Neighbors Called The Police 2 Days In A Row.we Use To Get Along Fine Until A Year Ago.there Pit Mix

How long is keeping a dog in a cage considered animal abuse?

Theres this pitbull and he gets to go outside for breaks every couple of hours but hes in this cage for about 8 hours while hes awake and about 8 hours when hes asleep (about 16 hours total). The cage is big enough to where he can turn around and completely stretch out in there but hes always in there (Im not the person who owns the dog or makes the rules)
When is it considered abuse? Is this normal or what?

Neighbor throwing glass bottles at my dogs?

My next door neighbor's daughter is 19 years old, doesn't work, doesn't go to school, has two babies from 2 different fathers and sleeps all day and stays up all night. Of course, she's living off the system and doesn't do anything for anyone...not even her Mom who works full time but expects her Mom to take care of her kids after she comes home from work while she continues to sleep in. A real selfish parasite.
She cops an attitude whenever anyone makes any kind of noise during the day because it disturbs her sleep. Forget about all the noise she makes all throughout the night, screaming, slamming doors, etc..
and wakes me up every night I've been here since I've moved into this house.
I leave my dogs out in my backyard with my door open so they can come and go as they please. In the winter, I let them out for ab out 15 minutes at a time and if they get too loud with the barking for too long, I shush them up and will bring them in if they're too noisy.
I kept finding trash in my yard, bottles and cans. I suspected it was the next door neighbor but wasn't sure. By the positioning of where the trash landed, only they could have thrown the trash. The other day, I actually saw the trash fly over my fence and into my yard from their yard.
She was throwing bottles at my dog for barking a couple of minutes...if even that the middle of the day, 2pm.
I throw the trash back into their yard but now my dog's leg is injured and I'm wondering if one of her glass bottles hit his leg and injured him.
I'm putting up a surveillence camera to catch it on tape that she's doing this so I can call the cops on her and hopefully also get her for animal abuse.
Think I should report her to the Animal Abuse people now or should I wait until I have some evidence?

Someone please help me, I need to know about Steve Austin?

I will give 10 points to whoever could help me the most! Where can I find any legal documents on him...You know drivers license,marriage records, stuff like that. Please help me!

How long can my dog go without eating?

Your dog is descended from wolves. Wolves typically hunt every day, but only catch something one day in three. So your dog can clearly go 3 days between meals. But if you are going to do that, you need to let him eat as much as he wants when he does get food.Actually, that’s every 3 days on average. I doubt it will do a dog much harm to go five days without eating. Just keep in mind: that’s 2–5 days without eating, then the pack eats as much as they can get down. Then they sleep for half a day, then they start hunting again.Dogs also have more self-control than you’d give them credit for. There was a news story a while back: somebody had left their (largish) dog alone in the house with a baby, and for some reason not returned to feed the dog or take care of the baby. (Don’t remember if they died or were in an accident, or what.) The dog ate the baby, but — according to police analysis — only after the baby had died of starvation.Humans are part of a dog’s “pack”, and you don’t kill your pack members for food. (Deaths do sometimes occur in dominance fights to determine who gets to be pack Alpha.)

People who can't control their dog(s) shouldn't own dogs!?! Agreed? Please read story & give opinion.?

I agree. If you cant control them, don't take them to public areas.

It's 4 AM. You're sleeping, then you hear noises and footsteps downstairs. What do you do?

I live downstairs so technically if I here anything more downstairs-er than that. I’ll crap myself probably. Anyways, if I hear something coming from in front of my house (entrance) , that’s an easy one because I’ve played that scenario a lot of times in my head ,probably because I keep hearing weird noises and I’ve formulated a plan.I’ll lock my room’s door and just yell, bro “get the gun, there’s someone there”, followed by a call to my neighbors to alert everyone.Unfortunately, I don’t have any firearm, so that yelling is just a lie that hopefully will rattle the intruders to leave the house (if any).Being in Pakistan, the police response time is super shitty so that’s why I’ll resort to neighbor as they can encircle the house and I’ve known them since childhood and almost all of them own a gun (few of them have AK-47 too, allegedly).I hope that I won’t have to do that ever but the plan is there.

Are there any pro-gun civilians here that absolutely needed to use their gun?

Yes. It prevented the gang rape of a female friend. The disparity of force was 6:1 against. Without the firearm, I would have been pummeled within an inch of my life and she would have been sexually violated, repeatedly, by multiple attackers.So I love these “gotcha” set-up questions that hope to prove firearms as practically useless for self-defense and defense of others. I HAVE LIVED IT!! It DOES happen.And was this incident reported to police? No. I had no inclination to have my firearm confiscated and to be charged with a litany of crimes (brandishing, etc.) for saving a friend from being raped. THAT is our culture! Not a “gun culture”, but a “punish-the-good-guys” culture. A “reward-criminals-and-bad-behavior” culture. A culture that values victimhood over freedom.Yes. I ABSOLUTELY needed to use a gun. Sorry to break your narrative.EDIT:This occurred in rural Virginia, in 1989. Before VA had CC, before mobile phones, at a kegger party in a remote location. Back then we would deliberately find places where county sheriffs would not stumble upon us drinking under age. So anyone suffering cognitive dissonance, you're just gonna have to deal with it.I was 19, underage for both drinking and possession of a handgun. I was carrying it concealed. I brandished it in the presence of multiple people. So, yes, there were a multitude of reasons to NOT report this to the fucking authorities!And the FBI estimates unreported defensive uses of firearms at around 2 million each year, and that's a conservative guess.Just clarifying for all the asshat who keep commenting that “no civilized nation would let that go unreported… blah, blah, blah” We don't report every fucking time a gun leaves a holster. That's just stupid.And 25 years later, she and I dated for a time after her divorce. She remembers some of that night. I doubt we would have become romantically involved if I had been “ the guy who stood by and let her be sexually violated.”