Names Personalities And Appearance.

What are the names and personalities of all the female roles in Grease?

Betty Rizzo — The tough and sarcastic leader of the Pink Ladies.
Role: LeadAge: 17 - 21Sex: FVoice: MezzoDancing: N/A
Frenchy — A Pink Lady who eventually drops out of school to enter Beauty School. She is extremely attentive to her appearance, well meaning and an airhead. Has a character voice.
Role: LeadAge: 17 - 21Sex: FVoice: SopranoDancing: N/A
Sandy Dumbrowski — The attractive, new, wholesome, and innocent girl in town.
Role: LeadAge: 15 - 19Sex: FVoice: SopranoDancing: Medium
Jan — Loud and overweight member of the Pink Ladies gang.
Role: SupportingAge: 15 - 19Sex: FVoice: MezzoDancing: N/A
Cha-Cha — A great dancer who is also loud-mouthed.
Role: CameoAge: 16 - 21Sex: FVoice: SopranoDancing: N/A
Marty — Immature but most attractive member of the Pink Ladies gang.
Role: CameoAge: 15 - 19Sex: FVoice: AltoDancing: N/A
Miss Lynch — A grumpy English teacher.
Role: CameoAge: 40 - 60Sex: MVoice: N/ADancing: N/A
Patty — A typical, attractive, confident cheerleader.
Role: CameoAge: 15 - 19Sex: FVoice: N/ADancing: Intense
Pink Ladies — The girls' gang
Role: ChorusAge: 13 - 21Sex: FVoice: N/ADancing: Intense

• Match the names to the personality +BQ?

Names ::

× Danielle
× Mikayla
× Maya
× Kayla
× Rachel

Personalities ::

× Conceited, athletic, boy-obsessed.
× Extremely smart, funny, talented, and clumsy.
× Very funny, 'leader', cusses.
× Loyal, childish but funny, very tomboy.
× Shy, quiet, smart, trustworthy.

BQ :: Favorite website?

How does a person's appearance shape his/her personality?

One's appearance plays a significant role in shaping their persona based on the way society stereo-types them.For the sake of this argument, these are truths:Personality means: The character someone IS.
Persona means: The character someone ACTS.
Person means: A stereo-type; society’s interpretation of a generalised Persona.
Personality Type means: An MBTI type.
Appearance refers strictly to the physical.
Society interprets you based on your appearance first, then your Person.
[math]Persona = Personality ÷ Person[/math]So here's the theory…Your Persona is the result of your Personality broken down by your Person: The act you put on is the result of your character filtered through/by a stereo-type.So the societal meaning of one's appearance partially shapes one’s act: Stereo-types partially shape act. Personality (one's character) is independent of appearence.Biology's impact:If Personality Types are based on biology—Apearence, of course, is also based on biology—Then one's personality type & one's physical appearance are both dependent on one's biology. Therefore those with similar biological makeup shall have, to varying degrees, similar appearences & similar personalities.Your family, for instance, has the most similar biological makeup and [typically] share the most similarities in physical appearance, behavioral appearance (act), and character/values. People of the same ethnicity also share many of these similarities.Subcultures (which are of course not typically based on biology) are made up of people who share similar values & personas, and often behave similarly to “act” like each other, all with unique personalities.So one's appearance doesn't shape their personality, but is biologically related.

I like his personality, but not his appearance?

There is an old adage that says "i love your personality, but you can't **** personality."

Take it for what its worth, but there is no reason to get with someone who you aren't severely attracted to. Have you ever heard someone describe their new crush as "ugly as ****, but we really mesh well?"


Me either! Why? Because there are only two types of relationships: 1. platonic 2. sexual

It seems to me that you are attempting to turn a friendship into a sexual relationship even though you dont want the sex with this person, just because you really want a relationship. If you want a relationship take your ugly gross friend, get him a shower and some decent clothes and go hit up places that you think you can find someone that you DO want a sexual relationship with. Just make sure that smelly boy realizes that you have no interest in him except as a friend.

What personality does the character name violet sound like?

I agree with the other answers. Create the character, and then give them a name.
As for the name Violet, I'm biased because I have a character named Violet in one of my stories. She's violent and evil and the big bad guy, so yeah...probably not the character you're going for in your story.

