Nervous About Meeting A Friend Today Help Fast

Meeting his friends for the first time and im nervous?

Tomorrow he's having a bunch of his close friends over, and invited me. We aren't official yet, but we are off to a good start. He did take my virginity, so I bet that's at least one thing his friends know about me. Anyways, Im nervous. I really want them to accept me and give him their approval. I know how important it is for me to get along really well with his friends, because that's the ultimate test to see if he can really see being with me. Im especially intimidated by his female friends. Im sure they'll be judging me most of all, and maybe some of them will even be a little jealous.
He's dated a lot before, and im sure im not the first girl his friends are meeting. My worst worry is they'll regard me as just another stupid girl he's dating and compare me to his past girls. I feel like they are going to judge me to see if im right for their best friend.
Also, im meeting his brother who is also our age. He's the one i want to be accepted by most. Because im sure he wants the best girl for his brother so i dont want him meeting me and thinking his brother could do better.
Any tips on how to calm down, (besides the cliche of be yourself)?
I guess the reason why im so nervous is because i personally know how intense my group of friends get when it comes to meeting a friend's significant other. Their approval is very important to me and i wonder if it's the same way with guys and their friends.
When my best friends met him for the first time they were quick to judge and had like a list of assumptions about him by the end of the day, even though in general, they concluded he's a great guy.

So i guess my main question is, do guys get judgmental and protective when it comes to meeting their best friend's girl for the first time?

I was nervous to meet her friends..?

Like, I've been talking to her for 2 weeks. It seems we get a long really well.
Last night, it was just me, and I met up with her and her friends. I never met her friends. I was nervous, and I couldn't say much

so all day she has been mad at me because of it. She said she hates that I make things awkward.

I mean, I know I can be very shy sometimes, but I've had soo many failed dated. and getting to know her I though everything was going well. Then this kinda hurts...

was it wrong that I was nervous and not so social around people I don't know?
and I just want someone say something to make me feel better :/

Meeting online boyfriend in real life HELP!!!!!?

Hate to crush your bubble but he is kind of right, sometimes chemistry in real life is different than online, BUT doesn't always happen like that. I think it just depends on how much contact you have had. The only way to find out is to actually meet, which you are obviously doing soon. I have done this a few times too, not necessarily flown to see someone, but met up with online people and it was like I was meeting a totally different person. It was strange. Down the road a bit though we realized we were obviously the same people, and in fact were more on the phone and more in person and left the computer behind. Even though I am not with that person/people they were still great experiences. Just make sure you don't move too fast, treat it as a first date. Good luck and make sure you tell someone (friend or family member) where you are going, and give numbers, leave a trail of your whereabouts. Be safe.

How do I deal with being nervous about meeting up with someone for the first time?

You do exactly that. Deal with it! HahaNo but seriously, I’m pretty open about things like that, even if we’ve been texting for a bit, when the day finally comes to meet up, I’ll suddenly be anxious as hell and text them “I’m both anxious and excited to...”Everybody is bloody nervous when meeting someone for the first time. We’re afraid to make eye contact with a stranger on the street for God’s sake!Even if they look cool, calm and collected on the outside, you can probably bet that their heart is beating just as fast as yours. This anxiety makes me super jittery, where I can’t sit still, I’ll use a lot of hand gestures or find something to fidget with, and my facial expressions are hilarious. I laugh a little too loud, I lean in a little too close, but damn I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m being my genuine self, and people will either love it or hate it (usually love it, cause when you come out of your shell, they’re more than likely to come out of theirs).Either way you come out on top! The people who don’t like you will F off, those who do like you will think you’re really something else (in a good way haha).Own it!

Is it normal to feel anxious meeting people after you haven't seen them in a while? Even if its close friends or family?

I think it's completely normal, especially for someone who struggles with anxiety. I experience this all the time with people I haven't seen in a long time (yes, even family and friends). I know how it feels. It's annoying and confusing, because you don't know why you feel anxious. I hate the feeling.In my opinion, we feel anxious before meeting with someone we haven't seen in a while because we've become less used to them. Think about it: when you see someone every day, for example, or a few times a week, you feel more comfortable with them. You generally know how they'll behave, how the interaction will go etc. You know how it feels to be around that person physically and you're more relaxed.On the other hand, when we don't see someone in months, or even years, the sense of familiarity reduces. Even though you know the person, you feel like you don't truly know them at present because you've been apart so long. You feel like you've missed out on important information, stories and news about their lives. Subconsciously, I think all of this can create feelings of anxiety about meeting them.Time changes everyone, so perhaps we're a little scared they might have changed. We might also worry about the fact that time has changed us both and we will no longer be able to connect as easily as we used to. Of course, this may not be an issue for some friends and family members. You might simply 'pick up where you left off' and immediately re-connect, no matter how long it has been. If that's the case, you know it's a friendship (or other relationship) you can hold onto for life.The best thing I can suggest is to take some deep breaths before you meet them. Try to quickly look back on all your history together and the good times you've shared. Perhaps this will ease some of the anxiety and will remind you that what is meant to be will be.

How can I stop being so nervous about my first track meet tomorrow?

first off. don't be nervous. i used to get nervous too. but just remember, it's just like at practice! you're gonna go, run around the track like you do so often, finish, and go home! that's it. you're just running. it's something you enjoy doing and shouldn't get nervous for something enjoyable. and tonight, don't eat too much and don't eat junk food because you need good fuel. and same thing tomorrow. don't have something like a donut for breakfast. don't drink TOO much water, but drink enough. and to be safe, don't eat/drink anything an hour and a half before the race. if people from your team are gonna be in the race with you, talk to them before hand so you guys can all get siked about it! don't be intimidated by other teams. think to yourself, "i'm so much faster than those other people. i'm gonna do great!" but don't say anything like that out loud because you don't wanna sound cocky.

good luck!

Too shy/nervous to meet Online girl..?

Okay.. Just want to start by thanking all those people who tried to answer the question.
Well I am 25 and been talking to a girl from a dating site TRUE.COM. She is nice and seems to like me. For the past week she has been asking me to meet her but i been giving her excuses every time.. She has asked me like 5 times already.. She tells me.."im bored come rescue me".. I never met someone from the internet. And i am too shy to meet her.. I have always suffered from low self esteem and i believe this is the root of my problem.. I just dont consider myself attractive and I'm scared I wont be what she expects... I'm really considering meeting her.. but lets say i do decide to meet her, what should i so.. i got this anxiety problem, my heart starts beeting real fast and its hard for me to concentrate.. i take Xanax... so you can see how bad this is.. WHat should i DOOOOO.. Hug her.. do what? FIRST TIME MEETING SOMEONE FROM THE INTERNET!! lol

This is me..

this is her...

too hot for me?

When I am nervous or scared, why does my heart start to race?

Teeleeecee has the right answer but it's called,"Fight or Flight Response". It's a normal body reaction to those conditions that you've described, your first instinct is to either run and hide and when your scared most people don't know if they should "fight" to defend themselves or run and hide. Your body becomes nervous and your heart reacts by beating faster causing your body to go into over load. It just means that your a nervous person by nature. Try meditation, I know it sounds corny but it may help you to relax or perhaps some therapy to find out why your such an apprehensive person. I used to be like that but that's because I grew up with so much stress in my life as a youth I didn't know how to deal with it. I was always stressed like you, I did eventually go into therapy and got a grip on my self and my life and now I'm very easy going and my husband call me his rock. This worked for me and I'm only making a suggestion but it may help you. Good Luck Sweetie and God Bless.