Nationalism And Imperialism

How are nationalism and imperialism similar?

Imperialism and Nationalism were strongly related in the cause of World War One. They are both meaning that a country has a great deal of respect and devotion to its own people. This caused countries to think they were superior to others. Therefore, they colonized places such as Africa.

Because of a great pride in ones country (nationalism) the people decided to spread their ideas (imperialism)

Why did imperialism lead to nationalism?

In order to execute imperialism, it is very important to have the support of the people. The most efficient way to have and maintain the support of the people is to promote nationalism.Nationalism is very different than patriotism. Patriotism can be define as the love of being from a country with respecting also the sovereignty of other nations. On the other hand, nationalism is an aggressive love for a country without considering the sovereignty of other nations. Nationalism is the  key element to go to war. The leader of a nation can never go to war without practicing nationalism on his people as his political tool. We saw throughout history what imperialism cost. Imperialism is do really a war of aggression. In the 19th century, Napoleon openly showed to the world that he was a strong imperialist because he believed that the conquest of Europe was vital for the French nation since France is the credo of western civilization. The British did the same with colonialism when they colonized the United States, east and austral africa and the West Indies. The French did the same again with Jules Ferry after the war of 1870 when the French expanded their territories to west and North Africa and in south east Asia. The nazi intented to do the same with conquest of Europe that led to World War II. In the 21st century, the United States also intented to do imperialism since it's the only superpower of the world by establishing itself in Iraq and in the Middle East. The American imperial project took place after 9/11. After 9/11, a huge sentiment of nationalism was clear to be seen among Americans when in 2003, President George W. Bush decided to invade Iraq by all means necessary under the justification that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. 70% of the American people approved the decision.I believe that the question should have been asked as "why nationalism leads to imperialism?" Instead of why Imperialism leads to nationalism?" To do imperialism, nationalism is required.

Did nationalism lead to imperialism? If so, how?

Imperialism is defined as “a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force” (Oxford Dictionaries)By that definition, almost all nation states are imperialistic. For example, England became imperialistic after the Norman conquest, but that was because the Normans were imperialistic and successful at it. With that start, England became the British Empire. The Swiss Cantons on the other hand are fiercely nationalistic but were not imperialistic except in their immediate neighborhood. This is most likely because they had powerful neighbors and had to defend themselves against the imperialist moves directed against them.Almost all nation states tried to expand at the expense of their neighbors at one time or another as did tribal societies or any other group. I would suggest that it is a natural human desire to exalt one’s own group or nation vs. those belonging to another group or nation. This is unfortunate as it leads to wars and conquest, but that is the history of the human race, and it is unlikely to change.

How are nationalism and imperialism related?

They are not related. I mean, not whatsoever.Nationalism is attachment to the country, some sort of enhanced patriotic feeling. Nationalism could lead to protective policies, isolation against international policies and even trade. As long as nationalism stays inside the country, cannot harm other countries. Using nationalism to oppress other people of different nationalities in your country is just a pretext, not a real reason. It’s the same as using any political concept to oppress, or do harm to others. Anything can be distorted and used as false pretense in politics.Imperialism though, is oppressing other people and countries outside of your own country. Imperialism is being a bully around the world and impose your own interests without negotiation. And I am emphasizing WITHOUT negotiation. If a country is dealing a certain trade agreement using its own economic might, not using military strength, that is still fair trade. Every country has the right to deal the way they consider is in its best interest, as long as they do not go on the military and intimidation path. Imperialism is using the military influence and power as well.

How did nationalism influence imperialism?

Extreme nationalism means increased pride and interest in the success of a nation. Pride indicates the belief in cultural and military superiority. Many Europeans justified imperialism by saying they were superior to nonwhite civilizations.

How does nationalism affect imperialism?

Nationalism affects Imperialism because if your really proud of your nation then your going to want your nation to gain as much territory as possible to enhance your countries global status.

Also Nationalism can effect Imperialism in the way that if your really in love with your culture and your people then you might want to basically force your conquered people to act exactly like you and your culture (basically forcing your language, beliefs, government, and lifestyle on them) this destroyed many cultures and languages.

What is the difference between Imperialism and Nationalism?

Nationalism is loyalty to one`s nation. It is a willingness to put the interests of the nation ahead of your own.
Imperialism is a desire to spread the control and power of a nation over other lands outside the nation. Imperialism can lead to empires. Nationalism does not.

Are nationalism and imperialism ethical? Is there a way for old European nationalism to happen again?

Are nationalism and imperialism ethical? Is there a way for old European nationalism to happen again?Nationalism is ethical.I want to see everyone love their country. I want to see everyone put their country's best interests first. Since I'm a Kantian, that makes nationalism ethical.Imperialism is unethical.I do not want someone to simply confiscate my land and start ruling over me. That makes imperialism unethical.About old nationalism…The belief that nationalism was the main cause of WW1 is a belief that is exaggerated by high school history departments. In reality, the spark was a terrorist attack by extremists. We wouldn't blame nationalism today for such an attack. Had Europe not been tangled up in such a complicated alliance system, the fighting would've never engulfed the continent.It's already back, by the way.Look at the rise of hardline right-wing parties. While only a select few of the smaller ones hold the fascist views of early 20th century Europe, many of them still have a nationalistic view of the world.

What was the relationship between nationalism and imperialism?

nationalism is the idea of fighting for your country and wanting your country to be the best, while imperialism was the conquering of foreign lands to gain more territory. conquering these lands gave people more nationalism on their own country and also gave their country more power on the continent.

How did nationalism and imperialism shape the world in the 20th century?

Nationalism created most of the countries - Italy, Germany etc were melted together form independent mini-states by Nationalist sentiments in the 19th century. Almost all the others were created in the 20th century by splitting former Empires - the Hapsburg/Austrian, the Ottoman, the British, the Soviet, etc.Nationalism made people feel nervous but their neighbouring Nations and caused the First World War. Oddly this made some Nationalists even keener and the actual name of the Nazi party was Nationals Socialist German Workers Party.We still largely believe in the idea of people being divided into different ‘Nations’ by some sort of magic force, despite the existence and success of multi-National countries like the USA.Imperialism turned out to have very little impact: Canada, India and almost all countries that were formerly part of European empires changed hardly at all when they became independent, indicating that their inclusion as ‘ruled from abroad’ in world maps hardly made any real difference at all