Just create a character that's interesting to you and if it doesn't fit the name Violet, then that's fine. Pick another name, or give her that name anyway. Who's to say what a name REALLY sounds like. I know dozens of people with the same name, for example, Sarah. Do they all have the same personalities because they have the same name? Not even remotely! Neither do characters.
Make a character you like and pick a name you like. It's as simple as that.
Good luck with your writing!

Do you associate a certain personality/appearance with your fave names?

I do, actually :D

-- Amelia Caitlin Holly
A little brunette girl with curly hair and bright blue eyes. She's very independent but also loves hugs and she's very sweet and confident.

-- Caroline Nikita Lily
Carrie has very blonde hair and the same bright blue eyes as her sister. She is the more reserved sister, and adores doing creative things, like drawing or painting.

-- Jack Theodore Robert
Jack is an adventurous little guy, full of courage and ready for fun. He's got dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

-- Thomas Henry Jude
Thomas looks more like Caroline with his fair complexion. He's still very adventurous but also loves his quiet time, reading or drawing monster.

Does the name you have effect your personality?

Many of you might be thinking the answer is blatantly obvious, that yes, of course, names influence personalty, but does it really? Is it solely the name which you’ve been given that determines your personality, or is it the society that you grew up in?Take, for instance, a very unique name mixed with a very unique girl; the name clearly embodies the girl’s personality. Anyone that meets her would not be surprised in the least that this name was given to this girl. That her personality mirrored the true aspects and uniqueness of her name.What about a more common name for a more common boy? The boy goes throughout life not pushing too hard on both the law or society. He is normal and has a very normal name. His personality, like the unique girl’s, fits so perfectly with his name that it’s no wonder he has that common name.Plus, when meeting a person, usually the name of the person fits that personality and appearance. The name truly embodies the person who possesses it.But what about people with names that really don’t fit them physically or emotionally? If the idea of the name affecting the personality was true, why isn’t this sort of person also affected by their name?When picking names, what’s the most important part of the process? The parents. This may seem a bit shallow, as the name is made for the child, but it’s true. A parent isn’t going to name their child something they consider “unattractive” or downright “unfit.”Therefore, the parents are picking a name they find personally attractive. It not only embodies their ideology of a perfect child, but it fits their family.Children grow up creating their personality, true, but parents have a huge impact on the person their child becomes. Because of this, the child may be similar to their parents and this causes the name of the person to fit “perfectly.” A unique mother picking a unique name for her child will more than likely create a unique girl, not because of the name but because the mother.Of course, not all children end up like their parents. Wouldn’t this then explain the name not fitting the child? If the personality of both of the parents and child are extremely different, the name might not necessarily fit the child.So, do names affect your personalty? Perhaps, but more than likely not. More than likely, it’s because of the family, not the name, that helps create the personality of the child.Thanks®

Why are so many great personalities converting to islam? And why do they change their names and appearance after conversion?

Great personalities? Just because they are successful (as in making money) and have some talent, they are not great personalities!They do this for their own selfish advantages not to benefit the society! And the very act of conversion strikes them out of the “ great personality” list! Argh!!

Do people who look alike have similar personalities? Or is it just easier to correlate their similarities because they look alike? Or do similar personality traits make people look alike?

People with similar personalities do have similar physical traits.People with the same personalities do have similar gestures. As a quick example, people who interlock their fingers while speaking to another have the same cognitive functions.Though, the reason you can predetermine the actions of others may relate to the fact that we, as human beings, can actually smell personality types of others.

If you had been born with a different name, would your personality have changed?

That is an interesting question I have toyed with over the years. Here is what I think happens. Regardless of the name we are given, we modify our name to suit who we are (or want to be). For instance, my given name is “Joseph.” it is an OK name as far as I am concerned. However, what I respond to, and tell others, is that my name is “Joe” That is what I “prefer.” Joe suits me for many different reasons.My daughter’s name is “Joelle,” she was named by her mother. She usually goes by “Joey” because that is what suits her. If you call me “Joey” I am somewhat offended and will correct you. I think we individually change our name to suit us and our needs.I know a fellow named “David” but he goes by “D.” I knew a lady named Irene who went by “Rene.” This is the Scots abbreviation for Irene and is pronounced “Renee.” Some people are pleased with their name others change it to suit themselves.