Nervous About Going To School Help

Why do I get nervous when going back to school? And how can I stop it?

If you have a bad experience at school or any sort of negative ideas of school then you can have fears and worries develop in you. Unless you are simply shy and an introvert kind of person.The first thing to do is find out what bothers you if is it an object, person or situation. Then once you identify it, try to be brave when you face that object, person or situation. If you experience something repeatedly you might get use to it. Just remain positive with yourself no matter how things may go.Fear, doubts and worry can be overcomed with self-confidence and positive thinking, it is a good defense. Always ask help from people when you need help, express your problems to people you trust don't ever keep things to yourself especially if it is a serious problem.

I'm nervous to go back to school. What should I do?

I definitely remember that feeling! Whether it was as a kid, teen, or young adult, there were always moments of nervousness when I got ready to get back in the swing of things-both academically and with friends I hadn’t seen in a while.So, I think it’s perfectly normal, and to some extent you just have to ride it out until you’re over that first day back. And I think usually you find that most of your worries weren’t warranted.With that said, if you have some serious concerns about returning to school, it doesn’t hurt to talk to someone about them. For instance, if you’re younger, you might tell your parents, a trusted teacher, or a school counselor. It’s possible they could help you make your return go a little more smoothly.Lastly, hopefully you have some friends at your school? If so, talk to them and let them know your fears. You might be surprised to learn they’re feeling the exact same way!

Nervous to go to school weight room....HELP!?

I would just go and work out bro. I had a similar situation in high school, I wouldn't play because of a coach a schmucks and I let that affect the rest of the sports I was interested in. I figured they all didn't like me because I butted heads with one coach. Thing is high school coaches are generally dumb-asses and you will realize that when you get out of school. Just do what you have to, those guys are generally losers who ended up doing nothing but coaching in the scheme of things that isn't a great accomplishment. Don't get me wrong some are great but some are just guys who never got out of the high school thing, hope that helps you out, also after you lift a few days you'll be up to normal then they'll be on you to play for them.

I am extremely nervous about going back to school!!!! Please help me!! I really, truly need it!?

Hello. Before i begin, let me start by saying I get extremely nervous all of the time. I am so nervous for school now. I have been worrying about this since last month. I start Wednesday and I feel like its impossible to go back. I dont know. I just feel that way. I feel like Im not going to be able to stay there. I feel so alone. I just dont know. Im so scared and worried and I feel like Im about to die of nerves. I really need help. Im gonna break my nerves down into sections so its easier to explain and its easier for you to answer.

1. I'm nervous about getting a panic attack. I get these panic attacks where I feel like throwing up and crying and I have gotten them and Im afraid its gonna happen on the first day. Im afraid I'm going to think about my mom or something and totally freak out.

2. There's this teacher I know I'm going to have thats really mean. Shes gonna teach one of my subjects and i dont like her. Im worried that i might need to go to the bathroom and she will yell at me for taking too long. Im really scared of her. she has yelled at me before.

3. im gonna have a guy teacher. I dont know but guy teachers freak me out. its just weird. i have one guy teacher at my school and thats it. i am used to lady teachers. i dont know. Guy teachers make me feel so weird inside

4. My best friend left the school. My best friend always makes me feel better when I see her and now she is gone and Im gonna miss her sooooo much. We have been through so much and I am going to miss her.

5. I have this feeling i get when im used to things. Its hard to explain but i get this feeling when im used to things. When things happen that arent the normal, it feels as if that day didnt happen and that it was all a dream. i get so weird and i feel bad. I dont know....

6. Im gonna miss my mom. i know this is stupid, but im gonna miss her soooo much. i dont know fi i can get a day though without her.

I am soooo nervous. how do i stop being nervous. please help me. im so scared. I also have this thing where i tap my body and my nerves go away. It was working for me but when i tried it once last week for my nerves, i still felt nervous. I dont know if its gonna work. I cry every night becuase Im so nervous and I feel like im gonna throw up when i think about it. please help. Thanks for reading.

I'm nervous to go back to my old school ?

Ok so I'm 16 , a junior in highschool . My freshmen year I was doing really bad ..being late , hanging out with the wrong crowd , and smoking / drinking . My parents didn't know what to do .. And all my " friends" just cut me off and never talked to me again. But now Ive matured I don't blame them. parents sent me to Texas to live with my uncle . I came back this summer . I stayed there for a year . Now Ive changed and don't smoke or drink . My mindset is very different and I've made honor roll at my school in Texas . BUT I have to stay back in Maryland ( where I originally live) and now I have to go back to my home school . And I'm nervous because everyone has this image of me . Like All i do is smoke , and Not care about anything .and I left on bad note ..and I have to go back now and I'm just nervous I can't stop thinking about it . I mean I know no one really cares because I'm not that important , but every time I think about the fact I have to go there I get this depressed / sad feeling like I don't matter .. The feeling I has my freshman year when I went there . How can feel more confident and worry free about going to this school ??

I'm really nervous about going back to school (I haven't been to school in 3-4 weeks)...?

First of all take a deep breath, everything will be fine! I know how you feel because i was out of school for a year and recently went back, it was strange at first but everyone was surprisingly friendly and not too nosey. If they ask where you've been just tell them "personal reasons" or "family stuff" and then shrug it off and they won't ask any more questions. As for the nerves, just try to ignore them because the more you think about them the worse they are going to get and the harder it's going to be to go back. When you wake up tomorrow or when you get dropped off outside school you're going to want to run away because your bodies "fight or flight" instinct kicks in and chooses the flight option, but force yourself to go in, just let your legs carry you and don't think about it.

Having no close friends and being teased is tough, but if you try to attend school as much as possible you increase your chances of making new friends. It took me months to settle into my new school and make some friends and i know how tough it is, some people seem to settle into a new school in a matter of days or weeks but for others it takes much longer... it does happen eventually though. Ultimately school is there for you to get an education and a good future, so even through the hard times try and keep focused on graduating and getting into college and whatever else you want to do with your life. If it helps you get into school tomorrow just think about how proud your mom will be and how you're doing this for her, then you'll have a good insensitive to walk in there. Good luck! It'll be fine i promise, and i hope your mom gets better soon.


I'm SO nervous for school tomorrow. (Help? :-()?

Why, school has been going for a couple of weeks now.

I am very sad, depressed, nervous about going back to school in 2 days. It mainly happens at night when I get sad. What can I do to make my self happy?

Let me guess, you live in Bangor Maine ( see my Bio)? Sure wouldn’t surprise me.My advice is to figure out which subject you’re best in or really like and focus on building your future career from it. Example, Is your favorite part of school “Lunch”? Fine. Then try to befriend the Cafeteria staff and express and interest in cooking. Find at least one teacher ( preferably one who teaches a class you’re good in ) and discuss your career options with them after class is dismissed.Meanwhile, as for the beasts roaming the halls? Walk fast and don’t make eye contact.