New Bay Budgie Not Active Puffed Up An Sleepy

How does a budgie bite feel like? Can you give an example?

Just like us, budgies can control how much force they put into their bite. So, how badly it hurts generally depends on how threatened they are feeling.1- Even a “kiss” has a similar beak movement to a bite. It feels like a very soft tickle, and is a way of your bird showing affection.2- Further up the spectrum is what I would call a “nip” — a very quick, relatively gentle bite, that is a warning you are probably about to do something he/she is not comfortable with. This feels similar to if you quickly, softly pinch yourself with your fingernails. Not really painful but could be uncomfortable depending on the location (e.g. that skin between the thumb and forefinger).3- Then what I would consider an actual “bite.” This means they are in a situation they want to be out of and are showing their displeasure. I would agree with a lot of the other descriptions saying it feels like if you accidentally pinch yourself with small pliers.4- I don’t know what to call this other than an extra hard bite. I have only felt this once from a budgie, and he was terrified. He was in an unfamiliar place, it was semi-dark (they can’t see well without light), and I picked him up. He screamed bloody murder, and bit me harder than I have ever had from a budgie. It was more like someone intentionally pinching you with pliers. And he held on. He still didn’t break skin, but I did have a tiny bruise for several days.Though not nearly as common with budgies as in larger parrots, it is possible they could bite for entertainment rather than self-defense. However, this is a behavioral issue that stems from humans providing positive reinforcement for biting (don’t make a big deal out of a bite, because they love animated reactions from their people).

Drooping budgie wing and constantly puffed up?

I have two budgies and they tend to fight alot but I guess its usually playful fighting. Yesterday, I only took my male out and he flew into the wall a few times but he seemed fine because he continued to eat, chirp and be as active as he usually is. Today, I took him out again after I noticed he had been on the floor for about an hour, walking back and forth a little bit but mostly still. Sometimes he goes there when he wants to come out of the cage so I proceeded to take him out. I took him out and he usually likes to fly between two spots. However, he couldn't make it to the second spot (barely made it to the first) and I assumed he was too weak to fly :( I put him back in and he wouldn't eat and drink, the female kept trying to peck at him and he was puffed up for hours, closing his eyes at times.
He continued to go on the floor alot and only went back to his perch when the female provoked him. I was really scared and assumed he was really sick so I was going to take him to the vet. I then noticed that his left wing was sticking out and looked odd, not how it normally did. It was out like that for a while but he eventually poked it back in, still coming out a little though. The vet here isn't open until tomorrow and our emergency clinic doesn't take birds so I'm unsure what to do. Does it seem like something really serious? What should I do?
please help :(

New Budgie smells horrible?

What is the smell like? Is it a "strange," sweet, somewhat "weird" smell? Kinda pungent? If so, that's a tell-tale sign of an infection. If he's wet, he has a weeping sore, or his entire skin could be infected and he's just leaking everywhere. In truth, if it smells "almond-y" that's a sign of an infection, if it smells like off meat then it's gangrene.

Being a baby this could be something very serious and is probably extremely painful and could lead to even worse infections. You need to rush him to a vet immediately, and don't be intimidated by cost. Most likely they will know right away and just prescribe antibiotics. I really hope for the best :)

How do you know if a sick budgie is feeling better or worse than they did before?

A budgie that is feeling better will have 25 to 30 tiny black and white balls of stool/urine on the cage floor every day. It will stop looking puffed up and sleepy, it will breathe normally with its beak closed, and it will be more active. It will eat more. A sick budgie looks sleepy or puffed up during the daytime except when it is scared, its stool may be a greenish color and soft, it may only have white droppings, and it may have fewer than 20 in the cage floor per day. It may not eat very well. It may regurgitate seeds or pellets stuck together in the seed dish or on the cage floor or walls. If it is sitting on the cage floor, it is nearly dead. A budgie can starve to death in 48 hours, so it needs to see a bird vet quickly if you notice anything at all wrong with it.

