Need Psychological Therapy Can Someone Help

Is hypnosis considered a psychological therapy?

I have a bachelors in Psychology, and I can definitely tell you NO. Please stay away from this form of "therapy" as much as you can. It is very important that when choosing a therapist you find someone that is associated with the American Psychological (or Psychiatric) Association. I do not believe the poster above me is a licensed psychologist and/or has an advance degree (MA/Ph.D/Psy.D) from an accredited institution. Look at the way they wrote "ask a psychologist and they'll say no" and later wrote "as a psychologist myself" in direct contradiction.

As you may know, Sigmund Freud made therapies famous, but he also was debunked on many of his beliefs. However, hypnosis is one of the few things he got right. Early in his career he experimented with hypnosis because his predecesors have. Freud found that this form of therapy was a farce, and usually his patients would experience discomfort in another area when "cured" of the first one. Eventually it became noted that the "cure" only lasted a short period. Freud concluded it to fraud.

Hypnosis as a therapy has become more famous by charlatans trying to steal your money. The concept people in general have is that hypnosis dives into your unconcious when in fact it doesn't do so. It puts you in a sleep-like state where you just become more willing to do certain things, ultimately if you disagree with something strongly (like murder) you will never do. So these "therapists" have taken advantage of this misconception that it attacks the root of the problem.

In the last few year, new literature has arisen that has shown that under the hands of an evil therapist a patient can become worse. Sometimes they can induce a patient into believing memories that do not exist, or worse therapists will use hypnosis with "regression therapy" to make the person believe they are re-living the momment they were born or even past lives! They have all shown, in control experiments, to be false and damaging. The largest number of therapy related lawsuits are against these types of individuals.

Please, stay away from this form of therapy. Seek Cognitve or Behavior forms of therapy since they have shown to be the most effective.

I need help with my psychology homework!!!!?

1. psychotherapy involves talking things out with a professional. true/false association occurs during psychoanalysis, when the patient talks freely about anything that comes to mind. true/false
3. the primary goal of the person-centered therapist is to facilitate transference. true/false
4. systematic desensitization is a therapy method used in treating phobias that involves progressive relaxation and exposure to the feared object. true/false
5. eye-movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) is used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. true/false
6. modeling has been used successfully in helping children overcome their fear of going to the dentist, social withdrawal, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and phobias. true/false
7. a contingency contract is a formal written agreement in which the goals for behavioral change, reinforcements, and penalties are clearly stated. true/false
8. in rational-emotive therapy the therapist takes a directive role challenging clients when they make "my way or nothing" statements. true/false
9. cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies have considerable success in treating many types of disorders, including depression, stress disorders, andxiety disorders, and even some types of schizophrenia. true/false
10. a disadvantage of group therapy is that it can only be used alone and not in combination with any other form of therapy. true/false
11. most psychological professionals today take a psychoanalytic view of psychotherapy. true/false
12. language can be a barrier to effective psychotherapy, particularly when the cultural backgrounds of the client and therapist are different. true/false
13.someone who practices psychotherapy on the internet is called a cybertherapist. true/false
14. the drug lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder and episodes of mania, even though it is not clear exactly why it is effective in affecting mood. true/false
15.electroconvulsive therapy is still used to treat severe depression. true/false
16. electroconvulsive therapy causes memory loss because it disrupts the process of consolidation and prevents the formation of long-term memories. true/false
17. electroconvulsive therapy has no effect on memory. true/false
18. the most common form of psychosurgery practiced today is the prefontal lobotomy. true/false

What can you do for someone who needs mental help but won't get it?

Talk to his doctor, who can explain how to have him hospitalized involuntarily if necessary. If you are under 18 or not a guardian, they would most likely speak to your Mother about it. If he is in school, Mom can get the school (and authorities) involved there.Don't worry about the police taking him away. Sometimes, that's how you get him the help he needs, because they'll see that he's locked up. Start with his doctor, they should be able to guide you (or Mom).You can also walk into the Police Station and speak with the Officer on Duty. Explain the situation you are living with (you don't have to give identifying information) and ask how they would suggest you proceed next time something happens. They don't want to take someone away if it's not necessary, and he'd be very happy to offer you advice.You can even e-mail your local police department and ask the same question; you can also contact (or e-mail) your local mental health facility and ask them. If your area has a 24-hour Crisis Resource Center, they could be called in an Emergency (prior to calling police, possibly)

Abnormal Psychology Homework Help?

