Need Help With An Algebra Equation. Haven

Need help with algebra?

1) (1/x)*((x^3)/10) =40
this simplifies to:
one exponent of x on top cancels the one on bottom
multiply both sides by 10
so x=(+/-)20
2) ΣX means the sum of x so you have 3 X: X1, X2, X3 and you add them together:
X1+X2+X3 = 3 + 12 + 30 = 45
3) 6! means "6 factorial" (the ! means factorial)
a factorial is the multiplicative of an integer and each integer before it:
so 6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720
4) this is a system of two equations so you solve the first equation for y
then you plug it into the second equation and solve for x:
xy=15(x^2) so
18(x^2) - 54x = 0
x= 3 or 0
then plug in values of x to solve for y
(remember y=54-3x)
y=54-3(3) = 45
y= 54-3(0) = 54

there you go!

Algebra question.. need help.. Haven't done one of these in a while?

The voltage V across a semiconductor in a computer is given by V = aI + bI2, where I is the current (in amperes). If a 9-volt battery is connected across the semiconductor, find the current if a = 6 and b = 3.
What is answer?

I = 3 amperes
I = 1 ampere
I = -3 amperes
Not enough information

Rusty on algebra, need some help plz?

18ax – 24x² – 15a² + 20ax = 16xb + 10b² – 24x² – 15xb
18ax – 15a² + 20ax = 16xb + 10b² – 15xb
38ax – 15a² = xb + 10b²
38ax – xb = 15a² + 10b²
x(38a – b) = 15a² + 10b²
x = 5(3a² + 2b²)/(38a – b)

A few algebra math equations. Please help?

1.) How many solutions does the following system have?
{-3x - 2y = -12
{9x + 6y = -9

2.) 10.) What point maximizes the objective function P = 4x + 3y for the constraints below. What is the maximum value?
Hint: Don’t forget that they haven’t graphed it, so you need to first.

{x > 0
{y > 0
{y > 2x - 4
{6 > y

3.) What is the solution of the system of equations?
x + 5y - 4z = -10
2x -y + 5z = -9
2x -10y -5z = 0

These are my last three questions on my review, but i've been struggling to get them. Any help would be appreciated. Oh! And if you can, please show work so that I can learn how to do them. Thank you! :D

I need help solving for L. College Algebra (Blitzer College Algebra Essentials 3e)?

There are a number of ways to isolate L.
Here's one:

M + (P/K) = (R/L) - (K/T)                   ← Notice that the denominators are K,L, & T
                                                               so that if you multiply both sides of the equation
                                                               by (KTL) the fractions will be eliminated.
     KTL*[M + (P/K)] = KTL*[(R/L) - (K/T)]          ← Now, distribute KTL through the [ ]'s
          KTML + PTL = KTR - K²L            ← Now, get all terms with L on the left side
KTML + PTL + K²L = KTR            ← Now, factor out L
(KTM + PT + K²)L = KTR            ← Now, divide both sides by (KTM + PT + K²)

                           L = ————————
                                   K² + MTK + PT

Have a good one!

Algebra word problem help!!?

no need no fret, here's how u do it :)

let x = number of adults
y = number of children

adult tickets cost $5 and childrens tickets cost $2. so one of your equations is:
5x + 2y = $2400 ($5 x number of adults + $2 x number is kids gives the total receipts at box office of $2400)

the 2nd equation is:
x + y = 600 (the total of all adults and children who attended are 600)

now, solve for the values of x and y by using the substitution menthod.
from the 2nd equation:
x + y = 600, make x the subject of the formula so u can substitute it into the first formula to get the value for y.

so, x + y = 600
x = 600 - y

substitute x=600-y into 5x + 2y= 2400

5(600-y) + 2y = 2400
3000-5y+2y = 2400
600 = 3y

subs 200=y into x+y=600
x = 400

400 adults and 200 children

hope this helps! :)

I haven't learned high school mathematics beyond algebra 1. What topics should I cover to be prepared for Computer Science study?

The one I hated at school and you will definitely need is matrices.If you want to design graphics and 3D  texturing your requirements are a good knowledge of calculus and trigonometry.You will need to learn base numbers specifically hexadecimal octal and binary. Once you have that as immediate backup, trying to translate addresses is a lot easier than reaching for a scientific calculator.

College algebra help, please?

So I haven't been to math class in a week due to illness. I'm doing make up work and I totally forgot how to do this kind of thing. Will someone PLEASE help? Here's the question:
•At the end of an advertising campaign, weekly sales declined according to the equation y=12,000(2^0.08x) dollars, where x is the number of weeks after the campaign. Determine the sales at the end of the ad campaign.•
Thank you for your time, and please explain how you did it so I can do the other problems too.

Can I take Physics 1 AP without having Algebra 2 done?

Yes you can.I took AP Physics 1 this year, and I took Algebra II Honors at my School at the same time.The Math Skills in AP Physics 1 are not very high level. Most of the math involved in AP Physics is not about about solving equations; rather, it is about manipulating variables in fundamental expressions, isolating variables, and plugging and chugging to get a numerical value. Just be familiar with literal equations and you will be fine.However, what is most important is understanding why you are using certain equations and understanding why those equations are true intuitively.Good Luck if you are taking it.:D