My Windpipe Hurts When I Breathe

Got water down my trachea/windpipe?

Ok, so I was just drinking some water (purified). And I must have choked or something, but a pretty good amount went down my windpipe. It was about the amount as as much water as you'd swallow in one gulp. So I'm sure it went down to my lungs. I mean we've all choked on water before, but I could actually feel the pain of in going down my windpipe. I was coughing like crazy but I'm sure a good amount got to my lungs. It's been about 15 minutes, and my chest kinda hurts. Like when I breathe in really deep, it hurts. And It's not as easy to breathe as it normally is. I'm sure i'm fine and it will take care of itself, but it's nothing serious right? Like some people said you can get pnemonia or even drowned if u get too much. It was just water, no soda or anything. But it was really painful and I can still feel a slight pain. What's gonna happen? Will it just take care of itself? I'm really worried.

Windpipe and throat hurts out of nowhere?

Just out of nowhere today, my entire windpipe is hurting and my throat hurts (not a normal scratchy sick kind of throat hurt though). It hurts when I breath, and it's kind of trippin me out. What's up with this? I'm 17 and healthy.

My windpipe hurts?

I don't really know if there's anything wrong or if there even could be something wrong. For 3 days or so I've had a sore throat and swollen tonsils. My kids have been sick and I just blamed it on catching a cold. Yesterday I was playing with my two year old and he headbutted me right in the throat. It really hurt. Now swallowing has become extremely painful and it feels like part of my airway may be obstructed. I don't know if it's caused by the cold symptoms or him hitting me in the throat. Is it possible to injure your trachea and not know it? I don't know if I should go to the doctor or not.

My throat hurt pretty bad before he hit me and I'm not really sure if it's worse now or if it's just my imagination. I've also got some swelling and tenderness right under my jaw on both sides of my neck. I don't know if that's my tonsils or my glands... but that's been happening since my throat first started hurting.

Why can't we breathe while swallowing?

Because if we do, the air we breathe will take our food along with it inside the lungs and this would almost certainly lead to a horrific, suffocating, painful death.Food-pipe (esophagus) and windpipe (trachea) are located in close proximity to each other and share a common passageway at the back of our mouths (You can both eat and breathe through your mouth, remember?)As we swallow, the food/drink do not know the right way down. They will go down any pipe that is open — food pipe or windpipe or both.To prevent food from going down the wrong pipe, nature has provided us with a ‘flap’ or a ‘door’ called epiglottis. Epiglottis stands atop the windpipe, guarding its opening.As the tongue pushes the food into the throat to swallow, contraction of various muscles in the area causes the uvula to lift up to block nasal passages and the epiglottis to push down to close the entrance of the windpipe — this way all airways are sealed shut and breathing is temporarily inhibited.This ‘sealing of airways’ ensures that food goes into the food-pipe. Once the food is swallowed, the muscles in the throat relax, the uvula and the epiglottis open the nasal passages and windpipe, and the breathing once again resumes.The big blue arrows show the movement of air between swallows. Note in the second picture the sealing of nose and windpipe by uvula and epiglottis.

Why does my throat hurt when I yawn?

TMJ Dysfunction and "jaw work" is one of my specialties .First, I must say get it evaluated by a medical doctor to rule out anything serious. Second, it can indeed be an overly tense muscle(s). There are very deep layers of muscle that can't be easily accessed by merely pressing on them. They are the same muscles used by opera singers (or any singers) and orators- in addition to the intercostals (muscles that elevate and depress the ribs) and diaphragm, used in breathing. These are also the muscles used to swallow. This is why professional singers must do vocal warm-ups and exercises- these muscles can be pulled and get tense just like any other muscle in the body! Many professional singers get bodywork that specifically focuses on this kind of treatment because it totally enhances their performance capacity.There are ways to work on these muscles, but it requires specialized training and I won't get into it here (as you can see in the first photo, there are vascular and nerve structures that you DON'T want to press on- very adverse effects can occur if it is done improperly). Please do not try to access these muscles on your own by applying pressure, however, proper stretching of the neck can be a safe and beneficial way to relieve the feeling of your "throat hurting" whenever you yawn (as we said earlier, get it medically evaluated first to rule out anything serious). Find someone, maybe a singer friend or a vocal/speech coach that can help you learn how- proper diaphragmatic breathing and proper vocal warm-ups (yes, the same kind singers do) can really help relax this area.Strangely, tight jaw muscles can produce other strange effects like ringing in the ears, watery eyes, sensitivity to light, sinus trouble, headaches, eye twitches- ALSO, feelings of a sore throat. If medical/neurological problems have been effectively ruled out, then it could indeed just be tight muscles- it can stem anywhere from the jaw down through the neck. Find a professional massage therapist (or other therapist) who has experience with TMJ dysfunction, specifically treating the deep, intrinsic muscles around the throat. That combined with proper stretching and gentle vocal exercises should really help.Good luck!

