Need Help Picking A Research Topic

I need some help picking a topic for my Middle East history research paper?

I need some help choosing a topic for my research paper on Middle East history. It can be anything to do with middle east history from 570 AD(the year Muhammad was born) all the way up until the mid 20th century.

Any ideas on topics will be greatly appreciated! It is a 5-8 page paper, so the topic has to be something i can wright at length about.

Thank You!

I need help choosing a topic for my research paper!?

The paper is for my Research Methods and Stats class. I have to pick a topic; really any question, and turn it into a hypothesis. I would then conduct research and different tests to prove my hypothesis by determining dependent and independent variables etc.

For example, one of my classmates is studying "Can obesity be treated with medication?' - in which they hypothesize that obesity cannot be treated with medication.

I just need to pick a topic similar to that! Please help!

Need help with choosing research topic?

We have to choose a research topic related to new technologies for an English class.
The topic has to be technology-related; it should be about two technologies which we will have to compare and conclude the best alternative.
My mind is blank.
Please help.

I am looking for a PhD topic to do a research, very confused about how to start, also, does a research mean a new idea, my major is computer engineering, and need help to pick a new research topic?

A2A,Ahmad,In the department of computer engineering, you should have an idea about your professors’ areas of reserarch and expertise and even grant money they are securing. Based on your preference, you talk to professors and find out if they have openings for new candidates with financial yearly stipened. In addition, talk to research assitants and find out about their experiences.Once you have come to an agreement with your advisor, get his publications and start reading. Follow that with literature survey with his help to find what has been done and what has not been done. Of course, if you have an original idea, discuss it with your advisor. Now you have an advisor and you take it from there. Now, make sure you understand that you are not the only student working with the same advisor. Prepare your questions and discussions ahead of time before a meeting.Final advice, please think large and cast away the innocence detected in your question. You are now a PhD material.Good Luck

How do you pick a unique topic for a research paper?

Choosing an interesting research topic is your first challenge. Here are some tips:Choose a topic that you are interested in! The research process is more relevant if you care about your topic.Narrow your topic to something manageable.If your topic is too broad, you will find too much information and not be able to focus.Background reading can help you choose and limit the scope of your topic.Review the guidelines on topic selection outlined in your assignment. Ask your professor or TA for suggestions.Refer to lecture notes and required texts to refresh your knowledge of the course and assignment.Talk about research ideas with a friend. S/he may be able to help focus your topic by discussing issues that didn't occur to you at first.Think of the who, what, when, where and why questions:WHY did you choose the topic? What interests you about it? Do you have an opinion about the issues involved?WHO are the information providers on this topic? Who might publish information about it? Who is affected by the topic? Do you know of organizations or institutions affiliated with the topic?WHAT are the major questions for this topic? Is there a debate about the topic? Are there a range of issues and viewpoints to consider?WHERE is your topic important: at the local, national or international level? Are there specific places affected by the topic?WHEN is/was your topic important? Is it a current event or an historical issue? Do you want to compare your topic by time periods?Writing a research paper even though may seem challenging is a substantial part of everyday student life. When choosing your research paper topic, you need to make sure it is neither boring nor worn out. Cheapest Essay can help picking a unique topic for your research paper and they can work on your papers professionally at the cheapest price!

Research paper topic? olympics?

If you dislike social injustice, consider writing about amateurism. The ancient games involved professional soldier racing, swimming, throwing spears, rowing, etc.

When the Games were revived in the late 19th century by Pierre de Coubertin, a French aristocrat, he knew that he and his class couldn't compete against commoners. So the created a concept of amateurism, which states that if you do an activity for a living, you don't do that activity for the love of it, and therefore you are a professional. In actuality, they didn't want to compete against laborers, tradesmen, rowers (no motorboats back then), and so on. They also stated that an athlete could not financially benefit from their athletics.

Things got very ridiculous. Rafer Johnson, the 1960 decathlon winner, was not allowed to be an extra in the movie "Spartacus" because he would be making money from his athletic training. In 1984 basketball players in the European pro leagues were allowed to compete but not from the NBA. Meanwhile Soviet bloc athletes trained year-round with all expenses paid while "soldiers" or "students of anatomy".

Most of the amateurism rules were removed around 1990, but some ghosts remain. In ice hockey and soccer, an amateur is someone who is younger than 23 (or something like that).

It all comes down to the rich keeping the masses down. Now, just about all are allowed to compete, a much fairer system.

What are some tips that can help me choose a good research topic for my Ph.D dissertation?

you can use the following points or which are relevant to choose a good research topic for PhD dissertation:Choose a topic which you love, which interests you and can keep you awakeChoose a topic based on what you already know or have learnt earlier. If you have to read a topic from scratch, then you will have to spend ample time to just learn the basics. Only then you can move into the topicPhD work is about intense research, and thinking about doing something different or even newTopic needs to be such that there is scope for researching in it, and not too much is already done. Find this out in literature surveyThe research topic should make some worthwhile contribution to society and not just remain on the shelfLast but not the least you need to have the drive, enthusiasm, motivation and the confidence that you will be able to devote 2–4 years in research and complete with flying colorsHope this helps!!!

Can you help me choose a research topic for my PhD in Accounting?

A2A: Talk to your advisor and to other accounting faculty about this. That’s what they’re there for. Personally, I know very little about what accountants actually do — I’ve seen the same cartoon caricatures as everyone else — and I haven’t a clue what PhD-level accounting research would look like.Someone from another field, even if they have broad interests, is not going to know what problems make life difficult for actual accountants and what might constitute an exciting new contribution to that field. We can only guess, and we’ll almost certainly get it wrong. That’s why you need to start with a domain expert.Once you have a problem in your sights, then by all means (and in consultation with your advisor) go seek out experts in other areas who might be able to suggest good approaches:If you want to design the next-generation VisiCalc or TurboTax, for example, it would make sense to talk to people who know about human-computer interfaces and expert systems and educational technology (for the intelligent, adaptive help system).If you want to prove that some accounting software correctly implements a set of government regulations, or to show that no such implementation is possible, there are people in formal methods for program analysis who might have some ideas.If you want to do something with Big Data to project trends… well, get in line with the other million people currently working on this.I see from your profile that you’re working on forensic accounting — so maybe something to detect outliers and anomalies in the pattern of a company’s expenditures or contracts? Some machine-learning people work on this.But seriously, talk to your advisor first. Good luck! Pick something fun (if that’s not an oxymoron in your field).

What is the best way to select topic on research?

Hi, I assume that you have finalised on the subject of interest before asking questions. Finalising the research topic is like getting to the core of the subject matter. You have to cross the following - Subject -> Choosing a particular area in the subject of interest -> Exiting data/claims/proofs/contributions available in a particular area in the last 10 years (Survey) -> Identifying what is missing which can add value -> If yes, what is in best of ability that I can contribute (subjected to Prof’s approval, infrastructure availability, time availability, capacity to withstand the load in solving that particular problem) If NO, Why ( No further contribution possible, too tough to solve the problem)? -> Next comes, what in my ability (depending less on other’s facility) to solve the problem - > where I need to improve myself (physical, mathematical, statistical understanding ability/skills) - > Proper justification with confidence about the problem you wish to solve ( should be able to convince the panel). With all of these frame the topic or the title you wish to give to your research.Always remember - if you are able to make a lay man understand what you doing, that's when you can call yourself a researcher.