Need Girl Advice Help


Im a 17 year old boy. So there's this girl I've known for 2 years. We always text and whatever all day and night. She always says how I'm cute and we flirt and a bunch too. When I see her at school, we just say hi or have 20- sec convos because we don't have any classes together. So anyways I took her out to a movie yesterday. Pretty sure it was considered a date right? I mean she sounded like she really wanted to go. And so did I. When we met up, we didn't hug because I didn't want it to get awkward, right? So we talked before the movie started. Before the movie, she checked to see if the armrest between us can go up and it could. So does that mean she wanted it up? Because I didn't really think much of it at the moment. Anyways I'm pretty sure it went great. But I didn't really flirt as much because it was our first time going out together. I did a little but in a friendly way. I treated her as I would to my friends. I didn't call her cute like I do in the texts. I gave her a rose I picked out from a bush. That was probably the most flirtatious thing that happened between us. When we went our desperate ways, I still didn't hug her. Did I make the right choice? Anyways when I got home, she texted me saying i was sweet and thanks for the movie. So I don't know what to think? Please help!

I need girl advice?

No talk to her in person before DM her. DM a person is a weak move. All you have to do and believe me this will work. When you see her walk by her, stop, turn to her and say hey you look nice today. Wait for her to say thank you and you say your welcome. Now you can decide to just walk away after saying your welcome or continuing the convo and asking for her number. If that is too much then just leave after saying your welcome. Then you can DM her. Hope this helps. If you can please answer mines

Girl advice Help !? kik?

do not get too attached

learn some game

be indifferent

Need advice on a girl?

I was talking (texting) to a girl that I like, she knows I like her since I told her, and the conversation was going pretty smooth. Then she sent me a sweat or squirting emoji or something so I sent a picture of a umbrella with rain on it, this is really corny I know lol it seemed like the conversation was going towards a kinky direction. Then out of nowhere she said,
"idk something happened ,
I'm so sorry
text me tomorrow"
What does that even mean? Goodnight at 8:50? I kinda assumed she was horny or something but idk.
She couldn't have been that busy because not even ten minutes later she was liking stuff on Instagram.

Need girl advice ASAP!!?

okay so theres this boy who is like 1 month older than me we both like each other...but he lives far away from here...i mean in a country not in usa. so yea..and the place that we both live in, in that country they spread so many you dont even know...but idk if i should go out with him?? bcuz wat if someone tells my mom ill get into 14 by the way!!

&& yea ive met him b4 he liked me for like 6 yrs now...and i started to like him 2 yrs ago. =/ =]

i knew him since we were both 5 yrs old ;]


Need a girls advice please?

yeah i have pointers

don't slobber too much,
wiggle your tongue on the spot, don't just lick.
start softly and then put more pressure on tongue,

make sure to brush your teeth and before you do this and drink water, dry mouth is really annoying.

and don't hesitate to ask her how she wants it. but while your giving her oral try not to disturb her bliss by asking her if that feels good,

Need advice on this girl I like. I think she might like me too. Could someone help me?

Alright here's some REAL advice from a actual girl. Of she likes you, sadly you have to do these thingsDress Nice, a little cologne won't hurtWalk up to her casually, but before think of what you'd say to start a conversation like ask what are your hobbies, and use words like “speaking of •blank• I do •something related to blank•”Act nice and genuine, if she drops something pick it up, if she give you something say thank you in a really nice way.Stand up for her, but not THAT much to where other people get suspicious (if your a younger age than I thought)Try to become friends, make up excuses to be with her, but do NOT pretend you don't like her if anyone asks just laugh it off and stuff like that or try to change the subjectTry to become friends! Sit next to her and make more excuses to be with her or to sit next to her like “I don't know anyone else here so might as well sit next to you”Be friends for a couple of days.. Maybe you could ask her for her email name or number or social media and a sly way to do this is to be like of you know she has a social media say “I have Snapchat, my names (name) what's yours?” So even if the whole thing doesn't work out you can keep in touch with her the whole summer.

My son needs girl help hes 11?

well wat i think is that maybe he should just not give the girl up. even if his best friends like her she is still his girl. so i have no clue why he would want to give a girl up for his friends. i personally think that that is just plain stupid. i think u should take my advice and live with it ok?

P.S If u like my advice plz vote for me and only if u like my advice thank u!