Need Help Involving Marijuana

Need help about Marijuana Facts.?

Can someone please send me a link to a verified scientific site that helps me put this madness to an end. My family has been getting on my nerves lately and they are starting to blame it on marijuana since i started doing it again. "It has been making me angry when I'm not on it" I need to shut them up please... someone help so I can show them it is the person not the drug.

Need help with marijuana please help!!?

Some states allow a limited number of plants for personal use. If you put it in baggies for distribution this is a felony. So ignore all the ignorant answers about police, law, and how bad it is, but be sure of the laws in your state.

There is really no way to "know" the origin of a plant without knowing the origin of the seed. The way it's grown and environment can affect the proportion of the leaves - so while it can be identified IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT by the proportion of the leaves, frequency of the stems, and other characteristics, you can grow the same plant in poor conditions and get completely different results.

Some "pot connoisseurs" will try to convince you they know, and these are the same people who assign all the stupid pet names to their strain of cannibis. It's all smoke and mirrors (pun intended,) without a scientific analysis of the plant there's no way to know it's origin. There are two basic strains, Cannibis Indica grown in the Eastern hemisphere, and Cannibis Sativa grown in the Western hemisphere. It doesn't really matter which you have, what matters is growing it under the optimum environment.

Grow it just like you'd grow tomatoes: neutral phosphate soil, lots of nitrogen early in growth to promote leave and flower production, Don't over-water it, pinch the growing tips when it reaches a few feet tall to force branching and production in the lower part of the plant. If it's allowed to grow uncontrolled, you will have a "Christmas tree" shape and a lot of growth energy will be spent on vertical growth.

When the plant begins to flower, cut back the watering. Watch the flowers for gender: male flowers will have downward facing globes, females will have upward facing globes. Kill the male plants, pull them out of the ground, harvest them, give them away, whatever. Do not allow the plants to pollinate or the females will seed. If they pollinate and seed, they will put energy into developing the seeds and it will also lose potency.

While it's growing it wouldn't hurt to read up on Botany, it's like any other plant. If you can grow tomatoes, you can grow your medical MJ.


If you are taking a drug test that matters and smoking pot you are a pathetic idiot that will get what he deserves...

Now to answer your question, there are many answers to your question.

For one there are difference kinds of drug test:

Spectral analysis - this uses a beam of light that shoots through your pee. The light shifts through the full spectrum. Every single element reflects light at a specific frequency. Pot puts certain deposits in your urine. These elements are going to be there in certain levels with or without pot. So there is a tolerance for those elements. If you pee before you pee for them and keep over hydrated the majority of the pee will be water, hence improve your chances of passing.

Hair follicles - Can't beat it, you are screwed. This test for pot use on small levels for a very long time. People make shampoos for it, they are frauds.

Chemical - There are supposed to be different ways to cheat these test. I don't know about them.

As far as how long it is detectable largely dependent on how much you smoked. The more you have, the longer it stays. Frequency is a factor too. The more you smoke, the longer it last.

Finally, fat people keep it longer than skinny.

Maybe you should consider stop smoking... Mainly because people who smoke are incredibly boring and dumb. They keep saying the same redderick and have the articulation of a tree stump. But I know, it opens your mind and all that crap, right? You people sound like a broken record...

I need help! Feeling weird after using marijuana, but my other friend was fine?

Last night I smoked weed with my friend, it wasn't a lot at all. My friend smoked this weed 3 times before and then again with me last night. He was perfectly fine, but after a few minutes, I felt really really weird. I was horrified, especially since this is the first time I've felt bad from smoking pot. I haven't done it in about 3 weeks, but I've smoked at least 12 times before within the past year. I felt a little numb, like everything was delayed, I felt a little disconnected from reality. It was awful. I was shaking and twitching a little bit. I went home and was finally able to fall asleep, though I was shaking a lot and feeling awful. When I woke up this morning, I felt a lot better, but I still feel a little weird and lightheaded, especially when I move around. I still feel a little delay and numbness when I touch things, it's hard to describe, I'm just very worried, even though I know I am feeling a good bit better. Has anyone had a bad experience with weed like this before? I just need to know if I'll be okay and if this will go away, I feel like it will but I'd like another person's opinion and experience.

***Note: My other friend was A-Okay, and I've done pot before, but this is the first time I've gotten shakes,a small panic attack, fast breathing, fast heartbeat, and a sense of separation from reality. I do feel a lot better now, but I still feel some effects. I smoked about 14 hours ago. If it was spiked I would imagine my friend had the same problems, but he was perfectly fine. However, my friend has smoked A LOT more than me. Please help me! No anti-drug stuff please, I'm giving up weed after this, and I've never intended to do anything more than weed in my life.