I've spent a week looking for the answers to the following questions in my book and I can't find them. Can anyone Help please?

To summarize what is known about psychotherapy effectiveness we can say that the chances of an average client benefiting significantly are impressive.

for disorders that have a brief duration, treatment provides no obvious benefit.

degree of improvement and number of therapy sessions are unrelated.

In which of the following circumstances would a psychosocial assessment clearly need to be used? 

After a change in her hormone treatment regimen, Hillary began to show severe mood swings

Ever since the divorce, James has been sleeping less and less.

Since the car accident, Jill has had nightmares

When asked what their orientation is, what do most of today's psychotherapists say?




For which client is behavior therapy most likely to be effective?

Wilson, whose complaint is premature ejaculation.

Angela, who has a variety of personality disorders.

Colin, who is struggling with vague concerns about his career and marital prospects.

Tamara, who is trying to understand the origins of her personality.

Psychotherapy: Where can I find online therapy?

My question is why psychotherapy, on what basis one decide about how to go about dealing with a psychological issue, here is a general guideline,When you are looking for help with an issue, you may be confused about what services to seek. Here is a general explanation of the services that can be useful to you.Coaching -- The most recently developed of the helping services.- No minimum requirements for providers and no licensing laws developed.- Anyone can call themselves a coach, It is a service that has no stigma attached.- Coaching is about setting and achieving goals with the assistance of a person who asks you helpful and focused questions.- Your coach’s emphasis is on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges related to the goals you have set.Consulting- A service you seek to answer a specific problem using the expert knowledge of a professional.- A consultant has specialized knowledge and expertise on the process or the problem that is of interest to you.- Often a consultation will be a short term engagement on one specific topic.- Consultants work with individuals, families, groups and organizations. Occasionally teaching or training will be part of the engagement.Counseling- A process built on trust and openness that focuses on the relief of distress.- You and your counselor will work together to help you cope, adapt and build skills to reduce distress.- You will come to a greater understanding of yourself and build healthier methods of coping.- The relationship will be most helpful if your counselor is warm, accepting and authentic.Psychotherapy- Is a deeper and longer process than counseling.- Clients who pursue psychotherapy want to make deep and significant changes in themselves.- Psychotherapy means uncovering early history; becoming conscious of all parts of the self; improving self-awareness and self-expression; and sharing dreams, daydreams, metaphors, narrative stories, bodily sensations, intuitions and the experience of yourself in relationship with your therapist whenever possible.based on this chose and move on….Ram

My parents think I need to see a therapist or a psychologist, and I disagree. Am I wrong? Should I see one?

I just recently (three weeks ago) got out of a long term relationship. He was my first love, and I was crazy for him. Since we've broken up, apparently I've had a really short temper, I've gotten in multiple arguments with my parents/step parents, and I've been getting in a lot of trouble at school. I've also drifted from a lot of people, and I'm really anti-social now. Today I got in trouble for the third time this week at school. My Mom told me that her & my dad have decided to send me to a "shrink" (her words). I don't want to go, but if you think I might need to talk to someone about my problems, please advise me to do so. I think that if someone else tells me I should see a therapist, other than my parents, then I'd be more okay with going. Please let me know.
Thanks, Jordan

How can I tell my mom she needs mental help?

First of all, how old are you? Because if you are still a minor, it’s really not your place, basically, it would be extremely disrespectful. Even as an adult, it’s still a possibility that your Mother would take offense. And the reality is that your Mom is an adult. And therefore entitled to making her own choices and decisions, even if you don’t agree.One thing you might try, that would perhaps go over better, is to ask someone that’s more like her peer. If they could talk to her. For example, talk wit your other parent about your concerns. Otherwise, i think this issue is open and shut, at least for now.