Need Help With A Sociology Project

I need a topic for a sociology research project?

A good starting point is to look at popular talking points in the press at the moment that is relevant to students such as the smoking ban, binge drinking or stereotypes. Then you could think about linking this to text book sociological stuff such as poverty etc. This will make life easy for you because of the vast amount of litreture on these subjects.
What is most important is that you explain why and how throughout your project not just simply what you did.

You could approach your college to ask if you could send an email (if the students have college email as unis do) to every student asking them to participate. Failing this you could use the notice boards to invite people. Its a good idea to tempt them with free tea and biscuits. You should explain all this in your methodology as well as whether your project was conducted in a covert or overt manner.

Remember that its not so much the quality of what you did but your explanations as to why. Also you will gain extra points in the conclusion if you say where your failings were and how it could be improved upon and what you would do different if you were to do it again. Even if you think that its the best thing ever still critically evaluate it.

Good Luck

Sociology Project - NASCAR?

I think the sterotypes came back when the AAA and Indianapolis was competing with NASCAR as to what defines true racing. They hated the people from the south so they used sterotypes as a way of elevating themselves above southerners. It all boils back to the North and the South issues that plagued the country in the past.

Norms? Just have a good time and enjoy the sport like any other sport. People are people no matter where you go. There is no need to consider ourselves different when we have so much in common.

Values? Well that is an individual trait. Depends on how you was raised and the events you have experienced throughout a lifetime. NASCAR fans come from all walks of life. Some with no values what so ever and some with extremely high values. It's the same in any part of the world. There are those who have a desire for the best and those that could care less.

Artifacts and Knowledge? Contribution to technology would have to be the greatest thing left behind from the sport. When you have competition you have enginuity. That applies to better automobiles, added saftey, new discoveries and better ways of looking at and doing things. Competition opens the mind. Open minds excel.

Language or symbols? Well I think that is a diverse question in itself. The quest for NASCAR to appeal to foreign manufacturers, the Mexican culture with the Corona series, and the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series is itself a symbol of the influence of different languages and the welcoming of more cultures than just those pre-existing in the U. S..


I need help for ideas for my sociology project on deviance...?

You can reveal norms by actively deviating from them. This is a form of ethnomethodology -- called a "breaching experiment" (see the link). Basically, you video you and/or others purposefully breaking norms, and others reaction to your deviation proves that the norm exists in the first place. Of course, you don't have to deviate far from the norms and should not break any laws. But the experiments are fun and revealing.

- It is the norm for everyone to face forward in an elevator. Stand backwards in a packed elevator and record how others react.
- Talk loudly (to an other person or on a cell phone) in a library and record how others react.
- Walk backwards in public and record reactions.
- Wear your clothes backwards and record reactions.

You can come up with a million of these.

I hope this helps. Have fun!

What are some topics for a sociology project as a student in the second year of BLS/LLB?

As far as sociology is concerned the following topics are one’s need to be prepared.Sociology of food and EatingSociology of generation gapSociology of Gender equality and sexualitySocial movementsSpirituality, superstition and folkloreimportant of FamilyLaw and justiceSociology on dying wishSociology on Dying DeclarationSociology on Clan and CommunitiesSociology on Race, Religion and Ethnicity.(mostly related to Article 15 and 16 of the constitution of India)Hope it will help you.

Where can I find open source projects that need help?

OpenHatch - is a collection of open source projects and their bugs to help newbies start contributing to open source. You can easily filter projects based on your language preference, difficulty of bugs, availability of mentors etc. They also have nice tutorials to learn VCS like git to help work on your first patch.

Ideas for a sociology deviance project?

Well Ashley, you could try wearing a VERY masculine men's work outfit to school for a week to see how differently people perceive you as maybe/probably belonging to either the poor/blue collar working class, or possibly even as a lesbian/dyke.

You could ride the bus to school with kids who don't drive if you normally do drive/get driven.

You could dress ALL in black (hair, makeup, nails, lipstick, clothing etc.) for a week and see what kind of reaction you get from friends, teachers, jocks, employers, store-keepers etc.

You could hang out with the tough kids, or with the "short bus"/learning disabled/ADHD kids for a week and see how they are treated/percieved by others...

All this involves what is know as PO - Participant Observation, where you either watch the group from an internal vantage point as a visitor, or as a supposed member of the "deviant" group.

Good luck, keep in touch i would REALLY like to hear about your results/observations!

Is this a good topic for my Extended Project in Sociology?

Since you have stated that this is a Sociology project, it's not advised that you stretch out into other domains e.g. Psychology which your topic is more related to. Your idea of the impact of society on the individual is fine, it's just the aspect of looking at yourself and your depression and EDNOS that isn't relevant to Sociology. If you pursue with this then it might lead to you wasting your time completely even if your teacher says (yeah yeah this is fine) or waffling on about things that have nothing to do with Sociology. Bear in mind, teachers can also make the mistake of accepting your work as relevant but when the actual examiner marks it you may get a big fat 0 so be safe rather than sorry. Also, the thing about broad topics like this is that you might get too detailed about your topic and therefore lose sight about your initial title.

If you keep your title 'the impact of society...' without the who I am etc. part, you could look at other topics such as the impact of society on the working class male, the impact of society on the male/female etc. etc. narrowing it down to a few aspects for example in the home and in the workplace (depending on the topic you choose.) It's best to choose 1-3 topics to discuss once your title has been established and expand on this than include other subjects. Your essay is more likely to be successful then. WRITE A LOT ABOUT A LITTLE!

Project for sociology dealing with American values.?

Try a little creative thinking. For individuality, an ad for the new ipod shuffles which are all different colors, so you can express your individuality. For competition, something on the basketball finals right now. I would think these would be examples for you. I wouldn't think your examples need to flat out say "Americans value...", so look for examples that just fit the criteria. For education, look up web sites for colleges or legislation for school funding. Human interest stories would be good for honesty, so go to the Today Show home page and type in "honesty" and see what comes up. On television, almost all of these things are represented. Think about your favorite shows and I'm sure you'll come up with more examples. Good luck!