My budgie sometimes sits on her food dish for a long time. Not inside, on the outside. Why?

Maybe she thought that the food bowl would make a good perch…It is actually possible for a budgie to lay an egg even if there is no male. The egg will just be infertile.But you say she has spent 1/3 of her day sitting IN the food?She may be sick. Check to see if her poops are abnormal (watery poop, change in color) and if she is being less active than usual and sitting very still and puffed up. If you notice any of these things happening, i think I might be time to take her to the vet :(Hope you found this useful

My new budgie is coughing\

Take your pet to the avian vet!

Are his feathers ruffled up? The fluffed appearance is his way of keeping warm, though it doesn't mean they can't get a cold. At any sign of coughing, take him to the vet ASAP.

Hope he's okay!

P.S. To keep him warmer, try getting a space-heater. I try and keep the room my bird's cage is in at least at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Put a thick, warm blanket over the cage at night.

Should I get a budgie or a lovebird?


I would definitely get a Budgie. I have owned budgies my entire life since the age of 7 and still absolutely love them. They all have great personalities, not two the same! They are curious and rambunctious little fellows that will guarantee you many smiles. Budgies are very easy to take care of and are great pets for beginners and experts, you just can't bet bored of them.

Lovebirds are great pets too, but they are more expensive, need more care and time. I find they also can be pretty loud (even louder than a budgie!) with their high ear-piercing shriek for attention.

To start off with I would definitely get a budgie and you can always purchase a lovebird later on.

If you do decide to get a Budgie make sure to purchase one from a breeder not a pet store. There is a HUGE difference between the two birds. Pick a bird out that is:

1. Young (you can tell by the markings on their head)
2. Healthy (active, not sitting alone puffed up, panting, or having any discharge from their cere)
3. A bird that seems to have a great personality that is appealing to you

Here is a website on budgies to give you some more information on them and how to properly care for them:

And for future reference here is an article on hand taming your budgie:

Wishing you the best of luck with your new pet!


Why do some budgies like being petted? How do I pet a budgie and without leting it snap my finger off? Do budgies like human touch?

Most budgies do not like being petted. Unlike cats and dogs, whose mothers were constantly cuddling them from the moment they were born, baby budgies grew up with minimal touch from their mothers. Therefore, they view touch as “scary” and try to defend themselves with the only weapon they have—their beak. In the wild, the only time budgies would be touched by an animal much bigger than them would be if a predator got them. So it is realistic to expect budgies to freak out when petted by humans.There are exceptions, however, such as when a budgie is sexually aroused. Then, they will allow their “mate” to pet them, whether it be another bird or their favorite human. My female budgie arches herself when she wants to be “petted” (she is sexually excited) and she then allows me to pet her on her back.If your budgie won't allow you to pet her, there are other ways to show your affection. Talk to your budgie in a happy, excited voice. Sing to her. Whistle to her. Let her ride around on your shoulder as you go about your business. Blow kisses at her. Tell her she is a pretty bird. Let her perch on your finger. Roll around a ball on the floor for her to chase. Let her play with your finger. Let her sit on your head. If you play an instrument, play her a song. There are many other ways to bond with your budgie and show her that you love her if she prefers not to be petted.

Budgie catch a cold??

When my budgies sneezes or are cold, fluffed up, or sleepy all day then I put them in a cage and give them a hot water bottle on top of the cage or a plastic box which I use and a blanket to keep the heat in and and give them calpol +2 months in their drinking water

Some people say put the bottle in the cage put they just pooh on the bottle and they will burn their feet.

I have had loads of budgies ill and some do die because its too later but most survive with the bottle and calpol

I still got Sunbeam he's nearly 6 years old and is friendly and he came in when he was 4 years old fluffed up and cold so I gave him a hot water bottle and a drop of calpol in his drinking water & in a bit in his mouth and a few days later he went back outside with his mate thats 5 years old now called Stratus.

I also give them calpol once a week to make them heathier a live longer