Negative Effects Of Smoking Marijuana In Adolescence.

How can I make a teenager aware of the negative effects of smoking marijuana?

To inform your teenager of the negative effects of marijuana, there are a few approaches to this. First, there are the health implications people using marijuana, it impedes the growth and development of the brain, which is fully matured at 25 years of age. Secondly, there is the social implication, depending on the state that you live in, cannabis use is not widely accepted and still frowned upon by many people. If a coach, employee, or teacher saw or caught someone smoking weed, the reputation that would follow can greatly impact the way that the community views that person. Lastly is the lifestyle, growing up in a small town, there were a lot of bored teenagers who used weed to fill their time. The most noticeable characteristic shared among the pot users, is their lack of work ethic. I know many people claim to be able to work more efficiently and effectively on weed, but in my experience, those people are the minority, no, the outliers. I did not know any person in my community that was a regular pot smoker, that didn't initially gain weight and became noticeably more lazy after picking up this habit. There are plenty of materials online about how marijuana impedes development in the youth.

Does marijuana use have long-term effects for adolescents?

For the average consumer, there are no long-term negative health effects from consuming marijuana in a non-smoking fashion.Consumers with debilitating heart conditions, bipolar disorders or any form of psychosis should consult their doctor before consuming any form of cannabis, as clinical evidence has shown cannabis and its compounds could make the symptoms associated with these conditions worse.Cannabis doesn’t cause a deleterious effect on society by making consumers passive, unproductive, apathetic and either unable or unwilling to fulfill their responsibilities, it doesn’t negatively impact one’s emotions, one’s ability to empathize or increase the likelihood of suicidal thoughts, it has no correlation with greater chances of lung cancer even if it’s smoked chronically for decades, it doesn’t cause brain cell damage, which in turn leads to long-term memory loss, cognitive impairment or difficulties in learning, it doesn’t impair the user’s immune system or make them more susceptible to other diseases, it doesn’t stunt growth, interfere with the production of hormones associated with reproduction, cause infertility among adult users or delay sexual development in adolescents, it doesn’t cause psychosis in those who don’t already have psychosis, it’s not any more addictive than sugar or caffeine and those who do form addictions do not suffer life-threatening withdrawal symptoms when quitting, and it’s not a gateway drug that will lead to more hardcore substances.I am more than happy to elaborate on any of the statements made above, just leave a comment.

Is there evidence that smoking marijuana is bad for teenagers?

It definitely has an affect on the brain.  Some of it good and some of it not so good.  The main danger I see in it for teenagers is letting it be the chauffeur in your life's decisions at that early point in your life.  It will lead a young person down the easy path and that is not good.  Speaking from experience here.One thing you and everyone else should not let anyone get away with is saying that Marijuana is the gateway drug for coke, crystal meth, downers, heroine, opium, - you name it.  ALCOHOL is the gateway drug to all of the drugs humans misuse.  If you ask any junkie the odds are that person started with alcohol not weed probably 99.99 to 0.01 if that close.Every one of those drugs were created and misused by man.  Man did not invent Marijuana and yet it is evil.  Involve man made things that  effect the brain with man and that spells trouble every time.Weed is safer than alcohol - without a doubt IMO.

How exactly does marijuana effect teens?

according to the latest research when marijuana was introduce to brain cells, the chemicals in marijuana promoted brain cell regeneration.

marijuana does not kill brain cells, it creates them. it doesn't take your memory, it can be used to treat dementia in old age and regenerate your memory. dont listen to these people, they are telling you government lies.

the government decided to do "research" on marijuana. so they put masks on the faces of monkeys and pumped a bunch of marijuana smoke into the monkeys. suffocation kills brain cells, not marijuana. they suffocated the monkeys and then blamed the marijuana. most people don't know this and do not mean to spread the lie they just don't know any better.

Blue lotus vs marijuana effects?

Hi, im looking at purchasing some blue lotus resin (or hash) and i wanted to know if any of you have tried it. What did you feel like? I know its weaker than marijuana, but i was wondering, if i smoked enough blue lotus, could i get as high as i would smoking weed? Do the effects get stronger the more i smoke? The ebay auction ends in like an hour, so i need to know if i should buy it. Thanks,


Is it bad for teens to smoke marijuana everyday?

I'm 15 years old and i've been smoking weed everyday for a year going on two years, i've probably had around 20 sober days since i started, i've been having random pains or wierd feelings in my body and brain that keep getting slowly worse n worse since last summer 09, I want to keep staying high but i don't want anything bad to happen, or any long term things like diseases. A year ago i was smoking eighths on the daily and oz's on the weekly, now i like to take a couple bong rips a day. If anybody could give me some good official advise on how bad it is for teens or how it will affect my health in the future, that would solve my #1 problem.

Is it just all in my head? Or do i seriously need to slow down?
I don't plan smoking everyday for the rest of my life, I just plan on narrowing it down to a couple times a week... someday.

Why do teenagers think smoking weed and marijuana is cool?

I'm 17. I have never done any drug before. My cousin on the other hand is a bit more rebellious than I am. She has her own apartment and has a kid who's 3. She drinks but she doesn't know that I know about it because I kind of stalk her on twitter. lol. She said she has been sober for about a month.
I want to know why almost all the cool/popular people I know or met have either said they've gotten high on weekends/smoke and drink and said it was fun and cool and won't affect you.
But what I think is that it will affect you later on in your late adult life.
They usually say they smoke because they want release from problems or a stupid answer like because it's fun. I always say when I get mad, sad or feel like crap I write and play my keyboard(Piano) or draw. Writing is my way of escaping instead of thinking nothing would go wrong with me for smoking or drinking. Because for me I think smoking and drinking would affect you later on in your adult life you just don't notice it now.
What's your take on teenagers smoking or drinking?
I think it's awful.
Could it affect them later on in their adult life?
From my personal experience. From last Summer hearing how my cousin's attitude changed towards her four year old son was for the worse as in the yelling part of it. She's just lazy with him. I want to take care of him for some time during the Summer because I know how she treated him when she didn't drink or do anything stupid.
The drug that I'm focusing on is weed and marijuana. I find it ridiculous that other teens think it's okay to smoke