.net Or Java Confused

Will I not get confused if I start learning Java and C/C++ together?

Primarily, No.Maybe, yes.If you are asking this question, then I am assuming you probably have doubts related to only syntax. Because, There is just a hierarchy which defines the relation between C,C++ and Java.C → C++ → JavaCAll the basic functionalities and concepts are usually learnt through C. Arrays, Pointers, Functions, Loops, File Handling etc. are the prime concepts.C++It was initially called “C with Class” and that too for the single reason that it is just a +1 on C Language. C++ starts where C ends. Apart from the basic I/O and header files, C++ is powered with all the Object Oriented Features like Inheritance, polymorphism etc. It has better abstractions which allow idiomatic C++ code to run significantly faster than idiomatic C code.JavaComing to your Original question, Java has the same syntax as that of C++ with some changes. Loops, if statements, Blocks, functions all work the same way you just get to handle differences which are for the good benefit of of Java. Since, it is completely OOP based, like a simple program to print “Hello World” 5 times in Java would be like :public class Hello {public static void main(String arg []) {for(int i=0;i<5;++i) {System.out.Print(“Hello World”);}}}In C++, It is :using namespace std;int main() {for(int i=0;i<5;++i) {cout<<”Hello World”;}return 0;}Clearly, both the programs differ just a little bit. So to sum up, Java and C/C++ don’t have much differences and they can be carried out simultaneously if you have what it takes (time).Though, It is generally a good practice to learn all the basic concepts from C, progressing to algorithms and Data structures using C++ and then hitting Advanced features using Java.Cheers..!!

If I have to choose between .NET and Java, which one should I choose, from the job and scope prospective?

Java.Java is a full object-oriented language, strongly typed, with an extensive feature set focused on networking and cross-platform compatibility. Applications written in Java can run on virtually any OS – though the performance won’t be as good as something designed to run natively.   It is the language of choice for most Computer Science courses, and consequently almost everyone has at least a little Java programming experience. Android applications are written in Java too, though you can’t simply run a regular Java app on your Android mobile nor vice-versa..NETC#Pronounced C sharp, this is Microsoft’s clone of Java (though the two have since diverged with more pronounced differences) – a general purpose object-oriented strongly-typed language. Performance is good, though not as fast as C++. Software written in C# requires .Net framework to run and is Windows-only.Hope You got the point Java is best to start your  career.

Do you find C# .NET confusing?

Originally, I did a lot of Visual C++ programming to build Window apps, and then C# came along. With C# and the .NET framework, my productivity went up 4 fold. (When Resharper came along that productivity went up even more). The reason my productivity went up with C# is that Microsoft made it so easy to build any kind of app you could think of for the PC using the .NET framework. So what I'm saying is “confusing” is a relative term. Creating programs in Visual C++ was more difficult because it required a lot of knowledge of the Windows SDK.Now if you are comparing it to Visual Basic, you may have a leg to stand on, especially if object-oriented and functional concepts are new concepts to you.For the most part, C# has similar constructs to Java, Python and other languages, so I'm guessing you may find these languages confusing as well. I can see a nubie possibly getting really confused when Microsoft introduced lambda expressions, anonymous classes and other drastic changes to the language. Also some of the LINQ constructs where you can write LINQ both with syntactic sugar (expressions that look more like SQL) and with currying methods could drop a ton of bricks of confusion on someone new to the language. But LINQ like libraries have been adopted by other languages like JavaScript and Python.Also async/await may take some time to grasp, but even newer languages like Kotlin are bringing in this pattern of asynchronous control.My feeling about C# .NET being confusing is that C# and the .NET framework is really not any more confusing than other frameworks out there and as you use C# to develop apps, you'll find it to be a very powerful, concise and targeted language that enables you to get your job done.

Is it easier to learn C, C++, Python, or Java?

Computer languages are generally less complex than natural languages, which were not designed for being easy to learn. Esperanto is the only one which comes to mind as being simple.

Java and C are both good choices to start, but choose only one at first so as to avoid getting confused by language features. The basics of each language have much in common with the other, but the native libraries are where real expertise develops. For example, opening and reading a file uses distinctly different functions and conventions amongst all these languages.

C++ is easily the most complex of these languages. However, few practical programs rely on the entire language. Quite a few C++ programs confine themselves to the OOP (object oriented programming) features and do not make use of operator overloading or templates.

C's fundamentals can be learned in a day, assuming you have a solid programming education. Being able to write respectable C programs takes months of experience. For C++, multiply both those by ten or so.

Java was designed as a safer, easier form of C++.

Career growth in c++ over java or C#?

Well, using the word "dying" is a bit extreme I think. I suppose it depends on what you want to do, and what sector you are working in. I have interviewed with Google and Microsoft for developer positions, and both required knowledge of C++ (no mention was made of any other language).

Most of the "hard-core" development (operating systems, heavy load server applications, number-crunching analysis and pattern matching/data mining tools, next generation games) still takes place mainly in the C++ domain.

When companies have to do a lot of integration between systems (old and new platforms need to co-exist and work together) they tend to lean towards .NET. Many enterprise-wide roll-outs either choose .NET or Java Enterprise Edition (J2ME). So, like I said, it depends on where you will be working.

In the end knowing C++ won't hurt your chances. It is easy enough to move between the different languages (and learn their API's).

You should rather focus on sharpening your design skills (Object Oriented design, design patterns etc), since that will remain independant of any language, but you will use it every day.

Is it beneficial to learn both java and .net?

There is no harm in having extra knowledge. You can definitely learn Java and .net both. But no matter how many languages you learn you can be an expert in only one. I would suggest you to learn both for knowledge as in MNC’s a Java developer is often given a .Net project so it will eventually help in your placements or in your job. But if you want to be an expert then choose one and start working on it and don’t get distracted by other lanaguages.

I got selected for both IBM and Dell as .Net developer, I'm very confused to choose which one is best. Which one should I choose?

To level-set my response below is based on prior and current industry work experiences.I had a list of prioritized skills I hoped to refine, working sprint backlogs, and Kanban boards daily with our scrum teams, I can confidently say I improved on those attributes by the end of each project assignment initiative.The work culture and tools are similar, for example our daily stand-ups included a dial-in for collocated tech team members, collaboration using MS visual studio, etc.Lastly, I think which one is “best” is subjective due to the fact both organizations are regarded as reputable industry players. Are you more concerned about your personal career development attributes and opportunities, or which firm will likely be around longer, and generates the most profit?…my recommendation for you to help have a more clear picture is to list out your prioritized personal career goals and map that to the organization that will likely offer the most support for you to successfully achieve those goals. At the conclusion of that exercise, you should have a more clear vision of which organization is the “best”.Note: I'm presuming your personal development career goals aligns with the organizational roadmap and quarterly objectives.I hope that helps; As always, thank you in advance for the feedback and updates!Olu

Which technology has the brightest scope among PHP, Java, and .NET?

PHP is fundamentally different as compared to Java and .NET. All of them are to stay for the foreseeable future, targeting different areas thoughPHP is mainly targeting the non-enterprise Web. It is changing quite fast though, encompassing enterprise Web but compared to Java it is still a looOOoong way to go. Sucks at Desktop. Mainly Linux although Windows can be employed too.(to the best of my understanding) Java is (has) targeted mostly the enterprise Internet (not just web) and quite some areas of Desktop. It is oldest, most supported, most developed and maturest among the three..NET targets about anything on Windows. It has Microsft behind it.I'm no expert is neither Java nor .NET though. Hope this helps. On the other hand, you might also find Ruby and Python interesting.