes were so sore and then they began to look purplish in color a couple weeks later. Then a few weeks after that to my horror they both fell off! I was so embarrassed I wore bandaids around my toes til they started to come back in (which wasn't too long) I even had a fake nail put on at the salon because I was in a wedding! But they grew back fine. Hopefully it won't happen to you, but if it does it's not so bad at least it's gonna be fall season. Just make sure to cut your toenails short and wear comfortable not too-tight shoes. :)

Can I glue my toenail down?

okay i know this is gross.

last summer i stubbed my toe in an odd way and it was riooed off except for the very bottom. i left it like that for a while and really nasty stuff started to get stuck under it. si i took a small pair of scisssors and cut it off.

dont glue it, the dead nail will just stay there, you need to get rid of it. don't wait too long to cut it off or you will not be able to tell between the dead and new one. just cut it, dont pull, it seriously hurts. wrap it up in a band-aid to keep it clean from infection and dirt, and you will be fine. it will take about a mounth for it to grow back, drink lots of milk and get lots of calcium so it wil grow faster and stronger. good luck!, i hop i helped.