Jobs that involve medicinal marijuana...?

This message isn't about if marijuana is right or wrong, should be legal or not, or anything like that. I would like to know if anyone can recommend any specific academic route to be able to help legally work with marijuana. My state doesn't look at the medicinal values of this plant, but I'm very interested in moving to California or another state that allows it. If anyone could help me get some information to figure out what I need to do, I would very much appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,

Marijuana Question!!! (NEED HELP)?

Okay so I tried smoking pot with my friends. I did it a few times and got high, and it was pretty enjoyable. After about my fifth time, I got caught.

My Mom was pretty understanding at first. We talked about the drug, with no lies. I told her everything I did. After that she educated me on how bad it was, but she didn't lie or exaggerate about it, she just didn't want me to be a "Stoner", and everything she said made a lot of sense to me. I did like pot somewhat, but I know that in the long run for me it is not worth it, and that I better quit.

I told my Mom I would never do it again, and I won't, and she said okay.


She now will NOT STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT!! She says she doesn't trust me not to actually stop because at first when she asked if I had smoked any I instinctually said "No" and it took a while for me to be truthful about it. I mean seriously it's hard to admit that you have smoked pot to your Mom right?

So now she just screams at me, and yells, and is worried and is mad at me.

All I told her was: "Mom, I am stopping I just wanted to try it, I have made the decision on my own, and I don't see what you can do about it except to trust me!"

But she is just crazy mad at me and I don't know what to do! I mean what the heck!!

Anyways can you tell me what to do or what she should do?

Thanks a lot!

I need some help with a Marijuana addiction???

My BF whom I have a baby with is smoking, and I don't like it. I feel like he's wasting his time and I've told him but no matter what, I end up being the one who is wrong...he says that I am always trying to change him, but I do not believe I am, I'm just trying to help him better himself but he cannot see that. He thinks that marijuana is just something he does, like how I study and go to school....I'm tired of his habit and I'm stuck because I love him but I hate what he does.....what should I do, I'm still young and I know I can find someone else, but I don't know if it's worth going through another relationship...what if it ends up the same or even worst???

Need help from Marijuana Expert PLEASE?

About a year ago, I decided to smoke weed again with some friends after not smoking for a while.
We get some from a dealer and I believe he said it was called either tropical haze or kush (could have been a lie not sure)
Anyway, all 4 of us had one dub (20 piece) each wrapped in joints and finished them.
About 5 minutes later, the high kicks in; this was NO high I have ever gotten before and all of us felt the same thing.
I felt as if my whole world slowed down, everything was laggy, it was as if my life became a dream all of the sudden.
It was the best feeling I've ever had in my life. All four of us felt the same way we've never gone past marijuana, and never felt a high from weed like this before, it was a whole different story.

What I want to know is:
1) Has anyone ever felt this before?
2a) Can weed ever do this to you?
2b) If so what type?
3a) Was it laced?
3b) If so with what?

If anyone can contribute any sort of information to one of those questions I love you, that moment is a moment I'll never forget it was amazing, and it took me a year to finally question what really happened.

Some strains and/or products can help some individuals in some circumstances.All psychotropic drugs involve risks with regards to creating or worsening mental health conditions or difficult states, whether they are plant-based, synthetic pharmaceuticals, or something else. All psychotropic drugs warrant expert consultation, whether that is with doctors, niche scientific researchers, vocational shamans, experienced and informed psychonauts, or whatever else is appropriate to your specific situation.Cannabis is notable for commonly involving several factors that can create additional stress (emotional or systemic) or psychedelic functioning that can individually or collectively interfere with or provoke episodes of anxiety or psychosis. It is also notable for commonly having a calming effect, and seems to have at least some antipsychotic properties as well.Since it is not predictable which individuals will have particular experiences when using cannabis medicinally—especially without previous attempts to learn from, if that is the case—it is not a drug that should be recommended without caveats and safety measures being in place. And, of course, drugs are generally something to appeal to only when all safer and more appropriate methods have already been tried.This focus on risk-reduction holds true for all psychotropics that are taken with medicinal intent, and can be part of responsibly using psychotropics recreationally or spiritually, as well. Most often, drugs are not the most productive way to resolve psychotic symptoms, but they are one of many tools that can be employed to prevent, diminish, or more constructively direct psychotic experiences.So, restating, sometimes particular strains and manners of using weed can help certain individuals in specific situations, including psychotic states or a susceptibility to experience them in troubling ways. Some people respond positively, some negatively, some in a mixed way, and this can change across settings, strains, methods of administration, intention of use, and so forth. Don’t rush into it, and don’t assume you will have a positive or negative response if you do decide to try it and have taken precautionary steps, hopefully including expert consultation.