Name Given To All Animals That Live In Air

Animals that can live in a fish bowl?

NOTHING can live in a bowl and be happy, healthy, and have enough space. A bowl is not a suitable home for anything, imagine yourself living in a closet.

Betta need an absolute minimum of 3 gallons (and they like more space than that) and they need to have a filter and a heater. Actually anything will need a filter. A bowls shape does not allow those things in it and they do not have enough surface area for oxygen.
Goldfish need super large tanks, like 50 gallons just for one so definitely not them.
The fish your brother has also need an aquarium. For guppies, mollies, and a frog, you are looking at 20 gallons minimum.

If you want a betta, just get a proper small aquarium. If you want other fish, you will need 10-20 gallons (20 better as 10 still only leaves you with a few options). Make sure you research your fish first.

What are some of the wild animals that live where you live?

I live in North Dakota, we have
Pronghorn antelope, bison, prairie dogs, muskrats, elk, moose, porcupines, bobcats, skunks, coyotes, raccoons, bighorn sheep, white tailed deer, red foxes, badgers, rabbits, raccoons, mountain lions, wild horses, longhorn steers, salamanders, toads, frogs, prairie rattlesnakes, Lots of waterfowl, snow and Canada geese, ducks, sandhill cranes, black-crowned night herons, eared grebes, hawks, eagles, and various species of songbirds. Also lots of fish, pike, perch, bass, sunfish, catfish, paddlefish, trout, sturgeon, cod, minnow, etc.
Wolves are spotted

Well, that's what I thought of. There is more....

Aquatic animals are the term given to animals that live in the water. These animals almost exclusively will never thrive in land and many will perish in land.animals that spend most of its time in land are called terrestrial animals.Animals that spend most of its time on trees are called arboreal animalsAnimals that spend most of its time on air are called aerial animals and animals that can spend their life both in water and out of it are called Amphibians or Amphibious animals.

Arborial animals?What Are Arboreal Animals?

What are animals that live on land called?

Animals that can live on land and water are called? a. mammals b. reptiles c. amphibian d. arthropods Actually, it is potentially all of the above. If this is a school question you are asked, they want you to say "amphibian", but that is wrong by itself. It is true that amphibians live both in land and in water, however, there is an array of animals that also do that. Reptiles - crocodiles, alligators, sea snakes, turtles, tortoises etc.. Amphibious fish - such as the eel (they can travel long distances out of water and have been known to leave the water to eat eggs and catch small rodents) Crustaceans - crabs, crayfish etc.. Insects - such as water beetles Mammals - seals, walrus, sea otters etc.. (polar bears have been sighted swimming and feeding so far out to sea (over 100 miles), it shows they can live for extended periods on the water also) You might include birds, such as the penguin And also arthropods... spiders and water scorpions Mulloscs - such as snails, clams etc.. So your correct answer could be a, b, c, and d, but only c would be all inclusive.

It is an interesting question. Many names are derived from Latin and/or Greek likeHippopotamus- "horse of the river" Latin through Greek: hippo- "horse" potamus "river". Likewise, a "hippodrome" is a horse arena.Rhinoceros- "horned nose" Latin through Greek. Rhino- "nose", keros- "horn". Rhinoplasty is surgery done on the structure of the nose. Likewise, horns, claws and human fingernails (and hair) contain keratin. Notice also Latin words like "corona" or "corn" (cornet, unicorn) that refer to horns.Many are from indigenous or local languages such asKangaroo- From the Australian Aboriginal Guugu Yimithirr language, originally "gangurru". Captain Cook's expedition in 1770 recorded the name as "kanguru" and today we spell it "kangaroo". Toucan- From the indigenous Tupi language of Brazil, originally "Tukana". Through Portuguese and into English, we call the bird a "toucan". Cheetah- Indian peninsula. From Sanskrit "citrakayah" to Hindi "cita", both of which mean variegated- with spots or a pattern. Wikipedia or a good dictionary will give you more great examples.

How long did it take Adam to name ALL the animals?

Because if he didn't name them ALL in one day, then Eve wasn't created on the sixth day. Right?

Or have I made a mistake somewhere?

Thanks for double-checking me!


Genesis 2

Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to ALL the livestock, the birds in the sky and ALL the wild animals. [emphasis mine]

But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Turtles. These are numerous species of turtles that may live on both land and water, like the European pond turtle. Terrapins tend to live in fresh or brackish water.Below water:Above water:Most amphibians. Many only live in water as infants, while others are semiaquatic and can comfortably switch throughout their lifetime.Frogs.Salamanders.Newts (a type of salamander.)Toads.Caecilians.Now, onto mammals. The otter!The beaver.The walrus.The platypus.Birds. In fact, there is an entire family of them: Anatidae, the waterfowl:Ducks.Swans.Geese.There are others, like polar bears, marine iguanas, water monitors, and so on, but at this point I think I’ve sufficiently shown the amazing diversity of semiaquatic animals that reside on this planet. It makes sense, after all. Land covers 29% of Earth’s surface. Water covers the remaining 71%. Why not conquer both?