My Wisdom Teeth Growing Toward My Jaw

Why are my teeth growing inward?

My bottom teeth are going inward and I don't know why... Someone told me because my wisdom teeth arnt pulled is the reason... But idk... I brush my teeth... can someone help

My wisdom tooth is growing in towards my cheek?

Okay, so yesterday I felt soreness on the inside of the back of my mouth. At first I was thinking maybe it is my retainer causing it. So, I kind was like whatever. Then I took my retainer out, and I hadn't worn it all day. (I only wear it at night) And I still felt the stabbing in the back of my mouth. I began to feel back there, and I felt a wisdom tooth growing in. So I took a picture to get a better look, and it looked as if it was growing towards my cheek sort of. But the tooth is growing in so it doesn't have the flat bottom that all of my other teeth have. So I was wondering is it going to continue to stab at my cheek or will it stop stabbing when it is fully grown? Do I need to get it pulled? In the meantime, how can I prevent the constant stabbing?

Extra Info:
I had braces for 2 1/2 years, and I now wear a retainer.
I am 14 years old.
The tooth that is stabbing is at the top. Last tooth on my left side.

- Cicaira(: <3

There is a tooth growing under my wisdom tooth toward my tongue?

so there is a tooth growing under my wisdom tooth toward my tongue and it's weird because when it gets bigger I fear it might get in the way. I get chills everytime I touch it with my tongue. Better yet I'd like to know the dangers and the name or history of this phenomena. Becuse I would automatically assume that this is abnormal, no one I know brushes the inside of their mouth for teeth, no jokes people. Cause if you do I'm telling your mother, she and I go way back in the hood... Jk

Do wisdom teeth make your jaw bigger?

No, im afraid that's the problem. Your jaw will always stay the same size when you stop growing at puberty. Humans all have a set number of teeth and if they won't fit in your tiny jaw then you need to go to the dentist to have them pulled out. Wisdom teeth often come in at funny angles too. My wisdom teeth are growing sideways toward my lips instead of upward toward each other.

I hope this helps!

Is it possible that my wisdom tooth is growing after the age of 40?

The chronological age of eruption is 18–25 years for the wisdom teeth.Due to lack of space your wisdom tooth failed to erupt at that time and now a small tip must have been visible. This is given you an impression of tooth erupting.Please visit your dentist, have a radiograph and get it removed. This is to avoid any harm to your 2nd molar, a functional tooth. Secondly If it was to erupt it had come at its specified age.Being an oral surgeon my advise is always aggressive (in favor of surgery) whereas my other colleagues of conservative dentistry always advise of saving even a wisdom tooth as long as possible as & I disagree with them.

I am 26 years old and one of my wisdom teeth on my left lower jaw has never grown in. My dentist told me that I am likely to have a problem with it at a later age. What could this problem be and what's the cause of the delay of tooth growth?

It sounds like your wisdom teeth are impacted. This means there is not enough room for them to grow in properly without pushing your other teeth out of place. I was seventeen when mine had to be extracted (removed surgically). Normally they are supposed to grow in around age twenty-one. If your jaw is becoming painful or you notice your teeth are closer together than they once were, I suggest speaking with an oral surgeon and having your teeth x-ray’d. If it is safe to do so, you can have them extracted before any (more) damage is done. They will put you to sleep for the surgery and when you wake up, you'll have a mouth full of gauze. You will be given a list of after-care instructions and teach you how to care for the extraction site. They will also give you a syringe containing no needle. With this, you will need to clean your gums by shooting water into the holes where your teeth once were every single time after eating to prevent food from lodging inside your gums and becoming infected. You cannot eat solid foods for the first few days, you'll need to change the gauze every few hours at first until the healing process kicks in and you aren't soaking through it with blood so quickly.I must give you a warning that I wish I had known after my surgery. I use to have a bad habit where I would bite the insides of my cheeks and continue biting anything that was not perfectly smooth. The gas they use to knock you out and the novicane, when combined, make you not think straight and also numb you so completely that if you have the same habit I did, BE CAREFUL NOT TO BITE YOUR CHEEKS. I bit a hole a so deep I almost made it to the skin on my face. I damaged a nerve in my cheek and have very little feeling on that side (although over the years it has come back more than I believed it would).If there is no reason for you not to get this surgery, you should do it as soon as possible. You don't want to damage your teeth and the younger you are, the quicker you'll heal. There will also be less chance of permanent nerve damage in your jaw done during surgery if you do it as soon as possible.Good luck!

How can wisdom teeth cause lockjaw?

Usually in lower molar disimpaction , due to swelling and inflammation you might have pain for a couple of days. If during that time you restrict opening your mouth or open abnormally, it will lead to trismus /reduced mouth opening or lock jaw. Hence dentists advice aggressive/ forceful mouth opening exercises such as three finger exercise, intensional yawning, opening mouth wide while putting food in mouth to avoid the situation. :)

Should I get my wisdom teeth out if they are not bothering me?

It depends. Although they may not be bothering you now, there are several reasons to have them removed before an actual problem crops up. Here is what you must consider with your doctor before you decide on what to do about your wisdom teeth:Are they currently causing soft tissue irritation or have a cavity? It may not bother you now, but it can become a problem later on.Can you effectively keep them clean? Lack of complete eruption of the teeth into the mouth can create pockets of tissue that collect bacteria around your wisdom teeth. Also their location in the back of your mouth can make them difficult to clean. It is very important that you are able to fully clean your wisdom teeth (and the rest of your teeth) because infections involving wisdom teeth are a leading cause of multi-space infections that spread to areas around your head and neck.Are they in proper occlusion and is there room for them? Due to their location and the age at which they grow into the mouth, often times there is not enough room for wisdom teeth in the mouth and they may grow into  place where they are interfering with the normal function of your jaws. This interference can create pain in the TMJ (the joint of your jaws) down the road.Is there an opposing tooth contacting your wisdom teeth when you bite down? Not everyone has all 4 of their wisdom teeth. Many times wisdom teeth grow into the mouth without a tooth in the opposite dental arch to come in contact with during biting. This may not seem like a problem; however, without that feedback a tooth can supererupt (grow higher than surrounding teeth) and cause occlusal interferences, and rub against soft tissue causing irritation.Is it impacted? Depending on the type and severity of impaction, this can create soft tissue pockets as before and also push on the roots of your other good teeth causing resorption (the root disintegrates). A lot of times impacted teeth can just be left alone, but it really depends on what the impacted tooth is doing.Everyone can identify a problem when there are active symptoms. However, if there are signs that a major problem is coming down the road, why wait? Another reason to decide sooner rather than later, is that the bone around your teeth will mature with age and can make  wisdom teeth more difficult to remove as you get older.

How do you feel after you wake up from getting wisdom teeth pulled out?

I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out on Friday. I had an IV sedation. I fell asleep as soon as the injection was put into my drip and I woke up and burst into tears (apparently that's a reaction some people have to the drugs!) I felt swollen and a bit woozy and when I got home I napped all afternoon. If you're given the right painkillers you'll honestly be fine. I was never at any stage in pain, it's more just a discomfort. The only hassles I had were eating (I'm sooo sick of ice cream and milkshakes) and sleeping (You have to sleep on your back for the first few nights to aid with the reduction of swelling) It's really not that bad, don't believe the hype! Good luck!