What happens if someone's windpipe is crushed?

The 'windpipe' is the layman's term for the trachea.Tracheal injuries are not, always fatal although airway problems can be significant.A 'crush' injury would be considered  'blunt force trauma' as opposed to a penetrating wound. Strangulation could cause such an injury - as could blows to the trachea from fists or feet.A patient arriving in the Emergency Department with a tracheal injury would require urgent review by an anaesthetist. There may be a requirement for placement either of an endotracheal tube to protect the airway, or for (what is known as a 'surgical airway' ) a cricothyroidotomy or tracheostomy.The following would be signs of a clinically significant injury:-Signs of larynx or trachea injuryVoice alterationHemoptysisStridorDroolingSucking, hissing, or air frothing or bubbling through the neck wound (It may be provoked by coughing.)Subcutaneous emphysema and/or crepitusHoarsenessDyspneaDistortion of the normal anatomic appearance (eg, loss of normal landmarks, asymmetry, flattened thyroid prominence, tracheal deviation)Pain on palpation or with coughing or swallowingPain with tongue movement implies injury to the epiglottis, hyoid bone, or laryngeal cartilageCrepitus (This hallmark sign of disruption to aerodigestive tract is noteworthy in only one third of cases.)(emedicine.medscape)One of the life threatening neck injuries is fracture of the larynx (voicebox)It is a rare injury which can present with acute airway obstruction. It is indicated by the following triad of clinical signs:HoarsenessSubcutaneous emphysema (air in the tissues)Palpable fracture.In all neck injuries of this kind, the 'talking' patient provides reassurance that the airway is currently patent and not compromised. A couple of examples spring to mind from the ED,A patient who had tied a ligature around his neck required urgent insertion of a surgical airway.A patient who caught her scarf in the door of a car which then drove off. She received such severe injury to her trachea and larynx that she had a tracheostomy inserted permanently.

Could you survive having your windpipe crushed?

Just reading the question hurt my windpipe..Lol..

You wont survive.
You cant breathe without a windpipe ; Air goes in there to go to your lungs which makes you breathe! :)

I think a pill is stuck in my windpipe...?

It will dissolve. It has a gel capsule which melts. Drink water too, that will help melt it faster. As long as you are breathing and can speak , I believe that you are going to be perfectly fine. I had a sweetart stuck in my throat one time and it hurt like crazy, I drank water and it eventually went away.

If you are really concerned about it, you can call a hospital and speak with a nurse in the emergency department. ;0)

Why does my throat hurt after smoking?

It is usual among smokers and I will make it simple. Your body simply opposes the smoke. Your body presumes it is bad and want to cure it. The smoke irritates the throat tissues and therefore increases the mucus production. Smoke from tobacco has cancer-causing compounds called carcinogens that cause irritation. The toxins and chemicals in the second hand smoke increase your risk of getting throat cancer. Most throat cancers are caused by smoking.So inflammation and irritation is caused inside the layer of your wind pipe and throat pipe as nicotine and tar gets deposited. But when it comes to hurt, its because of your throat pipe.The Main reasons are1. Dry Throat 2. Development of cancer (Extremely time consuming)3. Smoking Clove mixed cigarettes.To stop hurting/burning of throat simply, 1. Have tea while you smoke.2. Drink plenty of water daily and especially after you smoke. This will help the throat to be hydrated and drinking after smoking will help all nicotine content to move to your stomach and gets purified by kidney.3. This will sound silly but helps better. Have a sweet/mint chocolate after you finish your cigar, then followed by water.

Food stuck in windpipe, what to do?

I ate some peanuts and managed to breathe back and a few pieces went into my windpipe. I coughed like crazy but i couldnt bring them up. I can feel them and no amount of drinking/coughing or slapping on the back will dislodge it. I can breathe ok, i am a bit wheezy but it is beginning to hurt. Do i just leave it or let it sort itself out?