New School Attack In Pennsylvania How Many Of These Kids Who Are Carrying Out These Attacks Are On

"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture" Rev. Ray Mummert, Your Comments

Rev. Mummert is the pastor at Brethren in Christ church just outside East Berlin who supports Intelligent Design.

He has enjoyed some media attention this past year with the Dover School Board case. Among his quotes is the above one which he said last March. It is the same idea he promoted in an interview last Dec when a judge ruled against having ID taught in science classes.

Mummert said he doesn't want to convey the idea that he is against education. Rather, he said, "the push for secularism is coming from the educated segment of our culture." .... Those who are better educated often develop more confidence in their intellect and grow to rely less on God, he said.

Mummert certainly does not speak for all pastors. On Feb, 12th, Darwin's Birthday over 400 pastors across the country preached on the compatibility of the bible, evolution and science. Over 10,000 had signed a petition indicating the same thing.

What are your thoughts on schools with pro-bullying policies ?

It is difficult for me to understand that the liberal policies in the education system has created such a horrible environment in the public schools that a policy for or against bullying is required. Their should be a simple code of conduct that every student should already know, and it is simply enforced. It should be pretty obvious of where the failure is. Liberal values are not suitable to replace moral values. Therefore, moral values should be taught.

One other thing that would be interesting to know, and there is sufficient information to analyze is this. And that is the ratios of white and black students in a school and the effect of that ratio on education and conduct. It should be fairly obvious that a mostly white school will have mostly white values, and the black students will benefit with a suitable education/values. But, if the black population increases to a certain level, things will deteriorate. And, the white (and the good black) students will not benefit with a suitable education/values. It would be interesting to know if there is a ratio and what it is and how it could be calculated. But, in any event, white students should be able to sue for discrimination if that ratio is reached. Whites have a right to a good education as much as blacks, and if the public school system cannot provide it, then there should be other alternatives.

Parents: where were you when you heard about 9/11?

i was living on the streets in victoria BC... and it was 6:30... and some crazy guy came running into teh park where a bunch of us where sleeping and said that someone had bombed the States... we thought he was full of sh*t... i mean, how can you bomb the states???... so anyways, we packed up our stuff and went to the spot where we made our living (we were buskers). The staff at teh hotel that we hung out in front of had come to like us a lot and let us use their bathrooms and stuff... so i went to the can and they had a tv on in the lobby and i started watching just as the first building collapsed.

it was really weird... victoria is a very touristy town... all american shops remained close that day... most of the tourists stayed in their hotels... and there was an older couple next to me as i watched who where from new york... and being there with them watchinng their city... well... collapse... it was intense

also... my sister works and the canadian parliamnet buildings... and i have to say i feared for her safety... canada had gotten threats too... and our parliament buildings are an easy target... i spent the day worried sick (they had all been sent home)