New National English Science Curriculum - What Does It Say About Evolution

What is the importance of curriculum in education?

Any curricula at any level should be based on what objectives or goals the educator or educational institution is trying to achieve in regard to students. A course of study for a class that teaches a student how to touch-type should be very different from one that teaches students to write a novel or a poem or even the results of a science experiment. A course of study for a liberal arts degree should be different from that for an M.D. Classes required for an auto mechanic should be quite different from those required for a physical education teacher.Therefore, a curriculum is of the utmost importance, as it mandates, among other things, how teachers and students will spend their time—in a lab? in clinical practice? in creating? in listening to lectures? It also clearly shows what a class, a department, a school, or an institution values, what these entities see as their mission, and what each expects its graduates to achieve. A curriculum should be the map to the essentials in any course of study, from the classroom level to the institutional level.The success of any curriculum, then, should be judged on the basis of whether it achieves its objective. It’s a test of how well an educational institution (or an individual teacher) defines and understands those objectives. It’s a measure of how well an educational institution (or individual teacher) maps out a way for a student to find his or her way to success as defined by those objectives. It answers the questions, “What do I want my students to know? How can I engage them in a series of activities that will maximize their chances of knowing? How can I measure what they have learned from these activities?” Can the student type x words per minute? Can the student produce a creative work of literature? Can the student diagnose/operate on/cure a patient? Can a student repair a car? Can a student become more physically fit?If teachers or academic departments or educational institutions pay no attention to the demands of curriculum, there’s chaos. Curriculum means far more than “lesson plans.”

Family day care curriculum refers to the?

B. The curriculum is what the children do, not the place where they participate in these activities (which includes staff, hours, and physical environment).

Stephen, I hope you are giving these some thought and adding a little of yourself into this test! You can do it. A lot is common sense!

Can you tell me a little bit 'bout educational system in America?What I need to do to become a good student?

Not all US high schools are as bad as that other poster made them out to be. I should know, I went to one. The problem most of the bad schools have isthat they are filled with stupid poor people. Avoid inner city schools.

In general what you want to do to be a good student is just make the teachers think you are trying hard. If you do that they will grade you easier and give you the benfit of the doubt in most circumstances.
Yes, you shoucl participate in extracurricular activities. They look good on applications and they keep you busy so you dont fall in with a crowd of drug addict losers.