Need A Listing Of My Preseni Ge Medicare Benefits

What is #1 benefit that senior citizens get from regular massage?

you'd do better if you did massage therapy to those in the age bracket who are earning well.
I don't know if the government insurance programs would allow for or pay you for your services. For one thing as people age they lack calcium and their bones break easily and with that in mind the insurance coverage you'd need to have on yourself and your business would be exhorbitant and trying to balance that with the income you'd make well it would be a deal breaker. Usually people in an ALF have family (daughters and sons) who watch over the facility with a sharp eye and any little misstep the facility gets sued. I'm not a doctor or nurse but I would think that massage would be for blood flow (maybe you'd do better learning accupuncture) but I'd be hesitant on that as a change in the blood flowi in elders might cause a heart attack or stroke.

Ok so you're asking what benefits would be. As a sidenote the more people retire the less SS they get in the coming years so they would not be able to pay you out of their pocket.

What are we going to do about Social Security and Medicare?

Because older people do not want their benefits cut. you forget that they paid into the system also. Any politician who propose to cut ss & medicare mind as well kiss their job goodbye. The older generation votes more than the younger generation anyways.

There is no reason that ss will go bankrupt. People pay into and they take their money back, just like a bank. The only reason that the younger generation is paying for the older generation is because the government (conservatives and liberals) has been taking the surplus from ss and using it on other things. Thus politicians (conservatives and liberals) owe the american people the funds from their ss account. The debt to the american people is no different from the debt to china and other foreign countries. It should be repaid the same.

Perhaps none.  It depends on the details of the insurance you have.  I believe that some employer-provided plans require that Medicare-eligible employees have Part B and, for such employees, provide Medicare supplement coverage.  If your plan doesn't require it  and the coverage you have is as good or better and costs the same or less, I can see no reason to enroll.  People who just delay enrollment and do not have insurance are charged higher premiums when they enroll.  Plan administrators can give you a document, which you should retain, that is evidence that you had insurance that exempts you from having to pay the higher premiums in the future. You would do well to look this issue up and make sure you are doing what you need to.

The thing that surprised me was how easy it was to choose a medicare supplement plan. The plans are designated by letters and the plans for a particular letter are exactly the same for all insurance companies EXCEPT THE PRICE. This makes it very easy to compare policies. So the A Plan from XYZ Company has the exact same coverage and benefits as the plan from QWE Company.

Why has 0bama failed to increase age for Medicare / Social Security to keep America solvent?

We had a 1.2 trillion deficit when Bush left office which was projected for 2008 and due to the recession Obama had to have a recovery stimulus and loans to automakers and that increased the deficit to 1.4 trillion. The bank bailout program had already happened before he took office.

If there are not enough jobs to go around, people over a certain age and close to retirement want to lower the Social Security/Medicare age. One plan was to include everyone over 55 in Medicare but Democrats could not explain about the extra funding.

The Social Security retirement age in the United States is higher than most European countries and Canada. However, in the U.S. you can receive a partial benefit at age 62.

Social Security age was already raised. Your full Social Security benefit amount depends on your birthdate. If you were born before 1938 you have only to reach age 65 for a full benefit. Otherwise, it requires you to be age 66, 67 and 68 to receive 100% Social Security and it probably will be increased more.

But the higher you raise the retirement age, the longer people will be out of work and on UI so it is a trade off and paying out SS is cheaper than paying out UI to people over 65.

A better question would be what age can I start collecting Medicare benefits? You can collect Medicare benefits at age 65. Then the question is choosing traditional Medicare, Medicare supplement, or Medicare Advantage.

Medicare is a federal social insurance program that provides health insurance for the elderly and some disabled individuals. Unlike Medicaid, which is backed by a joint effort between federal and state governments, Medicare is exclusively backed by the federal government. Because of this, the eligibility requirements and policies are the same for people regardless of where they live in the United States.People who qualify can be separated into two age groups:65 Years and OlderThis is the main group for which Medicare was set up. In order to qualify, though, you’ll need to fulfill two requirements:You must have been a U.S. citizen or permanent resident for more than 5 years, andYou must have paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years.Under 65 Years and UnderIn limited cases, some groups under the age of 65 are eligible to get Medicare benefits. In order to qualify, you’ll need to fall under one of these three groups:You’re permanently disabled and you’ve received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for at least the last two years; orYou’re suffering from end-stage renal disease (ESRD)/end-stage kidney disease and need to undergo continuous dialysis or need a kidney transplant; orYou receive Social Security disability benefits for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)/Lou Gehrig’s disease.There are four different parts to Medicare, ranging from Part A to Part D. But to make better sense of it, it’s more helpful to break them down into three different groups: Original Medicare (Part A and Part B), Medicare Advantage (Part C), and Part D. “Original Medicare”, which comprises of Parts A and B, were established together, preceding the later additions of Parts C and D.To read more about each part (what each part covers and what costs are associated with each), I wrote about it in greater detail here.

Unless there was a change in your Medicare eligibility, you would not lose your Medicare coverage however I would not suggest making this change.If you switched to a Marketplace plan and kept your Part A and your Part B (which you would have to pay a premium for), your Medicare would still be your primary insurance and would pay the bulk of your claims. Your premiums for a marketplace plan would be calculated based on that plan being your primary coverage, and would be much more expensive than the premiums for a Medicare supplement or Medicare Advantage plan. If you disenrolled from part B, you would no longer have to pay that premium however you would still have your Part A, and it would still be primary.You would also have to make sure that the prescription drug coverage offered with your marketplace plan meets the Medicare Part D minimum coverage requirements or you would be subject to a penalty when you choose to enroll in a Part D plan at a later date.

You know that medical insurance your grandparents or maybe even your parents get if they are 62 y/o old or older. Or the medical insurance that disabled people get, even though they may have never worked?Well that is payed for through payroll taxes by every person that works through the Social Security program. Medicare for All would allow everyone regardless of how much money they make to be able to see a doctor when they are sick instead of waiting until they are so sick they have to go to the ER. And they don’t have to worry if the insurance they have been paying into will cover the medical bills or deny them because the company does not want to lose its profits.Some people don’t like the idea of Medicare for all because they believe it is socialist. But along with Medicare and Medicaid, we already have other socialist medical programs, that is services paid for through tax dollars. The Indian Health Service and the Veterans Administration.