Native English Speakers Who Excel In Grammar Which Of The Following Expressions Are Acceptable

Please edit just 4 lines (not a native english speaker)?

Please check for any grammatical, or word choice issues you come across. Thank You

Kool-Aid is a well-known beverage that could be found in any household. It is

known to be a mother’s easy-to-prepare drink, and a child’s favorite. Children are

fascinated by the vibrant colors, mixture of flavors, taste of the product and

intriguing commercials. They are not aware that they are the targets of misleading

advertisement that tries to shield the truth from their eyes.

Is my article acceptable and grammatically correct for native speakers?

I noticed many of your clauses are in the wrong positions (or at least not in the usual positions in typical English phraseology), and that makes it difficult to read.Your headline isn’t a question — it’s a statementFor instance, your headline isn’t a question (even when you use “how to”). You’re making a statement about the ways to solve things. It should’ve been:—Original — “How To Auto Start wampserver On Windows 10 or Windows 8 Startup Automatically? And Show Tray Icon”Amended — “How to Autostart wampserver to Show the Tray Icon Automatically on Windows 8 and 10”Some of your clauses are back to front and not comma’dSome of your clauses, expressions and phraseology are in the wrong positions in the sentence. For instance:—Original — “Before I show you how to auto start wampserver I’ll talk about it a bit.”Amended — “Before showing you how to autostart wampserver, I’ll talk a bit about it first.”Organise the material properly under the subheadsYou’ve done the right thing by having the subhead “The problem.” But then you bust it with the text about finding the web solutions for that problem. That should’ve been put in “The solution” instead. Right now, it confuses the reader as to which is your recommended solution(s).What you could do is to split your solutions into “The usual Web solutions” and “My recommended solution.” That way you’ll ramp up the usefulness and usableness of your post.Regularise your spellingsYou’ve got Windows spelled lowercase, so it’s a bit hard to know when you mean Windows (the operating system) or windows (that thing on the screen).Thanks for the A2A.