Natural Ways To Treat A Uti

Natural way to get rid of UTI?

Easy- flush it out, drink straight cranberry juice, and if you can get unsweetened that is even better. Also drink as much water as possible. If you are experiencing any burning upon urination, you may want to try sitting in a tub with warm water in it, it will relieve the pressure feeling. If this doesn't work in 24 hours, you need to see a doctor to get an antibiotic

To protect yourself from future UTI's: take cranberry extract pills daily or drink cranberry juice daily along with lots of water. Make sure you urinate before and after having sex- and lastly, wipe yourself from front to back--

How to treat a UTI at home?

The following may be helpful tips:

1. Drinking cranberry juice can help the body get rid of toxins and bacteria. It helps fight the causes of UTI because it is well known to help flush your body of potential triggeers and causes of UTI.

2. Avoiding coffee and spicy food can combat the causes of UTI because these foods can irritate the bladder.

3. Acidophilus restores the population of “friendly” bacteria in the intestinal tract. Take 2 capsules three times daily.

4. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Take one to two doses of odorless garlic daily until symptoms subside.

5. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic. It destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi, and promotes healing. Take as directed on label.

6. Vitamin A in the form of Beta carotene assists healing and maintains the health of the urinary tract. Take 25,000 IU daily.

How to treat my cats UTI with no vet? go here and read this to make a more informed diagnosis. There are many things that cause pee-problems and it could be crystals (less odds of that with a girl cat) or an obstruction among infections, etc...
2 tsp of apple-cider vinegar added to her drinking water for a month or so can not hurt! Offer wet food and even add a bit of additional water to up her water intake as long as she IS peeing. Cranberry pills are available at the health food store - they wont drink the juice normally.... Google for home remedys but AFTER you read and make a diagnosis. Cats tolerate Augmentin well for an antibiotic. Its a childrens form, a powder that can be mixed with wet food. 1 vial makes several kitty doses and I have used expired bottles, as long as sealed. (A clinic gave some to a friend who helped a feral cat colony, said may be a little weaker, but no way harmful.) BEST OF LUCK!
now, to respond to the IF YOU CANT AFFORD A VET YOU GIVE UP THE CAT people: I am an Old Lady on a fixed income. I have 4 street adopted cats who are the light of my life. Each of them would have DIED by now without my care and intervention. I have little money, fixed income...and don't get the greatest health care myself... and you folks saying I should rehome my cats due only to my financial situation are being elitist, arrogant and unrealistic. A poor person has a lot of love and concern to give. SO what, my cat cant get an MRI and neither can I. We get our shots and basics that we can afford. Both my cats and I live within MY means, and are not going to curl up and give up because Vet trips and Doctor visits are not always affordable. (And i am NOT on the Taxpayers back, either, SO THERE (tongue stuck out)) i am glad your life is good and your cats well vetted - that is ideal! Wish ALL of us could afford it!! If one CAN afford it and doesn't bother to - thats reprehensible. But not all of us are so lucky to have an ideal financial life BUT we still deserve our cats! (off my soapbox now)

What's the most effective natural remedy for a UTI?

You can take the home remedies below to relieve UTI:1.Drinking more waterDrinking plenty of water can flush out all the pathogenic bacteria and toxins from the body, it will be helpful for removing the infection.2.Baking SodaBaking soda is one of the most effective home treatments for UTI. Add one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and wash the opening of urethra. It helps to relieve the urinary irritation symptoms and neutralize the acid content present in the urine, thereby, eliminating the infection.3.Cranberry juiceCranberry can inhibit the growing and breeding of varieties of pathogenic bacteria, keep the integrity of the bladder wall and the normal urinary pH value. So drinking cranberry juice can work great and prevent the bacteria from remaining in the urinary tract.4.Blueberry JuiceBlueberry contains a special compound which can prevent the bacteria from adhering on the urethral wall cells, thereby, it can be advantageous to prevent UTI. So drinking blueberry juice (without adding artificial sweetener) or have some blueberries early in the morning are great for protect yourself from this disease. Drinking blueberry juice is a good home remedy for UTI in men.5.Apply Heating PadThis is an excellent home remedy for UTI pain. You can place a hot water bottle or heating pad over your abdomen, it can help to dilate the blood vessels and accelerate the blood flow, thereby, the abdominal pain caused by the infection can be eased.6.Having PineappleThe enzyme, known as bromelain, is found in pineapple. It has the properties of anti-inflammation and is helpful to eliminate the UTI symptoms. Either eat a cup of fresh pineapple or drink juice of half a pineapple on the daily basis is beneficial for easing the symptoms. Avoid eating canned pineapple for it has preservative and its nutrients have been destroyed.7.Try AromatherapyTake some tea tree oil, sandalwood oil, juniper oil, bergamot oil, and frankincense, then mix them together. Apply this mixture on the areas closer to the bladder. The mixture can avoid the germs from expanding infection. This method should be taken for about three to four days in order to take great effect on eliminating the symptoms.Home remedies are not so efficient as medications. If these remedies can’t relieve uti symptoms efficiently, you should take a medication. Herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill can be considered as a alternative medicine.

