My Two Cents How To Succeed Without Even

Can I gain success in blogging without doing any SEO or traffic driving efforts at all?

I see a general problem here which would be the definition of SEO...For Jon Burr and Ethan Tan SEO is good writing. User-12125492784434374059 also recommends to focus on the reader instead of worrying too much about SEO. For User SEO is mainly keywords. Ayush Chandra attributes it with technical aspects. Sheikh Munaf mentions titles and meta tags in the context. Kimsea Sok and Elle Williams consider social media and relationship marketing to be more important than SEO. Avijeet Singh says that "Google loves what users love." And they all have a point there.However, for me SEO is an interdisciplinary approach taking user experience, content, relationships, social seeding, meta data, and much more into consideration: Your content should be optimized for search engines so bots can find and index it. The more on-page information (such as alt-tags, meta descriptions, titles, etc.) you provide for search engines the better they can categorize your page and display it to the right target audience for the right search queries. Your content needs to be value-adding and engaging because that'll have positive impact on user behaviour such as bounce rates or time on page. These metrics reflect user satisfaction and thus influence ranking positions in the long run. Great content deserves to be promoted to generate links, shares, and mentions. This can happen through influencer marketing, blogger outreach, or social seeding. Goal is to make your content visibile and increase its reach. Backlinks are still an important ranking factor and social signals might be (in the future). You'll see that the process described above is rather a symbiosis of SEO, Content Marketing, and Online PR. Still, SEO is a crucial part of it all. So in my opinion you can't be a successful blogger without spending some time on SEO. But that's just my two cents. Looking forward to reading about other opinions and experiences. Passion is what it's all about!

What percentage of people represent themselves in court without hiring a lawyer and is there any data showing their success rate in winning?

I can only answer this based on a very narrow venue, that being the 143rd Judicial District in Texas.In the 143rd, there are NO pro se felony criminal defendants (and little (>5%) if any misdemeanor criminal defendants).  Our district judge simply does not allow an individual accused of committing a crime to go without representation.As for civil cases...less than 50% for sure...but success?  That's a relative term.  Often a pro se litigant in my district court is simply getting a divorce...and therefore is "successful" though without any real antagonistic conflict.Edit: Based on the additional information provided in the question details.  I have never seen a pro se litigant in a civil case in my court.  I've seen perhaps a handful (<1%) of pro se defendants to civil cases, but in every case I've seen that person did not appear in court and defaulted completely.  As an attorney, I cannot imagine a scenario in which a pro se litigant would have any measure of success in a civil case that is not small claims or divorce.

What are the best ways to succeed in a phone interview for an internship?

Based on my experience, I can talk about how to succeed in a software engineer phone screen for an internship. The good news is most companies have quite similar phone screen processes so that you can have a consistent prepare process.  For example, Google phone screens (for interns) usually have 2 coding questions within 45 minutes. It's worth noting that at least one of them requires you to write down solid code in a code sharing tool like Google doc and it's common to ask you to write code for both questions. I had two phone screens with Google before I got my internship offer and each interview had exactly two coding questions. The biggest lesson I learned is that you really need to spend enough effort on practicing coding questions. Websites like Gainlo Coding Interview Questions and Leetcode have really good resources for you to get started.  Besides, there are a lot of tips for phone screens. Phone Interviews – The Complete Guide to Google Interview Preparation covers almost every aspect and I just briefly mention few points I found most helpful:Be familiar with code sharing tools. My first phone screen with Google was not that smooth and one of the reasons was writing on Google doc really sucks. There's no indentation or autocompletion, which slowed me down a lot. What I did right after that was to keep writing code on Google doc. This is more important than most people expect and more importantly, it doesn't require a lot of effort.Think loudly. Previously my habit was whenever I got a coding question, I would ask for 5min silent time to think about it, which was proven to be a red flag. Interview is different from exam in the sense that it's more like a communication process. In order to keep talking while working on my questions, I've spent a lot of time at home practicing this. I just can't do it without any preparation because I found it distracting to think and talk.But again, the most helpful thing is to practice coding questions. I think you can't be good at solving coding problems without working on tons of them.

Can success be achieved without hard work?

It depends on what you consider to be "success". Is it wealth, fame, friendship, freedom from care, good health, longevity? Have a quick look at the kings and queens in the world. Their children have so much that is simply handed to them just because of their birth, no work on their part obviously; but is that really success? Some think so.

A lot of these things get inherited, handed down to the next generation.

The other day I was reading about John Barrymore (senior), whose son was of the same name (junior). Of course the junior had all kinds of doors opened to him in Hollywood due to his father's great fame as an actor, a great one at that, but the son had little talent and his attempts to reach stardom fizzled out soon enough; thereafter it was a steady decline for him. The only good point is that he was the father of a lovely talent, Drew Barrymore. So while the one failed, the next one did succeed in our present day.

There's a saying, "Anything worthwhile is worth doing right." Generally we need to put in some effort if we hope to get anywhere in this world - unless you have a rich uncle!

My two cents. (^..^)


Why do I hate the phrase "just my two cents"?

Perhaps you hate it because it is disingenuous - the person does not for one second believe their  statement is practically worthless. On the contrary they are being smug and self-satisfied and the cliche is a lie, they actually think they are smarter than you and their seeming modesty is just a display. At least this is what I have often felt when someone says that to me. I know someone who is super-smart but unbearably egotistical and he often says, "anyway, that's my opinion and worth what you paid for it". And at the same time he is bursting with pride at his brilliance! Ah, that feels good!

Why is it when women are too direct they are abrasive bitches and considered taboo behavior? When men can succeed in doing things this way?

Why is it when women are too direct they are abrasive bitches and considered taboo behavior? When men can succeed in doing things this way? Think of a woman acting more like Bones of the TV show Bones as a near example.

How might culture contribute to the definition of pathology and mental illness?

Well it's the forced society and culture that we live in that deem the different or depressed mentally I'll. On the island of the insane you're the one hospitalized or maybe even enlightened O.o... I bet that place is paradise.

Some people just can't handle being stuck in the daily pre determined events of our culture. Many end up searching for something they never find and start to Create delusions and negative thoughts, some of these people fall over the edge. The other few find a way to overcome and live by they're own standards happy and free. But the majority are just stuck and don't know it... Sad.

I know my information is useless but I thought I'd give my two cents without explaining myself further.

Good luck