Is it possible to treat a dog UTI (urinary tract infection) naturally with a home remedy?

Yes you most certainly can!! It is awful that people are put in this position. I learned about this tip and it was confirmed by a urologist and vet tech. Buy over the counter a 50gram container of 100% D-Mannose powder. It's called "Clear Tract" and it has a woman standing in the ocean with her hands in the air on the label. You can find it online at places like vitacost and iherb and you can read about people who have used this with their pet's UTIs.

This powder is the concentrated form of the ingredient found in cranberries. It works great for humans - my wife's urologist put her on this for chronic UTIs - and it works just as great in dogs and cats.
In fact, it is more effective than antibiotics, without the side effects.

I run a small dog rescue and would not be able to without less expensive, equally if not more effective alternatives. You learn a lot working with other rescuers and veterinarians at animal shelters.

It is very important though that your pet is well, so if symptoms don't improve or worsen or your pet isn't urinating, you MUST take them to a vet ASAP. But this should get you out of the emergency trip to the vet scenario.

That said, I have never had Clear Tract NOT work marvelously for a UTI with people and dogs.

Fyi, one of the main causes of a UTI in your pet is not letting your dog pee frequently enough. Make sure your dog is taken outside to urinate at least every 8 hours.

**Do your won research on this too. This is not some new age nutcase remedy. It's science based effective medicine.

Good luck!

What are some natural ways to prevent urinary tract infections? Does drinking water with some lemon help?

These are things I have personally found helpful for preventing urinary tract infections, to which I am prone:Drink plenty of water.Avoid tea and coffee, as caffeine may be irritating.Try cranberry capsules if you wish, but the juice is often loaded with sugar or sweeteners. Read the pack.If you have thrush, or any other minor infection, get it treated.Ladies, always wipe from front to back.It is a good idea for both sexes to wash before intercourse and pee after.Do not use anything other than water to wash down below. Avoid soaps, shower gels and washcloths.You may find baby wipes for sensitive skin useful to clean with, but never flush them.D-mannose supplements may help. This is an indigestible form of sugar which is thought to work by preventing bacteria adhering to the bladder wall so that they are flushed out.Drinking an infusion of thyme can also help. Use 1 heaped teaspoonful of dried thyme to a mug of boiling water. Infuse for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the tea.If the problem persists, you become incontinent, you have a fever, or the pain is really bad, see a doctor. You may have some other problem, such as a bladder stone, bladder cancer or prostate disease (in men), requiring further investigation. Or you may need treatment with antibiotics to prevent damage to your kidneys.

What is the natural/alternative option for treating a urinary tract infection instead of an antibiotic?

If you have a UTI it needs to be treated properly— by a physician. A persistent urinary tract infection that is not completely wiped out will come back again and again, with the causing bacteria becoming more resistant. I have seen sepsis(full system infection) in patients— granted, mostly elderly women— that began as a UTI, spreading to the lungs and becoming pneumonia, then full body affecting even the brain due to decreased oxygen perfusion. Believe it or not, death resulted in a number of these patients. DO NOT mess around with UTIs— if you’re younger and healthy you’ll probably get away with socalled natural/alternative “options”for a while but why take the chance?If your physician wants you to use an antibiotic to treat it— do it— and take the FULL course. Don’t stop after a couple of days when you start to feel better.

Does cinnamon really help treat a UTI?

Yes Beth, cinnamon really may help your a UTI.
On the onset of urinary tract symptoms consume vitamin C supplements. It increases the acidity level of urine which helps to decrease the bacteria present in the urinary tract.
You can apply a warm heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen to ease the pain.

Use of spices like cinnamon and tincture mixture of herbs like buchu, uva ursi and juniper berries can act as antiseptics to clean kidney and bladder.

Drink one glass of water for every 10 hours of the day. This will help you keep tab on the amount of water you drink.
Avoid bladder irritants like citrus, tomatoes, aged cheese, chocolate, spicy food, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. The irritants may differ for some individuals, but these are some of the common ones.

Drink good amount of cranberry juice as it one of the most simple and natural way of treating urinary tract infection. It prevents as well as heals the infection due to its medicinal properties
Jason Homan

What are some ways to prevent getting an UTI (urinary tract infection)?

Drink lots of fluids, specifically acidic ones like cranberry juice. To avoid the extra sugar in cranberry juice, I like to use a product called Emergen-C. You can use as much as you wish because you cannot overdose on vitamin C this product will keep your urine very acidic so that bacteria are less likely to grow . You can also use a product called Azo-Standard, but I prefer Emergen-C.Also use the restroom when you feel the urge, this way you continually flush out any bacteria in your urethra . Stay away from sugary drinks . Especially if you're a woman drink a glass of water before and a glass of water after sex to help flush out your urethra. Also for women, make sure you wipe front to back and not back to front .I'm sure I forgot a few tips that are there as will add.